A2 Sociology

A2 Specification

Students studying A level Sociology follow the WJEC Specification. Click on the link below to go to the WJEC website.

UNIT 3 - Power & Control

Crime and Deviance

Unit 4 - Social Inequality & Applied Methods of Sociological Inquiry


  • Research Design


  • Evidence and examples of areas of inequality related to class, gender, ethnicity and age in contemporary society
  • Theories and explanations for inequality and stratification related to class, gender, nationality, age and nation.


Students will be provided with a comprehensive set of notes. They are also expected to research contemporary studies and statistics.

Exam Dates 18/19

A2 Unit 3 - Wednesday 22nd May 2019 (AM)

A2 Unit 4 - Tuesday 4th June 2019 (PM)