
Infinite Campus

To check grades:

  1. Visit

  2. Select grades from the menu

  3. Click on subject (I.E. Science) to view overall grade & assignments

Missing Assignments

If there is an assignment missing (indicated with an "M" in infinite campus), then the student can make up the work as long as it is still within the same quarter & turn in late for half credit.

Students are responsible for checking their grades, keeping up with assignments, & reaching out to Ms. Dykes regarding missing work or failing grades.

All missing assignments can be found in google classroom and the in "Absent Folders" in the classroom.

Grading Policy

Grades are based mainly on effort of completion. Students who demonstrate that they are engaged with their work and strive to complete assignments with academic excellence will be successful in class. Each assignment will have a Criteria for Success (CFS) so that students know what they are evaluated on. There are 3 main grading categories:

Test/Quiz Grades

