How to Start a WordPress Website Design For Beginners

How to Start a WordPress Website Design For Beginners

The word "template" should ring a bell. This is because all WordPress websites use templates to create the appearance of their sites. A "template" is essentially like a "recipe" for a particular website. "Premade" templates are like IKEA furniture. You can buy them, but you'll have to assemble them yourself. They look generic and aren't well-made. So, how do you make your WordPress website look better than the competition?

Advantages of WordPress Website Design

In spite of its origins as a blogging and publishing platform, WordPress is now used by more than one-third of all internet sites. There are many reasons why WordPress is such a good choice for website owners. For example, it offers:

Flexible and Adaptable

WordPress is a platform that can be used by small businesses and eCommerce stores alike. Regardless of your needs, WordPress will be able to accommodate them.


Even if you don't have technical expertise, you can set up a WordPress site within minutes. The only things you need are your own domain name and a hosting account.

Themes and Plugins

With WordPress themes, you can customize the appearance and functionality of your website. But plugins allow you to add specific functionality to your websites, like shopping carts, contact forms, galleries, and more.

High Ranking

Due to a large number of WordPress sites and their frequency of updating content, WordPress sites will often include plugins and a variety of tools that help them post optimized and regularly scheduled content - they will often rank higher than websites that aren't made with WordPress.

People choose WordPress because it isn't just easy to use. It is also mobile-friendly, has a built-in blog, and offers great customer support.

What's the Difference Between and

Often, people confuse and The site allows you to customize and change the design of your site with complete freedom - it's recommended for people with familiarity with WordPress. A self-hosted website offers you the most customization. In contrast, is a service that provides customers with managed WordPress hosting and takes care of other aspects of your website for you. As a result, you have less flexibility when it comes to designing your website. It is simpler and easier, so it is recommended for beginners.

Is It Easy to Build a WordPress Website?

Adding pages and blog posts to your website is easy when you use WordPress. The admin area of your website will contain the Add New and Visual Post Editor buttons. You can then add text, images, and audio to individual web pages. You can also add permalinks to individual web pages. These options will help you define the structure of each individual web page. Once you've finished adding pages and blog posts, you can start to customize your WordPress site.

If you're a beginner, you'll probably not have many plugins. However, you can find them easily in the plugin directory found in the admin dashboard. The next step to creating a website with WordPress is to add administrative pages. These pages include contact and about pages, privacy policies, and disclaimers. These are important because they protect you from liability when your site is not easily found.

How Do I Start WordPress for Beginners?

A WordPress website can have a variety of elements, from the name of the website to a privacy policy. There are also many ways to customize your WordPress site, such as by adding custom plugins, managing user accounts, and customizing the appearance. WordPress is very flexible, which makes it easy to customize your site for your own specific needs. Listed below are some tips on how to start a WordPress website for beginners.

A WordPress website can be a blog or a static website with no blog section. Adding content is as easy as adding text and images to pages. The interface is similar to a standard text editor, and there is a publish button in the top right corner of the page. You can also display your published content on a website's page, using a menu. The menu is usually found in the header section of a website and is generally used for navigation.

WordPress themes come with many built-in functionalities, such as a navigation menu. But if you'd like to add more functionality to your site, you can customize the theme using CSS, HTML, and PHP. Once your theme is ready, you can add posts and pages to it. You can also use plugins to customize the appearance of your site. Regardless of the style or functionality you choose, WordPress has a large community of dedicated users and developers.

For a rough list of how you can create a new website using WordPress, read more below.

WordPress Website Design - Build a Website

Getting started with WordPress is as simple as ten steps. It will take you no time to get up and running after following these steps.

Step 1: Defining your Website Niche

It's important to choose a niche before you start anything with WordPress. WordPress websites about something that has already been done 10,000 times won't be successful. Make sure that the topic you pick for your WordPress site doesn't feel like a burden to update now or in the future if it isn't for an existing business.

Step 2: Select a Domain Name

The custom domain name you choose should be relevant to the niche you selected in step 1, and should be memorable enough that site visitors won't forget it. It might also be beneficial to do some keyword research. Have a name in mind, but ".com" is already taken? You can try ".net" or ".co".

Step 3: Get a Web Host

Next, you need to find a trusted web hosting provider. These companies are most often recognized for their reliability and infrastructure, as well as their multilingual customer support. There are companies that maintain comprehensive knowledge bases and offer video tutorials as well.

Is It Better to Use a Shared or Dedicated Server?

In most cases, shared web hosting will be sufficient, and it is a popular choice among WordPress users. Discover what hosting types are available below.

Shared Hosting

Web hosting companies offer shared hosting as their most basic service. Similar to renting a house with roommates, shared hosting involves thousands of users sharing the server. The server where your business's domain will be hosted will also be hosting all the other websites on the same server as yours.

