Student Assistance Program: New for 22-23!

This year Caledonia is excited to offer a Student Assistance Program (SAP) with Pine Rest. An SAP provides all students in our district and anyone in their household with access to 3 free counseling sessions per issue with a licensed mental health professional. Families wishing to access these benefits just need to call 800-442-0809, press 1, and say "I have an SAP with Caledonia Community Schools."



Personal Advantage Library:

Commonly Asked Questions:

  • Does Caledonia receive information on who accesses services?

      • No, Caledonia only receives information on the number of individuals accessing services. NO identifying information is shared between entities.

  • Does this only apply to students?

      • Students and ALL members of their household can access 3 free counseling sessions per person.

  • What if a different problem comes up?

      • You are limited to 3 counseling sessions per episode of care. If a new concern requires counseling support, you will receive 3 more counseling sessions for the new episode of care.

  • What if I want to continue in counseling after my 3 free sessions?

      • At intake, Pine Rest will ask about your insurance information so you can be matched with a professional who can take your insurance if you wish to continue after your 3 free sessions are over. If you cannot afford to continue care, Pine Rest has a financial assistance program that may help.

  • What other benefits are available?

      • The SAP program provides all our families with access to Elder Care Consultation, Legal Consultation, and Financial Consultation. Please refer to this flyer for details.

Click below for a video tutorial on the SAP program and the Personal Advantage Library.

SAP Part 1.mp4
SAP Part 2.mp4
Caledonia SAP Overview.pdf

Online Health & Wellness Library:

All SAP members have access to an online Health & Wellness library. This library includes articles, videos, webinars, forms, calculators, locators, assessments, and training. Log on today using the following:


Username: CaledoniaSAP