May is Teacher Appreciation Month and since we are almost done with our school year we need to acknowledge our CPA heroes, our teachers. They have been with us every step of the way these past 9 months, helping us and putting up with our goofiness. Teachers are amazing people. I encourage you to find a current or former teacher and let them know how much they are appreciated!

Thank you, teachers, for all you do and I hope this edition of the Calvary Chronicles is an encouragement to you!

By: Hannah Peifer


Presented by: Alexis Aschleman

Talent Show Registration - May 1st-6th

CPA is very excited to announce our very first fundraiser talent show! Make sure to get your tickets soon using this link.

Talent Show Premiere - May 6th

Join us on Thursday May 6th at 4:30 pm PST to watch the Talent Show premiere while enjoying a live chat during the show. Vote for your favorite talents and then join us for a Zoom After Party Awards Ceremony.

MAP Testing Week - May 3rd-7th

Time to showcase how far you've come and how hard you've worked! Make sure to set up a time to take the MAP test with your teacher if you are a full-time student.

Mothers Day - May 9th

Be sure to thank and do something special for your mother and all other mother figures in your life for all that they do!

Summer School Spots are filling up!

If you are interested in summer school, please talk to your teacher and register at

Registration ends when courses fill up. Be sure to secure your spot and register soon!

Finals Week - May 23rd-28th

Make sure you study hard for final exams!

Memorial Day - May 31st

We hope you have a fun extended weekend and thank you to all of our brave servicewomen and servicemen who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America.

Wrap-up Week- May 31st-June 4th

This is a week to discuss your fall classes, evaluate your MAP test results, chat with your classmates, and celebrate our 8th grade promotion and graduating seniors!

Seniors Appreciation Week - May 31st- June 4th

This will be a great week of fun and friends as we see off all of our graduating seniors! Congrats Class of 2021!

Graduation Ceremony - June 4th

Save the date for CPA's graduation ceremony Livestream. More information coming soon.

8th Grade Promotion- June 4th

This is also the day we celebrate all of the 8th grader's big steps from grade school into high school. Congrats 8th graders!

Summer School begins - June 7th

Take one or two courses to fast pace your school plan or catch up this summer.

Fall Registration

If you are planning to attend in the Fall, and haven't yet registered, please do so now. Seats are filling up quickly!

Talent Show

Presented by: Mrs. White and William Miyazaki

Come one, come all, to our first ever TALENT SHOW! The Talent Show will premiere on May 6th at 4:30 pm PST. We have a team putting together all the videos that you guys sent in. Register right now!

Please invite all your friends and family to the show, it is also a fundraiser for our student scholarships. We hope you join us on May 6th; it will be a lot of fun!


Presented by: Carter Munsinger

The following students have been nominated by our CPA Teachers as Students of the Month.

Gage Johnston

"Gage has definitely become a pro at online school! His improvement from last semester until now has been tremendous! Gage has even kept 100% in one of his classes. I'm so proud of him!"
Mrs. Judith Landa

Faith Leonard

"Faith Leonard has consistently improved since the beginning of the school year. This semester, Faith is excelling in all of her classes (and half of those classes are honors courses)! Not only does she work hard to complete her assignments on time, but she is also an active participant in Debate Club. It's been fun to see her relationship with the Lord grow this year. Faith is a joy to work with and a blessing to have at CPA."
Mrs. Nicole Paynter

Rachel Risden

“This year I have really seen Rachel rise up and tackle her work head-on. Come what may, Rachel has consistently completed her work on time and to the highest level. Her preparation, positive attitude, and thoughtful questions regarding what she is learning have really set her apart this semester. Great job Rachel!"
Dr. Jacob Van Wickle

Jewel Gullum

"Jewel has been a hard-working student the entire school year. She is always engaging to speak with and ready to share her thoughts and experiences with me, which I truly appreciate. Jewel has been active in school clubs as well, participating in the Cooking Club and starting a book club. This is all while maintaining fantastic grades! Jewel's sweet spirit and her work ethic make her an outstanding young person, student, and an asset to our school community."

Mrs. Suzanne Holyde

Jaya Creel

"Jaya is hard-working, responsible, and diligent with all her school work. She has a positive attitude and comes prepared to our meetings. Recently, Jaya moved across the country to another state. She did exceptionally well academically and I enjoyed all the pictures she took documenting her trip. She has a creative passion for drawing and photography. I am so blessed to have Jaya as my student this year."

