Be Strong Online
Be Strong Online Ambassadors
The Be Strong Online Ambassadors is a digital resilience programme from the Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign which aims to empower the young people in St Ciaran’s to increase their digital resilience and promote positive online behaviour amongst their peers and other young people.
A Be Strong Online Ambassador shares their knowledge and finds creative ways to let their community know about online issues and how to be safe online and stay safe online. The Be Strong Online Ambassadors programme is completely peer-led.
The key message of the Be Strong Online Ambassador programme is “Young people can change the world”.
What do the SCC Be Strong Online Ambassadors do:
Presenting at assemblies to inform the students about internet safety.
Running campaigns to raise awareness of some internet safety aspects such as critical thinking online, selfies and self-esteem, digital detox and cyberbullying.
Creating and delivering PD lessons about online safety issues. These lessons are interactive and fun filled with games; they allow the students to get involved but the serious message put across is that not everything that appears on the internet or on social media is true.
Organising and running activities to promote Safer Internet Day each year.
Creating noticeboards around the school to show some of the work the SCC Be Strong Online Ambassadors team complete. Also keeping the school community up to date with the Be Strong Online work and campaigns on our school facebook and twitter account.
The BSOA Team
Our Leaders:
Lucy O'Neill & Clare Quinn
Staying Safe Online
School Information
School Assemblies
Rebecca, Ella and Lucy, members of the SCC Be Strong Online Ambassadors, presented at the Year 8 and 9 assemblies this week to remind the students to download and use the Safer Schools NI app.
This app is fantastic and gives advice on how to stay safe when online.