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Caldwell County Schools offers numerous opportunities for high school students today.  Caldwell County Schools is home to a total of six high schools-
3 comprehensive high schools, 2 cooperative innovative high schools on the campus of CCC&TI, and 1 alternative high school. 

Students can earn college credit while in high school through Advanced Placement or Career and College Promise courses, even with the potential to earn a high school diploma and an associate's degree. Career and technical education courses prepare students for future vocations such as masonry, medical sciences, and business-related fields.  Students can also participate in internships to further their knowledge in a particular field. Through the North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) and the North Carolina School of Science and Math (NCSSM), students can take a number of online high school courses traditionally not available in our district.        


Hibriten High SchoolHome of the Panthers Grades 9-12


South Caldwell High School Home of the Spartans Grades 9-12


West Caldwell High SchoolHome of the WarriorsGrades 9-12


Caldwell Applied Sciences AcademyHome of the KnightsGrades 9-12


Caldwell Early College High School Home of the Mustangs  Grades 9-13*


Gateway SchoolHome of the TornadoesGrades 6-12

Announcements and Updates

District Announcements and Updates 

2023-2024 High School Registration is HERE!

It is that time of year for our current high school students to begin registration for the 2023-2024 school year and rising freshmen to learn more about their high school and register for their ninth grade year!  High School counselors and middle school counselors are working together to share information with students and parents of rising freshmen.

Please review the 2023-2024 Caldwell County Schools High School Curriculum Guide-presentation version to learn more about high school registration and available courses. PDF Curriculum Guide version 

Curriculum & Instruction

NC Graduation Requirements

Early Graduates (coming soon!)

  Schedule/Course Registration 

Special Graduation Honors
(coming soon!)

Parent Guide

Grading/GPA (coming soon!)

Credit by Demonstrated Mastery

Career and College Ready Graduate (coming soon!)


Advanced Placement

Career and College Promise

Career and Technical Education

(coming soon!)

Advanced Learning & Gifted Education

English as a Second Language

Exceptional Children/504

Highway Rooms (coming soon!)

High School Athletics

Work Based Learning/ Internships
(coming soon!)

Useful Links