Shared hosting has the biggest advantage in terms of cost. The costs of a server are split between thousands of parties, allowing customers to avail themselves of a very low-priced web hosting provider. The second advantage of shared hosting is its simplicity.

Despite the benefits of shared hosting, it sometimes suffers from bad neighbor effects, which can result in slow speeds or downtimes. Customers can even encounter lengthy hold periods. Moreover, you can't modify your web environment, which affects other websites as well. Nonetheless, shared hosting is generally a good choice.

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is similar to renting a space in an apartment building rather than renting an apartment with roommates.

In comparison to shared hosting, VPS hosting offers a number of advantages, including reliability, efficient resource allocation, scalability, and increased resources.

The provider of a VPS web hosting account can charge you much more than a shared host, depending on their prices.

Dedicated Hosting

The majority of companies with several websites use dedicated hosting. The main benefit of dedicated hosting is having your own server. There are no bad neighbors or security risks, and customization is completely free.

It's not for you to switch to dedicated hosting if you're a beginner - the price and technicality are very high and not worth the change unless you have substantial technical expertise. Furthermore, since your website and information are all stored on one server, a minor security breach may cause your whole server to crash.

As well to these three basic types of hosting, there are others, such as reseller hosting, cloud hosting, and self-service hosting. If you are building a website from scratch for your new company, you are better off with shared hosting.

Step 4: Install WordPress

Your next agenda should be installing WordPress and getting it up and running after paying for a website host and domain name.

Step 5: Choosing a WordPress Theme

Choosing a WordPress design theme is next on your list of priorities. Most WordPress themes are free, but there are also other included premium themes that you can choose from - although these are paid themes. It is important to choose a theme that works with both your topic and the layout and content you will be publishing on your site. Either a free theme or a paid WordPress theme works well.

There are a variety of WordPress theme premium options available for a variety of topics. Businesses, services, beauty, education, food, fashion, photography, and many more fall within this category. Any of them can be a great starting point for the site you've always wanted.

Monstroid2 is currently a very popular WordPress premium theme - a lightweight, multipurpose theme with built-in drag-and-drop functionality.

Step 6: Install Plugins for WordPress

A WordPress plugin is a program written in PHP to add specific functions and features to a website. WordPress plugins allow you to customize and personalize your WordPress site, as well as provide your visitors with valuable tools and features.

As you use WordPress longer, you'll discover more plugins that can benefit your site. There are many Plugins available on your WordPress admin dashboard, including JetPack and Yoast SEO.

Step 7: Make Sure Your Administrative Pages Are Complete

Among the most important pages are your contact page, your about page, your privacy page, and your disclaimer page. Before you start adding content to your site, take care of these first - after all, it is easier to add these now, rather than later, when you have published everything else on your site! As well as protecting your site, these pages also protect your site visitors.

Step 8: Publishing Your WordPress Site

It's time to start adding interesting content after you have published all the important administrative pages. It is important that you provide your readers with plenty of quality content, regardless of your niche. Make your pages visually appealing, and continue to add new content on a regular basis. When blogging, include at least one image. The benefit of this is that your readers can share it on social media, and it also enhances your content's appeal. Whether you decide to add content every week, every month, or every other day, establishing a content calendar will provide you with the necessary guidance.

Step 9: Be Sure Not to Forget Marketing

Creating a new site requires two types of marketing. To start with, SEO (search engine optimization): make sure your page titles, descriptions, and body text contain relevant keywords. Secondly, make sure your site is promoted as much as possible during the design phase. Among the free options are social networking sites, discussion forums, and e-mail newsletters. As an additional way to build social connections and link popularity, you may wish to guest post and comment on blogs, forums, and communities.

Step 10: Backup Your Website

Ensure that you back up your content on a regular basis! Keeping your blog's content backed up is the easiest way to avoid having to start all over again in case of a crash. Unless you back up your posts, plugins, and affiliate links, it might take you a while before you can get back up and running. It is advisable to allow your web host to backup your site for you if you do not have time to do so regularly.

Is WordPress Website Design Free?

When it comes to website design, WordPress is one of the most popular options. There are advantages and disadvantages to using it, but ultimately, it depends on your needs and the WordPress web design agency you choose to work with. It also requires more maintenance than other platforms, and may not be appropriate for non-developers. It also lacks a 1-800 support number, so you'll need to find a designer who understands the system and can help you decide which features to use and which to avoid.

The first question that comes to mind is: what is the best way to customize a WordPress website? The answer is a resounding yes! WordPress is loaded with plugins that extend and enhance the default functionality. These add functionality to your site without the need for coding knowledge. The Yoast SEO plugin, for example, makes your site more search engine-friendly. You can install it yourself, or you can hire a professional to do it for you.

