Leading School Improvement with  English Learners at the Heart:

The English Learner Roadmap for Administrators Strand of Five Modules

Administrators are the linchpin of implementation - the leader who articulates urgency, the ears and eyes to assess what needs to be done for English learners, the supporter for teachers and staff engaged in the hard work of changing practices, a cheerleader and critical friend, a reminder to keep the focus on students, and the manager of critical resources needed to support the work. This series of five modules (over a two-year period) is designed to support district and site administrators as they take up the challenge of doing all of this to enact the comprehensive English Learner Roadmap policy.

Each module of the Leadership/Administrator Strand involves participants in specifically examining their role in leading improvement processes and supporting evidence-based practice and results in a plan for inquiry and implementation to pursue before the next module. Each module also provides a volume of The EL Roadmap Administrators Toolkit with tools, readings, resources, and activities.  The five modules together provide a solid and comprehensive learning and support structure preparing administrators to lead implementation of research-based, assets-oriented programs and services for English learners.

Module One - Session 1 

Video of session

Slide Deck of 2020 session

Slide Deck of 2024 session

Two Truths and a Lie 

Moving the California English Learner Roadmap Policy Forward video

Lessons Learned

Asynchronous Work:


Review the Talking Points (page 20 Volume 1),

Write down your “Why” (page 10 Volume 1)

Can Do:

View the CABE videos on the EL Roadmap (links on page 49 of Volume I).

Module One - Session 2 

Video of session

Slide Deck of session

 T-Chart Reflection: Culling our Experience for Wisdom on Leading Change adapted from page 9 of the Toolkit

Leadership Response Scenarios 

Asynchronous Work:

Continue to invest in your own learning – investigate the ELR resources, read some of the readings in Volume I Toolkit,  check out organizations

Assemble an ELR leadership team and engage the team in an introductory activity/reading of the EL Roadmap and preparing to lead

Module TWo - Session 1 

Slide Deck

Video of Presentation

Student Voice Videos:

Full Video with three students; Video of Mey only

Jigsaw - The Power of Multilingual and Dual Language Programs adapted from Reading on pages 39-41 of Toolkit

Suggestions for responding to Affirming Valuing Students’ Languages and Cultures as Assets handout

Additional; Resources: 

California Immigrant Portal 

CDE Publication Improving Education for Multilingual ...

NCELA/OELA Infographic on Benefits of Multilingualism for all

Alas y Voz  all videos

Video: The Languages My Family Speaks

Video: Its Important To Be Biliterate

SEAL Videos

Asynchronous Work:

Create a chart of your EL population by Typology pg 21

Take time to reflect with your leadership team on one of the three Tools (pgs 31, 42, 44) to identify areas of strength to celebrate and areas of needs and priorities for actions

Read/check out resources in the Toolkit pg 82

Crosswalk Principle #1 to your school/district vision pg 10

Module TWO - Session 2 

Slide Deck

Video of Presentation 

Guiding Questions: 

Student Voice Videos:

Full Video with three students 

Video of Naelly only

Student Quote Tea Party Padlet

“Did you know” document adapted from the activity on pages 47 - 50 of the Toolkit

Community Mapping Template

 Feedback Survey

Asynchronous Work:

Build awareness of Principle #1 – use the language of the principle

Focus in school reopening and recovery on a strong foundation in Principle #1

Engage your leadership team (and others) in using some of the reflection tools, investigations, readings, and dialogues from this Toolkit

Do a walk-around your campus and/or classrooms

Elicit and support EL student voice

Check out some of the resources listed at the end of the Toolkit

Think strategically 

Module THREE - Session 1 

Slide Deck

Video of Presentation

Reactivation from Modules 1 & 2

Grade 4 ELA Social Studies Integrated and Designated ELD video

ELD Video Series Homepage

Deeper Learning – Key Issues Top Hat Note-Taker

Asynchronous Work:

Slow down, this is time for your learning and inquiry  

Visit some classrooms and use the  “What to Look for” tools (I-ELD or D-ELD) What do you see?  How does it deepen your understanding of ELD? What does this raise for you as a leader regarding possible leadership moves?

Module THREE - Session 2 

Slide Deck

Video of Presentation

Reconnect, Reprise, Reactivate Google Slide Deck

Specialized Vocabulary Slide Deck

Cross Language Connections in the Classroom Video

Found Poem jamboard

Asynchronous Work:

Check out the chart “Engaging others” on page 121 – which activities, readings, tools might you use from the Toolkit and Module

Remember, the Toolkit has far more resources in it (activities, tools, resources) than we actually used in the Module – check it out!

Continue with your own learning and inquiries – use the Resources page 123

Module FOUR - Session 1 

Slide Deck

Video of Presentation

Data Dialogue Roles

Data Roles Breakout Room

Asynchronous Work:

Locate your copy of the district EL Master Plan and any district goals, vision statements, instructional visions (EL or not) to BRING WITH YOU to the next session

Ask a variety of staff/roles: 

“Do you have the data that answers to your satisfaction how our ELs are doing?” 

 “Are we using EL data in a way that is helpful for honing in and strengthening our practices and programs for ELs?”

Module FOUR - Session 2 

Slide Deck

Video of Presentation

LMU CEEL English Learner Master Plan Playbook 

The LCAP Toolkit: Using research-based tools to promote equity for English Learners

Being an Advocacy Oriented Leader Padlet

Asynchronous Work:

Review the Resources and Links pages 101-105

Select at least one resource you will check out between now and our next session – for your own learning and connection

Engage in discussion with colleagues about Principle #3 of the ELR