
Homework Philosophy

In kindergarten, children will be getting homework starting in October. There are many reasons for this, including teaching responsibility and practicing skills taught in class to develop mastery. Children do not 'master' a concept until they can demonstrate a consistent understanding of the taught material in at least two different settings. It is one thing to be able to understand and complete work in a classroom setting. Being able to take that knowledge and apply it at home in a more independent setting is quite another thing!

This year, your children will be getting homework on the first day of the week that we are in school, and it will be due on Friday (or the last day we are in school) each week. If there is a shortened week due to holidays or other events, your child might not have any homework.

Remember that homework should not be more than 10-15 minutes in length each night. Please spread out the assignments over the course of the whole week. For example, if there is handwriting practice and children must write letters 6 times, only practice two per night the correct way. Spreading it out and providing consistent, everyday practice helps build repetition and mastery.

One thing I do ask is that you sign the homework cover letter each week to let me know that your child completed their homework and that you looked over it. This will count towards your child's grade for 'prepared for school' on their report card, so please remember this important aspect.

Kindergarten Homework Policy:

  1. Your child must complete their homework in pencil. If your child completes their homework in pen regularly, they will be asked to redo their homework. Writing consistently in pencil aides in their penmanship and helps greatly when they make mistakes!
  2. Your child's homework must be finished completely for full credit to be given. If your child cannot complete the packet in a week, that means the work is too hard. Please let me know, and I will adjust your child's homework accordingly. Also, homework should be difficult enough that it takes more than one night to complete. Please let me know if that is the case so I can also adjust your child's homework accordingly!
  3. Homework is leveled. That means that each child will be getting an individualized homework packet based on their ability levels in math and writing. If you ever have any questions about the work coming home, please let me know and I would be happy to discuss why they are receiving the work they are!
  4. Lastly, and most importantly to me, neatness is a factor. If your child sends in a homework packet that is sloppy and is obviously not their best work, it will be sent home again the next week along with the homework that is due that week. That means there will be double the amount of work. The reasoning for this is that consistency is a key for children this age. If they get away with sloppy work that is not their best now, it sets them up for doing the same thing in years to come. Therefore, I always expect their best, knowing that it will look different for each child. If I feel as though your child could do better, a note will come home explaining my reasoning. Thank you for working with me on this important factor!

Homework Tips

Homework is a big transition for kindergarten students, and one that sets them up for future success (or struggles) throughout the rest of their school years. Because of this, it is important to focus on homework in kindergarten and help the students learn valuable skills early on. Here are some practical tips to ensure success:

  1. First, never do your child's homework for them. You may help your child if they struggle, but please make a note of any help you give so I know your child's progress!
  2. Second, always have your child complete their homework in pencil, not pen. I know pen is more exciting for the children, but it does not provide the same opportunity for corrections as a pencil does. If there is one thing I do know, it is that you want to be able to change something with your child if necessary!
  3. Third, please spread out your child's homework over the week! Please do not work on homework more than 10-15 minutes a night. They were already in school 6 hours in a structured setting, and doing too much homework each night will burn them out.
  4. Fourth, it helps your child to have a specific routine with homework, such as a designated place to work on homework or a specific time frame when it is homework time.