Monday, April 27th &

Tuesday, April 28th

Introduction Video

A Special Announcement...

Your friends have been making some incredible creations and videos on our class Flipgrid page! I wanted to highlight just a few of the videos that were posted last week that show the talent and the creativity your friends from K2 have. Honestly, I had a hard time only picking two to highlight so I would like to continue to highlight a few each week on our Monday page. Keep posting and maybe I'll be able to post your videos in the weeks to come!

Even if you do not complete a challenge for the day, I highly recommend at least going to the site and seeing what your friends are doing, as well as commenting on their videos. It is really encouraging to hear from each other and interact through video. Enjoy these videos from your friends!

Isaac's Flip Grid 4/22.mp4
Olivia Flipgrid.mp4

Required Activities


This week we will continue Unit 5, which talks all about sentences.


*Please watch videos and complete activities in the order presented below.

In this video, Mrs. Logan reviews letters, letter sounds, and tapping to read and write! Make sure you have your "tile board" before you begin!

Let's learn what our two new sight words are for this week!

Now, it is time to practice reading complete sentences!

Can you change one word in the sentence using the picture clues? You can write your answers on a plain piece of paper if you would like!

*Please email a photo of this assignment, or post a picture of this assignment to your child's class dojo portfolio.

Week 2 Change the Sentence.pdf


This week, we will continue learning all about 2D shapes. To begin the week, we will review the shapes we learned last week. We will learn all about hexagons by the end of this week!


*Please watch videos and complete activities in the order presented below.

It is time to review the shapes we have learned so far!

Here is an activity that allows you to practice your shapes AND your sorting!

*Please email a photo of this assignment, or post a picture of this assignment to your child's class dojo portfolio. If you are not able to complete this specific assignment due to a lack of a printer, you can create something similar using household objects or drawings.


It is time for another math activity!

Let's join the McBride kids for snack time! What shapes will they see?


Mrs. Nuskey reads us a book all about how caterpillars turn into butterfies!

What is a fact? What is an opinion? Mrs. Nuskey reviews these with us!

Learning Extension Activities (Optional)

If you would like additional resources, activities, and materials related to this week's lessons, please visit our learning extensions page for the week by clicking on this button!