Summer Learning 2020

Summer Reading home_base_one_sheet.pdf

All Caddo Elementary schools are using the Scholastic Home Base Summer Reading Program. You can read and play games in the program itself. If you are on a reading streak, you can level up and earn virtual prizes!

Print out the log and bring it with you when school is back in session.

"Over half of every newspaper article, textbook, children's story, and novel is composed of these 300 words. It is difficult to write a sentence without using several of the first 300 words in the Fry 1000 Instant Words List. Consequently, students need to be able to read the first 300 Instant Words without a moment's hesitation."

If you come to school ready to read all the sight words for your grade level, you will not only have an easier time in class, you will enjoy a free popsicle!

Find your list here.

Read about the challenge in Spanish.

Complete a challenge with the public library and earn prizes. This is not the same program we are using at school, but it is a great program that helps the library show that we love and use their resources!

You can complete two challenges between now and back to school!

Open the BINGO card or the Reading Log by clicking on them and then selecting the arrow in the box to open them full sized in a new window.

VIkings Summer Learning 2020

Southern Hills Summer Learning BINGO

Caddo Parish Schools Summer Reading Log 2020

While you're here, be sure to check out our Reading Resources on our main library site! Parents, if your child will have access to a tablet, smart phone, or computer during the summer, you can request your child's information to access the Open eBook library on the Reading Resource page. They will all be given a code to utilize this resource from First Book in the fall, but I am happy to issue it early, if they will be able to use it this summer.