
April 1st

Daily Introduction Video

First, let's watch our morning meeting!

If you would like to complete today's STEM makerspace challenge, please go to and log in using your child's ID password (first name with capital letter)


It's time to check in with Mrs. McBride for our Fundations lessons for the day. It is a two part video, so make sure you watch both videos!

Now, let's practice our digraph -ck.

-ck Practice Sheet.pdf


It is time to learn our two new position words with Mrs. Logan!

Can you find what is in front of and behind on this worksheet?

Math Chapter 10.2 Homework Sheet.pdf

Making Meaning -Reading Comprehension

Mrs. Nuskey is going to read our next story to us for making meaning. Please watch and follow her directions.

Other Activities

Let's practice writing and reviewing our new sight word 'they'!

They Worksheet.pdf

Here is a science lesson! Please watch the "biggest tree in the world" video from Mystery Science. As a challenge, can you design your own tree? If you do, fill in a crayon box to show you completed the challenge!

It's Wednesday, which means we have Spanish today! Please head over to Mrs. Swope's page to find Spanish resources for the day.

Since it is April Fool's Day, here is a cute little story you can watch if you would like to :) Completely optional!