Academic Clubs

Academic Team

This club is all about knowing random facts and having lightning reflexes. Two 4-person teams sit across from each other and listen as a moderator reads from a packet of questions. Each student has a buzzer to ring and answer the question. Questions may be about physics or politics or the Emmys—you never know. The Byram Hills Academic Team participates in many types of competitions. First there are your basic MACC and WACKO competitions with 4 rounds per game: Toss-up, Bonus, 60 Seconds, and Stump the Experts. As a plus, these competitions offer donuts or bagels to the students. Then, there is the NAQT with bonus questions and exciting topics dealing with current events. Sound fun? Well, it is. New members are always welcome. 

Advisor: Martin Gilbert

Meeting Information: Tuesdays in the library from 2:30-4:00

Astronomy Club

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to really see the rings of Saturn, the cloud belts around Jupiter, or the Moon so close that it seems like you could reach out and touch it, come and join us for an observation session. The club meets on alternating Thursdays right after school in room 328, and some evenings as announced. Indoor activities during afternoon meetings include watching space-related movies, discussing current events in astronomy, and student presentations on topics of your choosing. Outdoor events will be held at night so we can use telescopes and the observatory to view objects in the solar system and beyond. 

Advisor: Dennis Covert

Meeting Information: Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 room 328

First Meeting: September 29th

Engineering and Robotics Club

The club provides opportunities for members to explore the fields of robotics and engineering. Club members will be informed of special events or changes to meeting dates and/or times via the club's Google Classroom. Students interested in participating should contact the club advisor or club president. 

Advisor: Eric Savino

Meeting Times: Mondays 2:30-3:30 in Room 327

Government & Politics Club

The Government and Politics Club wants to give an opportunity to people who are interested in the modern world the opportunity to share their views through a civil discussion on a wide variety of subjects. Such subjects can include the election, major world events, and controversial laws and opinions that have been trending, and more. We want to provide an open floor to let people share their variety of views, no matter what they may be. We also want to give members a voice on the meeting’s subjects by letting them choose a topic for our next meeting. We aspire to give an open space and have a fun time while potentially building relationships with people you may not have talked to before. (We also have cookies!) 

Anyone can join and is invited to, you don’t need to talk, you can just listen to others and what they have to say. There are no prerequisites, just come, eat some cookies, and have a good time by sharing a couple laughs with us. 

Advisor: Sandra Abt

Meeting Information: Every Other Wednesday after school in room 100A

Harvard Model Congress

The Harvard Model Congress provides students with the opportunity to become more informed and productive citizens of the 21st century. At the Harvard Model Congress, students assume the roles of Senators, Congressman, and other vital roles within the American government. It is the goal of the Club to help students understand the importance of informed citizenry in a more nuanced way than the classroom alone can provide. Through government role play and civic involvement, it is also the goal of the Club to promote lifelong individual growth and learning through group activity in a manner which is fun, instructive and engaging. The Model Congress is slated to leave for Boston during the February Break of 2022.

Advisor: Matthew Allen

Meeting Information: First Tuesday of the Month at 2:45 in Room 411 

Math Team

The goal of the BHHS Math Team is to provide a venue in which students who enjoy math can participate in a competitive manner (while eating donuts) with other mathletes sharing this interest on the school, county, state and national levels. Westchester Interscholastic Math League (WIML) meets are held once a month and involve competition between 67 teams from 28 Westchester/Putnam school districts. These competitions are held in smaller subgroups and rotate among three to four neighboring high schools. The final meet is held at Byram Hills High School and involves all participating districts. Students leave BHHS at 2:30PM for away meets and typically return between 4:30 PM and 5:00PM.

The top scorers in WIML competitions go on to represent Westchester/Putnam at the state level at the New York State Math League Meet in April. Here, in addition to individual competition, students have the opportunity to work as a group on Team and Relay Questions.

Advisor: Jonas Kalish

Meeting Information: Monday from 2:30-3:30 in room 418

Mock Trial

The Mock Trial Club is an association that looks at debatable cases of law that have been settled in the Courts of America. Both sides of a case are presented through evidence, witness affidavits, evidence and case law. The students who participate break down the case and act as lawyers and witnesses representing the two sides of the case. Here, students learn how to debate and how to put forward a case for their particular side: prosecution or defense. The Club participates in two competitions during the year including a county-wide tournament in March. Here, twelve to fifteen members of the club are selected to put on the case at the Westchester County Courthouse in front of a real judge in a real courtroom. If you are interested in learning more about the law and want to participate in lively debate, mock trial is certainly the club for you.

