Health & Physical Education

About Miss Sheehan

Hello, my name is Miss Haley Sheehan! I am a graduate of Cairn University where I received my Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education. This is my 4th year at Calvary Christian Academy, and my second year as the Health and PE Teacher. I am looking forward to being able to use the gifts that God has given me in order to impact the lives of our students and children. Sports, staying active, and pursuing a life of health has been a huge part of the way that God has worked in my life and I am excited to share that with others!

**For information regarding specific classes please click on either the "High School PE" tab, the "Junior High PE/Health" tab, or the "High School Health" tab, located at the top of this page.

Pursuing Imago Dei

Imago Dei (The Image of God)

Pursuing a resemblance of the "Image of God" is an intimidating task! With our RREACH Characteristics we are working on taking small purposeful steps towards being more like Christ.

In each unit there will be an emphasis on displaying our RREACH characteristics with the purpose of moving us closer to resembling the image of God in all that we do (in PE and in our everyday life).

Rules and Expectations

Each student receives a copy of this paper at the beginning of the school year.

We discuss all rules and expectations together in class and then sign the paper claiming that they have read and understand what is being required of them.