Scholastic Book Orders

You can place your orders online at

Our Class Activation Code is: MZV83

Dear Parents,

Over the past few years, more and more parents have enjoyed the convenience of online ordering from our monthly book clubs. The site has been redesigned and seems easier than ever to use. If you would like to order online, the directions are below. (Of course you can always send in the printed flyer with your child) There are a few advantages to ordering online; you will find a wider selection of books than in the printed flyers, and you can send your orders directly to me online and use your credit card to pay.

It's so simple! Here's how it works:

  • SIGN UP at If it is your first time ordering, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to me.
  • SELECT the books you'd like to order -- choose from thousands of titles -- many more than in our monthly flyers.
  • SEND your order to me online by the due date and your child's books will be delivered directly to my classroom.

Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure.

Of course, if you prefer, you can still order using the form from the printed flyers. Just send them to school with a check made out to Scholastic. Only one check is necessary, even if you order from several flyers.

If you would ever like to give a book to your child as a gift, let me know via email and I will get the book to you "secretly" when the order arrives.

Thank you and let me know if you have any questions,

Mrs. Logan

*Please note: Scholastic is a secular company and does not necessary represents Calvary values or beliefs. Please use your discernment when ordering for your child.