Behavior Policy

Challenge to Excellence Middle School Behavior Policies

C2E Core Values







After a student is given a warning, an infraction may be awarded if that student breaks a school rule (including but not limited to rules related to academic, behavioral, technology, etc). Students will receive a warning before each infraction.

  1. The first infraction acts as a formal, documented warning. A private conversation will occur between the student and teacher.
  2. A second infraction will result in a lunch detention.
  3. A third infraction will result in an after school detention and parent communication.
  4. If a student earns a fourth infraction within the one week, this will result in an additional after school detention and parent conference.

More severe behavior may result in an automatic detention or suspension. If a student misses his/her assigned detention, the student will be referred to the office. Three after school detentions in a semester results in a referral to the office. Once a student earns three after school detentions, each subsequent after school detention results in an additional referral to the office. Students can earn additional behavior infractions while in detention. All students will be awarded a clean slate at the beginning of each semester.

Finishing Well:

At the end of each quarter, we have a half day to reward students with fun activities of their choice. In order to participate in Finishing Well, the student must have no missing assignments, and no D’s or F’s for the quarter. If a student is deemed ineligible, he/she will attend the finishing well work room. Students will complete assignments that are not past cutoffs and can be completed for credit. Additionally, they will complete a restorative assignment to target work ethic behaviors.

Academic Awards:

Additionally, students are eligible to receive honor roll and other academic awards from administration.

Gold Star and Quarterly Citizenship Awards:

Each teacher will invite one student per month to attend the Gold Star celebration that will take place during the final part of the day of Finishing Well. Gold Star recipients will receive a treat at the end of Finishing Well day. Students will receive the Gold Star award during an awards celebration the final week of the Quarter. Students are selected based upon character and citizenship. One outstanding student from each grade level will be chosen from the Gold Star participants as students of the quarter. They will be awarded with homework passes, assignment extension passes, and front of the line passes to be used in the lunchroom.

Cell Phones:

Cell phones are permissible on campus for grades 6-8, due to participation in after school clubs and athletics. All cell phones will remain turned off in the student’s backpack or locker. Students bring cellphones to school at their own risk. The school assumes no responsibility for damaged, lost, or stolen cell phones. Students in any grade caught with a phone (without specific teacher permission) in class, the bathroom, the playground or anywhere on campus during school hours will have the phone confiscated and taken to the Main Office. A parent/guardian will be required to pick up confiscated items at the front office during regular business hours. Students needing to use the phone during the day should be sent to the front office to use a school phone. Students who do not follow the proper routes of communication could face consequences as determined appropriate by C2E Staff members.

Uniform Infraction (*per the student/parent handbook):

When students arrive in the morning, staff and volunteers will do a visual check to ensure dress code compliance. If a student is out of dress code attire, they will be directed to the office to call a parent to bring clothing that complies with the dress code. The student will not be allowed to attend class until they are in compliance with dress code and therefore, parents of enrolled students agree to promptly bring clothing articles that comply with dress code when their child is deemed to be out of dress code. The student will receive a dress code infraction and may be unable to participate in upcoming dress down days. Repeated violations of dress code may result in out of school suspension and/or other disciplinary action.

Academic Honesty Policy:

Academic honesty means that students will not cheat or plagiarize. It is important for teachers to trust that a student’s work is his or her own to ensure that learning is taking place. Cheating and plagiarism can be compared to stealing and is taken very seriously. Cheating is copying someone else’s work, working together on individual assignments, using materials that are not allowed on specific assignments, or copying and pasting information from the internet, or ANYTHING THAT IS NOT THE INDIVIDUAL STUDENT’S WORK. If it is not your work, representing it as your work is plagiarism. This will not be tolerated. Academic honesty also includes telling the truth in all interactions with teachers and administrators. This means that students should never lie, purposefully mislead, or knowingly spread falsehoods. If a student is found to be cheating or being dishonest, parents will be contacted, affected assignments will receive a zero, and detentions may be ordered. This applies to individual and group assignments.