What's the Buzz Marking Period 3

April, 2024

Here's what Team 6B has been up to during the third marking period. 🐝

6B News/Events:

We had an exciting third marking period.  We kicked it off with a Team 6B Breakfast, where we made Valentines for the residents at the Bristal Assisted Living Facility.   In March, Team 6B was victorious in the 6th Grade Brain Challenge!  That was a lot of fun since students and teachers got to participate and cheer for each other. 

Math: We are doing geometry, which is finding area, perimeter, surface area, and volume. We are being taught the formulas to find them and always to use them. 

Literature: We finished the historical fiction novel, Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor. The book helped us learn and understand more about our history in a fun way. We also started our Poetry Unit and completed our last poem of the collection. We then created poetry videos that will be showcased at the end of the month! 

Global Citizens: SDG Maps 

Social Studies:  In Social Studies, we learned about Ancient Egypt. We learned how to write our names in hieroglyphics.  We also really enjoyed hearing the story of King Tut!  In addition, we finished writing our Global Citizens Books.  Soon we will be sharing them with the third grade classes.  That should be fun!  Finally, we have just started our unit on Ancient Greece so the things we learned in literature about the Greek myths is coming up again:)

Science:  In science, we learned about thermal energy. We did a project where we built our own insulators to see which ones lost the least heat. We also did a lab with glow sticks to demonstrate the transfer of heat from hot to cold objects. 

Recently, we have started to learn about magnetism and electricity. Soon, we will be building circuits in class!

Language Arts: In LA, we read about the Great Migration and wrote  articles or made a movie, a poster, or a speech about African Americans living in the South at that time.  We recently finished the NY State ELA tests and are ready for a new unit!

C/O/B: In orchestra, band, and chorus some students recently participated in All County. They practiced their music together at HCC and then performed with other schools. In orchestra, we are now learning new songs. In band, we recently had a Band Bash which was fun. In the chorus, we get warmed up by singing tongue twisters.

Xpod: The SAIL Mentors have been helping us get ready for 7th grade already.  We have been touring the 7th/8th grade wings which means we have checked out the areas upstairs.  We are also learning about SDL and other new parts of the 7th grade schedule.