The individual usually presents between stages 1-3, though will vary depending on their circumstances in life. Some residents may work through all stages evenly, some may move up and down often over time. It is also common to get “stuck or stop” at a stage sometimes for long periods of time.
The stages are worked with the resident in 121 support sessions and sometimes in groups. Each person is treated as an individual and the plan is based around their needs and abilities within it. The client needs/skills assessment live matrix document will help indicate and reflect the stages of the pathway plan, and will be recorded accordingly and reviewed/updated every 3 months.
Stage 1: Physical needs
During this stage of living with the Pringle Group, we focus on the key Physiological needs, food, warmth, feeling safe and health.
This will be completed by practical help with benefits, health appointments, medications, cooking skills.
Good quality / clean accommodation that provides a safe place to be and enable as many of the physical needs to be met as possible.
Stage 2: Mental health & Wellbeing
Builds upon the elements of stage 1 but now includes the Physiological needs - Mental Health, confidence, anger, trust, healthy relationships, self-awareness, addiction and dependency issues.
Working with residents family and friendship groups.
Signposting to specialist services and advocacy and representation on residents behalf, working in partnership with agencies.
Working on a 121 basis or in groups with residents to deliver in-house specialisms.
Stage 3: Platform to grow & develop
This can be a point whereby a person achieves stabilisation. “Or as good as it gets or wants it to be” This is the stage we aim towards with all residents.
If this is as far as a resident is able to achieve due to illness /addiction/life experiences, a level of monitoring and welfare support is offered.
Stages 1-3 provide a safe space for recovery and a platform to grow from. There is an element of social belonging and being able to be seen the level of human needs are seen to be interpersonal and involves feelings of having purpose and direction.
Interventions and strategies considered as a way of resettlement support should the individual want to live more independently. To provide a safety net back to supported living if required, as it is recognised this can occasionally be the situation.
Stage 4: Self Esteem / Ego
The opportunity to progress towards higher levels of self-awareness. This is where self-growth and self-management is achieved towards financial/emotional self-reliance.
Addictions and unhealthy behaviour are now absent/limited/managed.
Knowing limitations and being able to say no when required to others (forming boundaries) The Elements of Ego and Esteem are worked upon/ achieved (complemented) by volunteering / paid employment / meaningful activity/education.
Provisions to resettlement provided and reviewed with safety net options should the individual want to live more independently.
Stage 5: Stable & Sustainability
Preparation for full independence/self-reliance.
Resettlement options discussed and put in place if required, with the view the resident is in a good place to be living more independently.
Maintaining voluntary or paid employment / initiating peer support.
Having an ``I can do this” internal dialogue.
Practice being well.
Maintaining healthy choices in life.
Stage 6 : Giving & Looking back
Putting what has been achieved back via teaching others (including staff)
Speaking openly and “owning” the journey to this point - how you got there.
Not being afraid of the past.
Peer support.
Ready to live more independently.
Fulfilment in meaningful occupation/time use.
Ensuring your rent is paid regularly and on time.
Explaining your tenancy / licence agreement and assisting you abide by it.
Organising inspections of your property and arranging for any repairs or improvements
to be carried out, including the replacement of furniture.
Ensuring that you are aware of your rights under your tenancy agreement.
Offering you advice and guidance on keeping your property to a reasonable standard
of hygiene.
Assisting you to access other support providers as required.
Liaising with all relevant agencies, both statutory and voluntary, on your behalf.
Assisting you to reduce rent arrears.
Dealing with nuisance issues.
Ensuring that you know how to use equipment safely.
Providing you with advice and facilitating a move to alternative accommodation as required
Assisting you to claim Housing Benefit and other welfare benefits.
Helping to keep you safe by monitoring visitors, including contractors and
professionals, and by carrying out health and safety and risk assessments of property.
In essence our residents agree to a higher rental as their physical and or cognitive abilities to live safely and independently are "subcontracted" to CPG.