Mrs. Nelly Campos

Adelaide & Kira Blaivas

"Adelaide (6th grade) and Kira Blaivas (7th grade) just joined our school during the semester break taking a math class each. They are both still enrolled full-time in their original middle school so they are having to work double hard! The girls will be enrolled full-time next semester. I am thrilled about that because they are both such a joy to work with. They are polite, intelligent, hardworking, and creative. Next year, they hope to launch a coding club on campus! I can't wait. I hope you have a chance to meet them."

Mrs. Laury White

Hunter Hajjar

"I am so impressed with Hunter's determination and his improvement as a student this year. He works so incredibly hard and it is such a blessing to watch him grow. Not only is he a great student, but he is also one who spreads joy all around him. His kindness and zest for life are always present. He is a blessing to have as a student and a blessing to our whole community."

Ms. Jamie Benedetto

Kendall Murff

"Kendall Murff is a talented student who also manages to balance many extracurricular activities with her coursework. She is involved in dance, cheerleading, helps teach a tumbling class, and stays active in her church. Kendall has been a pleasure to work with this year because of her straightforward approach to the tasks she completes. I am always delighted to read her responses to discussion assignments and learn what she has been reflecting on in her New Testament Survey class. This semester I also discovered that Kendall draws really well as I've enjoyed admiring the art she submits in her Fine Art class. Kendall was accepted to her top choice university for next year, and I am very excited for her."

Ms. Katherine Fankhauser

Kaleb Kroecker

"Kaleb is such a blessing! His desire to honor God in all that he does is incredible. He is not only engaged in our community at Calvary but also in his local community. He is a prime example of a student-athlete, does excellent work in the classroom as well as on the field/court. It is so fun to see him grow and I can't wait to see what God has in store for him."

Ms. Jamie Benedetto

CPA Teacher Trivia

Presented by: Hannah Peifer, Taylor Lee, and Ashley Cheatham

Since this month is Teacher Appreciation Month, we thought it might be fun to ask the teachers some questions and display three of their answers here. If you want to read all of their responses, click on their picture! Enjoy learning about the teachers here at CPA!


1. How long have you been teaching?

2. What is a hidden talent you have?

3. What is the funniest thing a student or parent has said to you this year?

4. What is you favorite Bible verse and why?

5. What is you worst fear and why?

Mrs. White

1. 30 years.

2. I can fence flip (I am 54 years old, mind you!) I am also an accomplished seamstress as well (clothing and upholstery). I just don't enjoy doing it much.

4. Philippians 4:6-10. I had to memorize this passage to go on a backpack trip in high school. I had no idea that I would quote it and depend on it almost every day of my life for the next 35 years! It has become my lifeline.

Ms. Benedetto

1. I have been teaching for 3 years.

3. The funniest thing a student said to me this year is “God’s wisdom is top of the line wisdom!”

5. This isn't my worst fear but I am always afraid that my alarm clock will not go off and I will miss meetings with my students.

Mrs. Fergus

1. I have been teaching since 1976.

3. The funniest thing wasn't this year, but several years ago. A parent explained how their son/daughter's assignment on the computer was deleted because of their dog jumping on the keyboard.

5. We live in a rural area, and I always worry that a snake will either bite my dog or my husband when they are out working in the grove.

Mr. Beck

1. I have been teaching for 18 years.

3. When asked to think of the funniest thing a student has said this year, I don't know if this counts, but my son said, "Mom, do the people at dad's school know how crazy he is?"

4. My favorite verse is 2 Corinthians 5:21, "He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." I love this verse because it not only sums up the Gospel, but it gives us hope that Jesus bore our sins for us, and as a result not only do we no longer bear them, but instead we are clothed in the righteousness of God; all because of what Jesus did on the cross and nothing that we did of ourselves!

Mrs. Arriaga

1. I have been teaching for almost eight years.

2. A passion I have, besides my passion for Our Lord and teaching, is for the makeup/beauty industry. Therefore, I love to buy makeup products and apply them on myself. I have fairly good makeup application skills. My family and friends have complimented me on some of the makeup looks I have created and applied on myself in the past.

