Sea Star

Ms. Jessica

Welcome to the Sea Star Class!

Teacher: Ms. Jessica

Teaching Assistant: Ms. Mary

Sea Star Families,

Thank you for visiting the Hybrid and Distance Learning Website. Here you will find a schedule for the week. If you would like more details for the job tasks referred to below, visit Google Classroom and view the WORK PLAN that is posted each Monday morning. All jobs will be posted there daily, and directions will be given on how to access other programs using the CLEVER portal for the tasks that require another online supplemental program.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me via email at or with a Parent Square message. My office hours are Mon., Tue., Thur., & Fri. from 3 - 4pm. We can also arrange to meet via ZOOM if needed.

Thank you!!

Ms. Jessica

Weekly Work Plan & Daily Schedule

5-24-21 Sea Star Work Plan & Schedule