Distance Education Sub-council Charge

The Distance Education Sub-council of the Instructional Council discusses issues important to online education and communicates to management, technology staff, and faculty on topics and advocacy for online course delivery. The Sub-council reviews college activities related to distance education, learning management system policies, inclusive and equitable best policies and practices aligned with our federally designated HSI status, equity initiatives, and Cabrillo College’s overarching strategic plan. The DE Sub-council provides critical information on the college's distance and correspondence education activities, policies, and procedures to demonstrate the college's compliance with federal and state law. The DE Sub-council is responsible for demonstrating the college's alignment with ACCJC's Policy on Distance and Correspondence Education, participating fully in required accreditation processes through membership on standards review teams as assigned. The Sub-council also informs and approves the DE and Correspondence Education Handbook, and advises required certification for distance teaching. The committee serves as the point of contact for issues related to distance education for the college. The Sub-council also provides input to the district-wide activities performed by various educational, curriculum, and information technology task groups so that college interests are cross-communicated and integrated into the district decision-making process.