Safe Eclipse Viewers

Creator: Don Ryan , Credit: The Associated Press

Purchasing is NOT necessary but can be fun.

It is not necessary to purchase anything special to view an eclipse. But, if you have the resources to do so, you might consider purchasing solar glasses to view the eclipse. Here you'll find links to suppliers of solar filters and viewers that you can be confident are safe when used properly.  

Make your own solar viewer

It is not necessary to purchase anything special to view an eclipse. But, if you have the resources to do so, you might consider purchasing solar glasses to view the eclipse. Here you'll find links to suppliers of solar filters and viewers that you can be confident are safe when used properly.  

Do the weather or your location got you down?

Sometimes fog happens. Sometimes you want to watch, but aren't in the right spot. Don't worry, we've got you covered. Check out this Livestream from the Exploratorium!