Wellington College Belfast
Learning and Teaching

Revision support bulletin
Exam Stress

This is the sixth in the series of Revision Bulletins with the aim that you can further understand how to support your child in their revision for upcoming exams.

Previous bulletins can be found on the school website: https://wellingtoncollegebelfast.org/parents/revision-support-bulletins/ 

This bulletin will focus on Exam Stress

With pupils currently completing GCSE and A Level exams and KS3 pupils working towards summer exams in June, parents and carers should be on the look out for signs of exam stress. This bulletin will give you guidance on signs of stress and include strategies to support your child. 

Having someone to talk to about their work can help. Support from a parent, tutor or study buddy can help young people share their worries and keep things in perspective. Encourage your child to talk to a member of school staff who they feel is supportive. If you think your child is not coping, it may also be helpful for you to talk to their teachers.

Signs of stress in young people

"Helping your child to plan a realistic revision timetable, which breaks the days and subjects down into manageable chunks, will reduce their anxiety by increasing their sense of control and confidence." (Young Minds)

Circle of control 

"When things are beyond our control, it is essential to focus on what we can control no matter how small that may be." (Young Minds)

So many of the stresses young people face are caused by external forces. Make a list of things that are out of their control, then a list of things that are in their control. 

This exercise can offer support alongside helping your child recognise that a major cause of their anxiety and stress could be completely out of their control. Then put in place strategies to help to manage what they can control 

Watch the video link below for guidance on the circle of control:

What can you do?