
11th March 2024 - Hybrid Workshop

Zoom Link: Emailed to the registered virtual participants

Half-day: 2:00PM - 6:00PM MST time

2:00 - 2:10


Workshop Organizers

2:10 - 2:45

Keynote Speaker 1:  Yukie Nagai


Flashtalk Session

2:45 - 2:52: "Assessing the sense of control during affective physical Human Robot Interaction"

Baljinder Singh Bal, Alex Pitti, Laura Cohen, Cecilia Laschi, and Lola Cañamero

2:54 - 3:01: "SSUP-HRI: Social Signaling in Urban Public Human-Robot Interaction dataset"

Fanjun Bu and Wendy Ju

Chuxuan Zhang, Bermet Burkanova, Lauren Yip, Lawrence Kim, Ugo Cupic, Stéphane Lallée, and Angelica Lim

3:10 - 3:45

Keynote Speaker 2:  Chung Hyuk Park

Coffee Break 3:45 - 4:15

4:15 -  4:40

Flashtalk Session

4:15 - 4:22: "A Study on Domain Generalization for Failure Detection through Human Reactions in HRI"

Maria Teresa Parreira, Sukruth Gowdru Lingaraju, Adolfo Ramirez-Aristizabal, Manaswi Saha, Michael Kuniavsky, and Wendy Ju

4:24  - 4:31: "Analysis of Social Signals in Human-Robot Action Teams"

Preeti Ramaraj, Arthi Haripriyan, Rabeya Jamshad and Laurel Riek

4:33 - 4:40: "Contextual Bandit Approach to Generating Robot Feedback for Human Exercise"

Roshni Kaushik and Reid Simmons

4:45 - 5:20

Keynote Speaker 3: Henny Admoni

5:20 -  5:50

Flashtalk Session

5:20 - 5:27: "GPT4Engage: Can Vision-Language Models Enable Context-Aware User Engagement Recognizers?"

Zhonghao Shi, Amy O'Connell, Sean Kim, and Maja Mataric

5:30 - 5:37: "Creation of a Joint Body Schema in Human-Robot Interaction: Investigating the Kinematic Features of a Physical Collaboration"

Giulia Scorza Azzarà, Alessandro Tiozzo, Joshua Zonca, Francesco Rea, Joo-Hyun Song, Tri Nguyen, Alessandro Rizzo, and Alessandra Sciutti

5:40 - 5:47: "Toward Enabling Crew Resource Management Objectives in Human-Robot Collaboration in Safety-Critical Situations"

Anushka Potdar and Tesca Fitzgerald

5:55 - 6:00


Workshop Organizers