
We invite you to review the really excellent resources shared out for the recent “Healing Through Zoom” Town Hall:

The following resources specifically relate to IPOC folx regarding anti-blackness within different cultures, but are still important for white identifying folx to read as well to understand how White Supremacy Culture caused this division and issues like colorism within communities:

Paths to Empowerment: A Conversation about Cooperative Governance

August 27, 7pm PST

A panel discussion about democratically-run arts organizations with the San Francisco Mime Troupe, HMD/The Bridge Project, the Stud, and Campo Santo. Moderated by Nicole Gluckstern, theatre critic for KQED Arts, and co-curator of IncivilitySF. More info here.

Introduction to Accountability with Mia Mingus

In this 2-hour class, Mia Mingus offered a basic introduction to what accountability means as well as guidelines for action steps, from a transformative justice lens. She offered some introductory and contextual basics and core concepts to transformative justice.

Mia Mingus is a writer, educator, and community organizer for disability justice and transformative justice. She has been engaged in TJ work for more than a decade at both the local and national level, specifically focusing on intimate and sexual violence, especially child sexual abuse.

This session was not recorded but more information on accountability and Mia’s work can be found here.