4. My favorite Bible verse is "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. I love this verse and I remember it even more so when I am going through a stressful time and have difficult responsibilities and tasks to complete.

Ms. Fankhauser

1. I have been teaching for 13 years.

4. One of my favorite Bible verses is 1 Peter 1:3, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." It is a beautiful verse to lift up as praise to God, and it is so good to be reminded that when we have put our trust in Jesus, we don't just have hope, but "living hope." No matter how bad things might feel and no matter how broken the world is, God is keeping us and we have so much to look forward to.

5. Flip flops - I can't walk in them!

Mrs. Holyde

1. This is my first year teaching at CPA, but not my first year being a teacher. Overall, I have been teaching since 1993.

2. Embarrassingly, I can sing along to most 80's-90's pop songs.

3. I had a conversation with a student about what it would be like if Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson became president. We gave the cast of Jumanji all positions in his government. It's hard to explain, but it was very funny.

Mrs. Paynter

1. I have been teaching for 9 years.

2. I can Greek dance. In middle school and high school, I was in a Greek dancing group that competed against other groups from around the US and in Canada.

5. My worst fear is showing up to work in my pajamas. Just kidding! I sometimes do that for my 5:30 am meetings. On a serious note, my worst fear would be if something happened to my husband or one of my kids. Nevertheless, everything that I have (including my family) is from God, so that is a fear that I need to release to Him.

Mrs. Landa

1. I have been teaching for over 10 years.

3. One of my students was writing comments for himself on the weekly report and he told himself: "Try harder nerd." It made me laugh! (I knew he was kidding).

4. 1 John 4:8: "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." I love this verse because it shows us what it really looks like to know God. We are called to love everyone!

Mrs. Beck

1. I'm not a teacher. :) I am the School Advancement Strategist...I help market the school, communicate with the school body via emails, social media, and head up fundraising for the school. I've been in this position for one year. Before that, I was a family law paralegal for 16 years.

3. At CPA, I get to monitor the Daily Discussion Forum, and April 19th stands out in my mind. Mrs. White asked the students to post a funny meme. For some reason, the first student didn't post a meme, but posted one word: "Sheesh." Not sure why he chose to do that, but then the next 35 or so students posted the same word: "Sheeeesh" in various forms. Mr. Beck and I were cracking up!

4. My favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Dr. Van Wickle

1. I have been teaching for 4 years.

3. One year I had a student write an English free-writing journal about how his favorite activity, which is to go surfing in the summertime when it's crowded. He explained that this is because there are tons of tourists trying to learn how to surf and he can run over them over with his finless soft-top surfboard.

And I quote: "The third and most brutal is saved strictly for during the summer and only works on finless boards. This technique is like a hit and run car crash. I literally hit them with my board and then run over them. I only do this when I don’t have fins and I am on a soft top so it doesn’t even hurt them, but is always so rewarding."

5. As a kid, I used to have nightmares about drifting away in a hot air balloon. I think it was because I didn't understand how they got down. I knew hot air from a fire made them rise, but still to this day am not quite sure how balloonists get their balloon back on the ground. What if there is a strong breeze that keeps them up there forever? What if they land hundreds of miles away from their car? Or in the ocean? What if you fall out? Due to the many uncertainties I still have about balloons, you can be sure that I will never ever, ever be stepping foot in one.

Mr. Arriaga

1. I have been teaching for twenty one (21) years.

4. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3-10

I like that God gave us instructions on how to best live our life and the Bible verses I mentioned are simple instructions to help me.

5. My biggest fear is letting my students down so that they would not have the best learning experience in school possible.

Mrs. Campos

1. I have been teaching for 12 years.

2. A talent I have is that I’m good at roller skating.

5. My worst fear is accidentally deleting grades or important information in the gradebook.

Mrs. Witt

1. I have been teaching for 25 years.

4. My favorite Bible verse is Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." It reminds me that God is in control and that I need only to be still to hear him.

5. I am afraid of rats! I'm not sure of the origin of my fear, but if I see a rat, I get super speed and will run a marathon if necessary.

Mrs. Russell

1. I have been teaching for 13 years, but I have taught at CPA for 9 of those years.

2. I used to be good at riding horses, and I can usually tell when someone is lying to me.

4. My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 because it helps me rest assured in decisions that I make that are hard.

