Library Fun

International Dot Day:

SH families, join us in celebrating persistence and creativity on Wednesday, September 15th. Students will help create a Dot Gallery to represent their classes and enjoy the annual reading of The Dot by Peter Reynolds. They are also invited to dress up in dots (store bought polka dots or homemade t-shirts are both great options) that Wednesday.

While students must stay within Caddo Schools Dress Code, creativity is encouraged. Students who are dressed up for Dot Day will be allowed to wear jeans as part of their outfit.

Louisiana Young Readers Choice If you are in grades 3-5, read at least three of the books on the nominee list and you can join us on Voting Day. The Secretary of State is setting up voting booths at the school on January 18th to record our votes. What book will win the school, district, and state levels? Will it be your favorite?