Elementary StuCo

We hope that these student-designed resources will help you through your day as you're looking for things to do, ways to be kind, and how to stay calm and relaxed when you need it the most.

Our Student Selected Theme for April is


Be sure to visit the StuCo bulletin board in the hallway near the office! Don't forget to complete your coloring page, too. Our grade level assemblies will be held on Friday, March 26!

How can you reduce your Anxiety and Stress?

Created by our own 5th and 6th Grade Elementary Student Council Members

  1. Go outside and run.

  2. Do yoga or meditation.

  3. Admit that you're feeling stressed, angry or upset. Count down slowly until you feel calmer.

  4. Read a book.

  5. Talk to yourself. (This really works!)

  6. Smell something that smells really good, like a candle that you like.

  7. Listen to some music with your eyes closed.

  8. Go to the Calming Room on our Google Classroom.

  9. Walk away, and come back in a little while.

  10. Take a nap or lie down and rest. Try snuggling a pillow to relax, or if you're angry, just punch the pillow to get some negative energy out, then take some deep breaths.

  11. Take some deep breaths. You can do breaths that we learned in school, or you can make up your own.

  12. Think of someone that you love or something that you like. Close your eyes and smile as you imagine the person or thing that makes you feel happy.

  13. Make a board game and then play it with a family member.

  14. Take a hike and take pictures of cool things you saw.

  15. Write in a journal, even if it's about different things than the things that are making you feel worried.

  16. Do a puzzle. This could be something on your Chromebook, tablet, or it can be a jigsaw puzzle.

  17. Clean your room! When it's clean, you can almost guarantee you'll feel good about it. When you feel good about your clean room, you will automatically feel calmer!

  18. Talk to your teacher or a family member. Tell them what's bothering you and try to problem solve together.

  19. Make slime or do a craft project!

  20. Snuggle with your pet.


Use these great ideas to help maintain a positive attitude and growth mindset.

Provided by Makayla and other positive thinking StuCo members.


Even if you don't have a pet, we hope you enjoy a smile with our


Pet photos provided by Raith and many other StuCo members.

Need a smile or a good laugh? You've come to the right place!


Written by Hunter and other StuCo that like making people happy. ☺️

What is a tree's least favorite month?


Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?

Because the students were so bright!

Why did the jellybean go to school?

It wanted to become a SMARTIE!