Mrs. St. Claire

1. 7 years.

3. An entire workshop of 12 students and not a single one had heard of a pager before. ( I guess I am older than I think sometimes!)

4. "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

– Romans 8:38-39

This verse has sustained me and given me peace through the best of times and the worst of times.

Mrs. Gillis

1. As CPA's Homeschool Parent Mentor 1.5 years. As a homeschool teacher, for 6 years.

4. 1 Samuel 1:27; For this child I have prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart.

When I got married I thought I only wanted TWO boys. I'm so thankful the Lord knew the desires of my heart more than I did, because I could not imagine life without all THREE of my children, one being my daughter who is my best friend.

5. The Dragon Swing at the carnival. No seatbelts and I swear I almost fell out of one as a kid.

Teacher Appreciation

Presented by: Hannah Peifer and Taylor Lee

Our teachers work hard to make sure we receive a great education. The least we can do is thank them... and that's just what we did! The students here at CPA wrote messages to their teachers thanking them for their hard work and dedication to making sure we get smart and prepared for college! And on behalf of all the students, THANK YOU teachers for everything you guys do for us. We love you!

Click on the teachers' picture to read all the kind and loving messages our students wrote!

Mrs. Witt

"Mrs. Witt, thank you so much for being such an amazing teacher. Thank you for your encouragement and willingness to listen to what I have to say. Thank you for genuinely caring and making our weekly meetings fun. I thank you so much for everything you have been doing throughout this school year, and may God continue to bless you."

Aaliyah Lord

"Hello Mrs. Witt, thank you so much for being my teacher. You have been the best through helping me with scheduling my work or encouraging me to do my work, so I don't have to do anything on the weekend. I really appreciate you. You're best!!"

Liam Fox

Dr. Van Wickle

"Hello Dr. Van Wickle! I don't really know where to start, but I just wanted to say thank you for being such an awesome and understanding teacher. I always enjoy hearing your insight on things and our discussions. You've helped me out a lot when I've felt kinda dead and hopeless while studying and it has been a HUGE blessing. Thank you again. God bless!"

Rachel Risden

"Thank you for always taking your time to teach me. Along with always having patience with me, and motivating me to do better!"

Cyrus Young

Mrs. Russell

"Mrs. Russell, thank you so much for the amazing last four years! You have truly made me look forward to all of our meetings with your positive attitude and extreme patience when it comes to all of my math questions! I look forward to the last few weeks I have to meet with you."

Victoria Gardner

"Hey Mrs. Russell,

Thank you for being such an amazing all around teacher and working with me through things whenever I need you. You've been extremely helpful the past two years and I'm glad that you have been my teacher after last year. Hope you have an amazing rest of your year and your summer. I will miss you next year!"

Nathan Snyder

Ms. Benedetto

"Hi Ms. B! Thank you so much for your guidance this year; you've been incredibly helpful in all of my studies. You have a big heart for your students and it's shown time and time again. I appreciate all of our weekly meetings and look forward to finishing the year out strong with you! God has given you an amazing personality, and a beautiful soul. Thank you again for all your hard work." :)

Carmel Stonebraker

"I appreciate you, Ms. Benedetto! You are the most kindest, caring, and smartest teacher ever. I'm very grateful for having you as my teacher."

Maritza Salinas

Mrs. White

"Thank you so much for being such a wonderful teacher! You're so patient and so kind. You've made these last few months so much easier and you have been so supportive. You've given me amazing advice on how to trust God that is helping me so much with my move back to America. Thank you so much for everything you've done! And between you and me, you're probably the best teacher I've ever had!"

Scarlett Turi

"I appreciate Mrs. White's guidance and support. Whenever I have a question, she is always there to help me. She is very encouraging, supportive, kind, and understanding. I feel blessed to have her as my teacher for my first year at CPA and during all the challenges of COVID-19."

Alyssa Megyesi

Mrs. Arriaga

"Thank you for everything Mrs. Arriaga! You have always been so kind and caring to me and to all of your students. Thank you for caring about how I am feeling and how my days have been. It is always a pleasure being in your workshop! Thank you!"

Mariah Mata

"I appreciate you for being so kind and approachable. You are always helping me understand Spanish better and made me feel comfortable enough to ask you for help. You are an amazing teacher and I really do appreciate you."

