Developing and Strengthening Programs and Services to Meet the Needs of 

Long-Term English Learners

This workshop is designed for site and district administrators and EL Coordinators using the 2021 Renewing our Promise as guidance, this workshop includes an overview of what the data says about LTELs across California, a summary of research and key policy changes over the past ten years, findings from a landscape survey of districts across California, examples from districts with promising practices, and key policy recommendations for education leaders.  The workshop will provide templates and guidance in shaping inquiries into your own LTEL population and will acquaint participants with resources for developing and strengthening programs and services.

Learning Goals

Session 1

General Resources

Slide Deck from 2021 Session

Slide Deck from 2024 Session


English Learner Roadmap

Renewing Our Promise

Reparable Harm

Understanding Our Students

Data Quest 


Systems Conditions

TOOL: Leadership Structures to Infuse EL Expertise 

Courageous and Creative Leadership

Two school leadership profiles 

Asynchronous Work:


Reflection Tool 

Recommended District Action Checklist 

Find the Answers to: 

What teachers are serving your LTELs and why?

What resources are available to educators?

What are the current practices and strategies being used to improve LTEL success within your school/district?

Session 2