Advisor: TBD

Meeting Information: Tuesdays and Thursdays After School in room 413

Model United Nations

This club is a group of academically minded students who have a global view when they solve problems. Students in this club have the opportunity to prepare for and participate in a four day Harvard Model United Nation simulation in January in Boston, hosted by Harvard University students.  There is a cost associated with this trip.  

At HMUN, delegates gain insight into the workings of the United Nations and the dynamics of international relations by assuming the roles of UN representatives and members of other international bodies and national cabinets. HMUN is an exciting opportunity for students to debate issues that confront world leaders and to draft resolutions in response to these global issues. Participants will develop their abilities to work with others who are equally motivated and passionate about the topics of debate and to respond to global concerns.

We also participate in shorter one day conferences in the fall and in the spring.  Most of these conferences are local and they are good practice to prepare for Harvard Model UN.  These conferences do not cost the student anything. 

Advisor: Joanna Lewick

Meeting Information: Meet once every other week date TBD

Peer Tutoring Club 

The Peer Tutoring Club's goals are to set up students who are struggling with their classes with older students who know the material. This club operates on a volunteer basis where students are matched up with one another once the tutor is granted permission from their teacher of the past. To get the ball rolling, tutorees are asked to fill out a tutor form and submit it back to Mr. Allen.

Advisor: Matthew Allen

Meeting Times: Tutors will meet once a month to review experiences. These meetings last 15-20 minutes

Pen and Paper Club

The Pen and Paper Club is an outlet for anyone who likes writing. We meet each month and decide on a prompt which could be anything from practice College Essays and Analytical Pieces to more personal essays. In the time between each meeting we will write a 1-2 page paper and at our next meeting we will then workshop and edit each other's essays. The club is a great way to develop your writing skills, practice writing college essays, or write about whatever comes to mind. 

Advisor: David Hubbs

Meeting Times: Wednesdays once a month in room 322

Pen Pal Club

Pen-Pal is a club where Byram Hills students can connect with others across the globe in their school-selected language to learn more about culture.  We write to private schools in Spain, France, and Italy.  Not only do members of our clubs learn more about foreign cultures, but they get to improve their writing and grammar skills while helping their friends across the world.

You can decide which of the three you want to participate in:

Advisor: TBD

Meeting Times: TBD 

The Pre-Pre Med Club

The Pre-Pre Med Club is a community for young students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine and/or science. Our club provides a supportive environment for students for learn about the medical field, participate in relevant activities, and connect with like minded peers."

Advisor: Alexandra Spacavento

Meeting Information: First Monday of Each Month in Room 307

Science Olympiad

The Science Olympiad C division is open to high school students from 9th to 12th grade. Students compete in three general categories of events for all disciplines of Science. Some events are purely knowledge-based, consisting of a written exam testing students in specific areas. Other events are hands-on, requiring students to assemble or dissect objects during the actual event. Still others are engineering-based: students are expected to build operational systems beforehand to be tested during the actual event. Of course, some events combine elements of the previous three, so be prepared for anything.

In the 2009 season, as a first year team, Byram Hills took the Regional competition by surprise, finishing in third place with 7 medals in 16 events and qualifying for the State competition at West Point. Since then, Byram Hills has returned to the States 11more times. In accordance with our push forward with STEAM initiatives, we will be having two teams at the Regional competition which will be once again, hosted by Byram Hills High School.

It is our hope to continue growing and cultivating a love for all fields of Science and the Scientific method of discovery. If you have any questions, please be sure to contact any of the senior members of the club or our advisor.

Advisor: Evan Horowitz

Meeting Information: TBD Dates and Times in Room 313

Speech and Debate

Students work together to learn basic speech and debating skills, researching and writing casework to compete in local, regional and national tournaments which include a variety of Speech (Oratory, Interpretation, and Extemporaneous) and Debate  (Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum) events. The team meets every Tuesday and Thursday, with additional work at home to prepare for the weekend debate tournaments that run Saturdays, with many events beginning Fridays, and continuing into Saturday.

Head Coach: Thomas Andriello

Assistant Coach: Kelsey Smith

Meeting Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4:00

Students Who Code 

The Byram Hills Students Who Code Club provides students with the means, knowledge, and opportunity to explore and participate in coding and computer science. The Students Who Code Club seeks to prepare BHHS students with 21st century skills and the confidence to pursue future careers in STEM. The club is affiliated with Girls Who Code, a national organization that aims “to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does.” In addition to supporting after-school clubs across the nation, Girls Who Code also supports summer immersion programs and college campus chapters. The Students Who Code Club focuses on promoting a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for students who are underrepresented in computer science and technology fields, and/or who feel most comfortable in a gender-positive setting. The Students Code Club aims to help connect BHHS students with a larger network of resources and role models in the field of computer science and coding.

Advisor: Christopher Lewick

Meeting Times: Mondays in room 417 after school