Welcome to our College and Career Site!

We are excited to guide you through your college and career journey. We want all of our students to be college and career ready!

In this site you will find information about different colleges and careers. You will also find information about financial aid and scholarships.

Use the tabs at the top to explore the site.

Ms. Coria

School Counselor

Hi! My name is Ms. Coria; I am the school counselor at OMC. I am a first-generation college student graduating from University of California, Santa Barbara and California Lutheran University. Over the past three years I have worked with high school students at Channel Islands High School and first-year college students at Moorpark College. I am excited to bring my experience from CIHS and Moorpark College over to Oxnard Middle College. I am ready to support students in achieving their academic, career, and personal goals. I cannot wait to hear from all of you. Please feel free to contact me at rica.coria@oxnardunion.org or (805) 751-3280.

Click the calendar to schedule an appointment with Ms. Coria!

What Does it Mean to be College and Career Ready?

Being college and career ready means that students have the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to succeed in life. This includes:

  • knowledge and skills in English and math,

  • social, emotional, and academic competencies; and

  • knowledge of the diverse range of postsecondary options available to them.

"Readiness" is the educational career journey our students take starting in preschool or TK all the way through high school. Throughout this journey, students' skills and academic attributes grow. All educators supports and develop students' college and career readiness.

Check out the PDF to learn more!

College and Career.pdf