Javaughn Miller

Mrs. Campos

"Thank you so much Mrs. Campos. You've really helped me with everything that I needed help with. You've prayed with me whenever I needed prayer, and you were sensitive to the things happening in my life. Thank you, and much appreciation."

Elijah Page

"I appreciate the way you teach me. When I get something wrong or answer wrong, you don't just mark it off as wrong. Instead, you make sure I know what is wrong about it and what the right answer is and why. This has definitely helped me learn. You are also very kind and the fact that you don't act too upset with me for forgetting the MAP skills every week is very comforting. I am very happy to have you as a teacher."

Liam Kopacz

Mr. Arriaga

"Hello! Mr. Arriaga, thank you for everything.

I'm always having a really, really fun time when we are meeting.

I am thankful that you're my teacher.


Ami Sato

"Thank you Mr. Arriaga for helping me through my transition from public school to online schooling. It was a struggle trying to teach myself, but you have made it a lot simpler. You have helped with keeping me responsible for my grades and not letting them slip. Thank you."

Ezekiel Stansberry

Mrs. Paynter

"Thank you for always helping me during my meetings and for always being in a godly and cheerful spirit! Thank you for being lenient and working around me and my family's schedule! I hope to have you again as my next year's teacher!!" =D

Noah Bendijo

"Hello Mrs. Paynter!

I am so grateful to have you as a teacher this year. You are so kind and made the adjustment to CPA so much easier! You are so helpful academically as well. If I struggle on a topic in a class, you clear it up in time to help me with it! You are super considerate, approachable, and I love talking to you about chickens! Thanks for being such an awesome teacher!!" :)

Claire Beck

Mrs. St. Claire

"Mme St. Claire, I appreciate your patients with people and Adobe. I appreciate that you take the time to thoroughly explain material we do not understand and how you give resources to help memorize words, like verbs. I appreciate that you make learning fun.

Merci beaucoup Mme St. Claire."

Elias Leon

"I appreciate you, Mrs. St. Claire! Thank you for your time and effort into making sure I understand my work. You're always willing to help me improve and grow when I'm struggling and always congratulate me when I do well. Thank you for the grace you show and the time you give to help your students. You're appreciated in all that you do, so thank you."

Emerald Oakes-Day

Mrs. Landa

"Hey Mrs. Landa! Thank you for helping me through this whole year and I appreciate all the time you spend helping other students to make sure they understand everything. With your help, I have been able to improve my grades, and impress my family. This may not be a very long message, but I just want to say thank you!"

Juno Kat White

"Dear Mrs. Landa,

Thank you so much for all you have done for me and for all the other students. Without you, I wouldn't have the grades I have today. Our conversations at the beginning of our weekly meeting always make my day, and even just talking to you in general does. Thank you!"

Abigail Lesmana

Mrs. Holyde

"I really enjoy being a part of Mrs. Holyde's Creative Writing Club. It's often one of my highlights of the week. I love how she lets us do our own thing, while also maintaining order in the meetings. She's very supportive as well, which I think all of us in the club appreciate!"

William Miyazaki

"Thank you for being so helpful to me this year. I have been struggling from this transfer from in-person to now online, but you have been helping me through walking my steps toward greatness. You're kind, (which not many teachers are) you make time for students who need help and are struggling. If I didn't have you as a teacher, I don't think I would pass this grade to 8th. Thank you for always being there for me."

Aiden Henry

Ms. Fankhauser

"Ms. Katherine has taught me a lot in the last four years, and shown me so much grace. I think high school would have been a lot harder without her. She would always find something to talk about and connect with me. I appreciate Ms. Katherine so much because of how sweet and caring she is."

Sarah Dujay

"Thank you so much for being a tremendous teacher, Ms. Fankhauser! Thank you very much for being insightful, informative, and helpful when I don't fully understand a subject! Thank you so much for being encouraging, and supportive when I am feeling down! Thank you so much for being kind, and understanding when I unfortunately procrastinate! Thank you for being heartening throughout our weekly meetings! Thanks ever so much, Ms. Fankhauser!" :)

Richard Mutangi

Mr. Beck

"What I appreciate about Mr. Beck is how he can make a subject I usually find boring (Bible) enjoyable! He is always talking to everyone in the Bible club, and jokes around with us when we run into a funny name or an odd situation in the Bible. :) I look forward to the Bible Club meeting every week! Mr. Beck is kind, caring, funny, talkative, and one of the best Bible instructors I ever had!"

