Do women have a history?




Goal 5 agenda 2030 Throughout the history women have fought for their rights and are still fighting to keep them. At the Security Council, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, A. Guterres denounces the regression of women's rights in many countries. The Executive Director of UN Women Sima Bahous highlighted in the same session the impact of conflict on women and girls, which ranges from disruption of their education to early marriage, sexual and gender-based violence, food insecurity, lack of livelihoods and access to shelter, water and sanitation and dignity. "We have gone back decades," she said. 

This project is about women's rights, but also about what roles women have had in history. From Olympe de Gouges to Malala or Pippa Bacc, how did these rights evolve, how has the status of women evolved over the centuries and what are they becoming? Should we be afraid for the future of our young girls?

Exactly as in the book, our stories braided together and our pupils braided their ideas and skills