Mrs. turbeville

About me

Hi! My name is Allison Turbeville. I am a teacher here at West Caldwell. I love my job!! I went to Lenoir-Rhyne college and started teaching in 2008.

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Contact Information

Email is the best method of communication, however we can always set up a Google Meet or phone conference.

The best time to contact me is 10:00am-12:00pm.


Phone Number: 828-758-5583

Fall 2020 Schedule

1st Period - Financial Management

2nd Period -English I, II, III, IV

3rd Period - Civics, American History

4th Period - Intro to Math, Science

Spring 2021 Schedule

1st Period - Middle School Math/Social Studies

2nd Period -High School Language Arts

3rd Period - Middle School Language Arts/Science

4th Period - Planning

Our Learning Management System (LMS)

In my class, we use Google Classroom / Canvas [UPDATE]

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