Jaya Creel

"Mr. Beck is the Bible club's advisor, and the school's director. Being the director, Mr. Beck has so much to do but he is always in a good mood and ready to help. He is always friendly and makes sure that everybody is okay and doing well in school. Did I mention that Mr. Beck has a good sense of humor? Yes, we always have something to laugh at in the Bible club. May the Lord bless you, Mr. Beck and your amazing family. May He answer all your prayers, and give you the desires of your heart. I appreciate you, Mr. Beck!"

Léa Mulasi Kalangwa

Mrs. Lashlee

"Mrs. Lashlee, I pray that God will continue to give you strength and that He will heal you. I pray that you will be able to start teaching again this fall because you are deeply missed and loved by the whole school community. God is so good and has been with you on this journey so far, so I know He won't stop now. He is right there with you through it all. Praise and glory be to Him! Amen!"

Emma Ruetz

"I have been inspired by Mrs. Lashlee every time I have talked to her since she was diagnosed with cancer. Through this fight, she has chosen to place her trust in God and to walk joyfully through this difficult season in her life. The light of Christ shines through her brightly, and I can personally testify that God is using the hardship she is going through to minister to others. I cherish the memories of Mrs. Lashlee being my teacher and I'm incredibly grateful that she is planning to return to CPA, so that many students will be blessed with the opportunity to learn from her!"

Elliana Kirk


Presented by: William Miyazaki

The News-Leaders team has been working hard to put together this May Edition Newsletter, as well as leading the school community in areas such as the Daily Discussion Forum. One thing the team does is making sure everyone who posted an appropriate response in the forum will get a full rating, as "a worker is worthy of their wages." (1 Timothy 5:18) If you are a student here at CPA, help the team out by rating the person right above you after posting for the day! This rating can be done by clicking the drop-down box at the bottom of one's post. Thank you!


Presented by: Mrs. White

Busy, busy, busy... That's probably the best way to describe what the Yearbook Team has been up to! They have just finished the 2020-21 edition of the school yearbook and are so excited for you to get your first copy! Order now for your memory book.


Presented by: Seth White

What the photography club is doing.

This month the photography has been working on editing and taking different photos. Their subjects have been the skies, trees, and prized possessions. They meet every Monday at 8:00 am PST in Mrs. Russell's classroom. You can also contact her through email!


Please click to view more


Presented by: Ashley Cheatham

Prompt #1: Write a story about France

In this prompt, students could write a story or a poem. The response needed to be about France or something related to it. This could include the country itself, baguettes, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, etc.

Prompt #2: In five minutes, write a story that includes milk and a clock

For this prompt, students had five minutes to write a story. The only requirements for the story were to include milk and a clock. Each student wrote their story on a single slide in the document below.

Milky Clocks Prompt- 5 Minute Prompts

The Creative Writing Club meets once a week where students gather together and have fun writing stories. There is a new prompt every week to complete which students can share with the other club members. This prompt can include anything from poems to funny real life stories. Currently, the Creative Writing Club is working on a group project where everyone is writing a part in a joint sci-fi novella.


Presented by: Carter Munsinger

Advanced Cooking Club has made a lot of changes since the last newsletter! They have added new meeting times, cooked some more delicious treats and food, and much more!

Here is their new schedule:

1&3 Friday of every month ~ Normal Cooking Meetings (Challenge Assigned/Presented)

2&4 Friday of every month ~ Show & Tell, Cooking Videos, Games, and much more! (No Challenge)

They wanted to add the new times so they could have more of a hangout time! In this club, they want everybody to make friends and have a great time!

They Meet in Zoom. A link will be sent out Via the Calvary Website, and their private Google Hangout one hour before every meeting!

They Hope To See You All There!

If you want more information, please visit their site below.


To Sign up for emails, etc.


Upon Submission, you will be added to their Google Hangout!

