Core Values

At Down High School, we believe that Positive Behaviour is achieved through our core value of RESPECT. Our core value of RESPECT means:

Responsibility - We value doing the right thing

We expect that pupils in all situations will do the right thing. As such, behaviour, both in and out of school, must always be such as to bring credit to the pupil and to the school. Good manners and good taste whether in language, dress or demeanour will be expected. Pupils should speak to a member of staff if they are aware of unacceptable behaviour, especially bullying type behaviour or if the safety or welfare of a pupil is at risk.

Effort - We value trying our best

To succeed and fulfil their potential pupils must try their best. We live by our motto “Nothing Achieved Without Effort”. Pupils should be prepared and well organised for all classes and participate fully in lessons. Effort should be put into all homework tasks. We also encourage pupils to try their best through involvement in extra-curricular activities and value participation and excellence in equal measure.

Success - We value high achievement

With effort, every pupil can enjoy success. In every aspect of school life pupils are encouraged to set high personal goals and with effort and commitment pupils should try to achieve the success and rewards they deserve.

Perseverance - We value rising to a challenge

We encourage our young people to display grit, determination and perseverance, rising to the different challenges throughout their school career.

Equality - We value our diversity

We value our diversity and are determined to ensure that every member of the school community is treated with respect.

Community - We value our positive relationships

We are all responsible for making a positive contribution to the school community, helping to foster and strengthen the very positive and friendly relationships that exist. We value the role played by parents, Friends of Down High School and the Old Dunumians’ Association in strengthening our sense of community.

Trust - We value each other

We encourage every member of the school community to act with integrity, reliability and fairness -we value and trust each other.