Coach White

Agriculture Teacher / FFA Advisor

About me

I graduated from NC State and I am the Agriculture Teacher at West Caldwell. I teach the horticulture and animal science classes. Horticulture is a class that teaches students how to grow plants and how a greenhouse works. Animal science is a class that teaches students how to commercially raise animals for production purposes.

I am the FFA Advisor for our FFA chapter here at WCHS. FFA is a club that students in agriculture classes can be a part of. FFA offers students opportunities to compete in competitive events against students from across the state of NC and the USA, go to FFA Summer Camp and Leadership Conferences. I am also the assistant volleyball and women's basketball coach and the head jv softball coach.

Contact Information

Email is the best method of communication; however, we can always set up a Zoom or phone conference.

The best time to contact me is 1:30-2:55pm


Phone Number: 828-758-3250

Fall 2020 Schedule

1st Period - Hort 2

2nd Period - Hort 1 / Agrisciene

3rd Period - Planning

4th Period - Agriscience

Spring 2021 Schedule

1st Period - Career Management

2nd Period - Agriscience

3rd Period - Hort 1

4th Period - Planning

Our Learning Management System (LMS)

In my class, we use Canvas