Mirela Perez’ Menu


Presented by: Carter Munsinger

This month, we are currently still reading through the book of Mark. Our Bible studies involve both group study sessions and occasionally smaller focus groups. The Bible Clubs' latest project, Bible Club Verses for Encouragement, is still open. With this project, we encourage our members to submit verses that personally affect them along with their testimonies. This document is also still open to the school-wide community through this newsletter link below. We hope to see more verses/testimonies from all over the CPA community.

To end, as the CPA Bible Club, we invite all to come and check out our meetings every Wednesday at 8 am PST.

Student Contact for the Club - Kaesha Guillaume (President);

Club Advisor Contact - Mr. Beck,


Presented by: Hannah & Sophia Peifer

This month, James Li shared math problems that had been used on previous American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) tests. The Math Club participants worked together to figure out solutions.

They meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. PST in Mrs. Paynter's classroom.

For contact information you can email James Li at ( or Mrs. Paynter at (

These pictures were taken during their meetings.

(The Math Club doing their actives.)

(The Math Club at their meeting.)


Presented by: Mrs. White

The Debate team is preparing for one last debate to take place on May 22nd. They are going to finish the school year with a challenging topic that they are all interested in knowing more about. The idea of defunding the police was discussed at length and they are now researching and preparing a debate to further challenge their understanding. Don't miss next month's edition of the newsletter to watch the outcome of this event.

If you would like to join, the Debate Team meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 12:00 p.m. PST in Zoom.

Email Mrs. White ( or their leader Kaesha ( for more details.

Mrs. Lashlee

Presented by: Mrs. White

Mrs. Lashlee has received her last treatment and we are praying for a full recovery. Please join us to continually pray for her to be restored to perfect health and to come back to CPA this fall!

We miss her!


Presented by: Richard Mutangi

Clearly, the Bible tells us that the nature of the world is opposed to God. God is holy and the world is sinful. God is light, the world dwells in darkness. The world lives in impure notions; it possesses the flesh's lusts which are against the Spirit of God. Love, grace, mercy, holiness, peace, kindness, goodness, and righteousness abide in God. For all of these reasons, we should not love the world or the things in the world as the world is in opposition to God. We who love Jesus Christ and believed in Him are not of this world, just as our Lord is not of the world. Furthermore, this world is against God’s truth. It is against the redemptive gospel of Christ Jesus. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is God, and is of God. God gave His Son as an offering for humanity’s salvation.

Jesus had to come to Earth and take on flesh. He had to be fully God and fully man and live a holy life in this world. In His life, He had never sinned; He was blameless. He had to be holy so that by His sacrifice we can be righteous. He had to be a man for Him to have blood and for His precious blood to be shed for our purification and for the forgiveness of our sins. "Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins." (Hebrews 9:22) He had to be a man to completely feel the intense and deep pain He endured when God punished Him as He took our place, crushed Him, placed on Him all our trespasses, put over Him His wrath, and made Him sin. By all these, He died for sin once and for all. If Jesus Christ did not come in flesh, then all this would have not been possible. As His coming in this world while being a man and being God is fundamental to God’s truth and redemptive gospel which saves us, when one comes and confesses the contrary, he or she is not of God, as John explained in 1 John 4:2-3. However, we should not be worried about that as the One we love and believe in, He who lives in us, is greater than he who is in the world. Plus, not only is He greater, but He has overcome the world and through Him, we also have overcome it.

~Richard Mutangi Kalangwa, East Africa


Presented by: Ashley Cheatham and William Miyazaki

God has brought us laughter and given us happy hearts. For our happy hearts always make our faces cheerful! Why not now again?! There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens, including a time for joking! (Proverbs 15:13; Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Therefore, a warm welcome to “joKING”! joKING is the comic section of the
Calvary Chronicles that leaves you with a big smile on your face! In addition to that, only original memes will be featured here. We have four memes here today, so click on the image for it to stop moving.. We hope you'll enjoy them!

Thank You!

Presented by: Taylor Lee

Thank you for reading this month's edition of Calvary Chronicles! This newsletter was made by our Newsletter Commander, Hannah Peifer, and the Newsletter Team: Alexis Aschleman, Ashley Cheatham, McKenna Cooke, Sophia Peifer, Richard McD. M. Kalangwa, Taylor Lee, Carter Munsinger, Seth White, and William Miyazaki.

A special thank you to Mrs. White.