Does WordPress Host Your Website?

Do you use WordPress for your website? If so, you may have questions about web hosting for this popular platform. WordPress websites are unique in their functionality and design, and if not optimized properly, they may experience problems that leave your website visitors and readers frustrated. This can cost you valuable website traffic and sales. If you're considering moving your site, it's best to consider the benefits of a WordPress host. The following are a few of these benefits.

The free version of WordPress hosting only allows you to use the blog and basic website functions. You'll get email support and live chat support if you need it. However, it's important to keep in mind that WordPress' free version does not integrate with Google Analytics. You'll have to purchase the business plan to integrate Google Analytics. Similarly, you'll need to use the WordPress ad system if you wish to integrate Google Analytics.

Do You Need Coding for WordPress?

Whether you're building a website or modifying an existing site, you may need to tinker with your code at some point. Learning to understand WordPress's code structure can help you troubleshoot issues and identify the source of an error. For example, if you encounter a website error, you can follow a WordPress error guide to determine the source and fix it. This way, you won't need to hire a professional to create your site.

Besides making your site look great, WordPress is a powerful CMS that lets you customize and personalize its design. This CMS lets you easily add custom functionality without having to know much coding. In fact, if you're a web developer, you can get a lot done using plugins and themes, which makes it easy to customize your site and add your own unique touch. You can also use WordPress as a base for a custom application.

In addition to learning how to use WordPress, you should read the WordPress Codex, the official online manual. The Codex contains information about the various features of WordPress, from the basics to the more technical side. You can even consult with a WordPress developer if you're unsure of how to customize your site. But do not be discouraged; there are resources available for you, free and paid. You'll also be able to choose the right plugins for your website and communicate effectively with them.

How Long Does It Take to Build a WordPress Website?

The time it takes to create a website with WordPress can vary widely. With the use of a site builder, the process may take only four to eight hours. Manual construction may take more time, as the website needs to be tweaked and revised. A beginner may take just a day or two to learn the basics, while someone with more experience may need a week or more. The time it takes to build a website depends on complexity and team size.

While the size of your website will depend on your personal preference, most themes come with default skins and allow only limited customization. If you aren't sure about how much time it will take to build a WordPress website, you may want to hire professional WordPress experts. This option can cost anywhere from $250 to several thousand dollars. It will free up most of your time, but it will cost you some money in the long run. However, you will still have to devote the same amount of time to each page, including routine maintenance.

Costs Involved in Hiring Someone to Build a Website

Hiring a developer to create a WordPress website can be expensive, especially if you're working with a very specific theme or plugin. Hiring a developer is likely to cost you thousands of dollars, both up front and over the long run. But you can save money by starting small and hiring a developer to help you with your site. There are a few things to keep in mind when hiring someone to create a WordPress website, and they'll also be able to help you with some of the more complex aspects of your website.

While hiring a developer can be convenient, hiring an agency will save you a lot of time and effort. The price varies, depending on the agency you choose and the complexity of the project. For a basic website, expect to pay around $220 to $15,000. Hiring a professional, on the other hand, will cost you from $400 to $10,000. You may even have to spend more than that if you want to add an online store to your website.

Should You Use WordPress?

The WordPress content management system is the most popular on the web. WordPress is a powerful CMS that allows you to optimize your web page's title description and URL structure. Matt Cutts, a Google engineer, said that WordPress automatically solves many technical SEO problems and gives preference to sites built on it. You can also find information about parent and child pages, navigational menus, and custom post types in WordPress. You can also see how content is structured within WordPress by viewing the code for your site.

WordPress has some serious disadvantages. It is susceptible to hackers who are taking advantage of the time that WordPress releases new security patches. Regular maintenance is required. WordPress releases new patches and updates every year to protect against these hackers. The problem with installing these updates is that they require advanced knowledge, so it's best to hire a web developer to install them. A good web developer can help you decide which features you need for your website.


Other website builders like Wix and Squarespace are good, but it's no secret that WordPress offers the best services. They have a hosting plan, website builder, and essential plugins. Customers can even create their own customizable eCommerce site for their small business using WordPress services.

Create your own website on the official WordPress website if you're eager to learn it on your own. However, if you're not familiar with WordPress development or creating your own site, then it's best if you hire a WordPress website design expert.

Web design can be difficult for the average person. WordPress experts know what tools to use and what WordPress plugins to install after they create a website.

If you're looking for a web designer that can create a creative and responsive WordPress site for customers and search engines alike, call us today. Our experts can provide advanced SEO tools for your WordPress site and also offer other services so Google will give your website a great SEO ranking.