Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • What a wonderful Jubilee Picnic we had yesterday afternoon - thank you to everyone who joined us. The children enjoyed singing and we loved seeing the array of blues, reds and whites and Union Jacks. Thank you also for supporting our community by donating a 'bottle' for the King's Lodge Nursing Home tombola.

  • It was wonderful to invite our Governors in to school this week - Miss Forde shared information about Writing and outlined the approaches we are taking to ensure we continue making progress in this area. They enjoyed visiting classes and being in school.

  • We are pleased to announce that Mrs Olds (parent of William and Eleanor Olds) has been elected as our new Parent Governor to serve on our Local Advisory Committee (LAC). Congratulations!

  • Our children in Year 1 - 6 are enjoying their weekly swimming lessons with Rubba Duckies in our school pool with their coaches Jono and Ben. If you are interested in private swimming lessons with them, after school, then please see the advert below in this newsletter for further details.

  • The children enjoyed MC Grammar's visit this week. Unfortunately we are down £400 on this event and urge parents who haven't contributed £3 per child to please help us out. Thank you to those who have already contributed.

  • We welcome Miss Vallins as the new Reception teacher, to Byfleet Primary. A big thank you to Mr Boyd for all of his hard work in Reception over the past term - the children have loved all of the wonderful learning opportunities he has created for them.....from butterflies and chicks to slime and planting seeds. What wonderful learning has taken place!

  • We are delighted to be taking part in Byfleet Village Parish Day on Saturday 16th July at Byfleet Recreation Grounds and our Byfleet Primary children's art work was collected this week, which will be on display during the Parish Day for all to view.

  • Just a reminder that we run a cashless office at Byfleet Primary and therefore unable to accept any cash for after school care, clubs and trips from parents. All payments are to be made via SCOPAY, unless payments are received in a timely manner these extra curricular activities cannot take place.

  • We wish you a wonderful half term break and enjoy the Jubilee Celebrations.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Arabella

Year 1 Red Liam

Year 2 Orange Ayaan

Year 3 Yellow Kurt

Year 4 Green Florrie

Year 5 Indigo Henry

Year 5 Blue Jessica

Year 6 Violet Daisy

Mc Grammar visits Byfleet

Byfleet Primary had their very own rock show when MC Grammar came to visit! He kicked off the performance with rap songs all about grammar features. Each class learned their own song; the year 1s were rapping about tricky words, year 3s raved about commas in a list and year 6 lit up the stage with a tune about conjunctions! MC Grammar encouraged children to perform with him... He even got the teachers to do a rap battle! The children loved every minute of it and the excitement is still very much present in the school.

Jubliee Celebrations & Memorabilia

What a wonderful picnic yesterday and we were lucky that the rain stayed away too!! The school was gifted some wonderful jubilee resources along with a terrific bible dating back to 1952.

Year 1 Space Wow Day

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their Topic Day on Thursday 19th May. The children looked fantastic in their space-themed outfits and had an amazing day filled with activities based around their topic, ‘Moon Zoom!’.

The children played some ‘space games’, decorated biscuits with icing to create various planets and galaxies and were authors of their own puppet shows. The children took part in all the activities with great enthusiasm and should be proud of all their hard work both on this day and throughout this topic.

Year 3 - ULimate Predators

Year 3 have designed ultimate predators based on their learning this term. They combined the features of different top predators to create the ultimate predator.


Year 4 have proudly displayed some their homework on their classroom door. During PE Lessons, they have also thoroughly enjoyed getting to grips with cricket.

Year 5B's Ancient Greece Assembly

Year 5B hosted a wonderfully informative class assembly all about the Ancient Greeks. We were blown away as the vast amount of knowledge the children were able to share and they shared some terrific 3-d models, homework projects and an interesting performance poem about Greek Gods. It was interesting to find out the difference between rules in Sparta and Athens too!

World music day - 21st june 2022


On Tuesday 21st June 2022, we will be holding a ‘wear blue for World Music Day’ event, by asking each child to wear a blue item of their choice.

We are participating in this day as it is a great opportunity to encourage children to appreciate and celebrate music.

We'd love it if you could help support our music department, so we ask that you pay a donation of £1 per child via SCOPAY as part of this mufti.

Summer Reading Challenge

  • Libraries will be once again running the Summer Reading Challenge aimed at primary children. Visiting a library is a great way for parents/carers to explore different types of books with their children, and Surrey Libraries have a fantastic range of online resources. You can find out more about what’s happening at your local library here.

  • To find out about the Reading Agency’s Summer Reading Challenge, please see their website: Summer Reading Challenge

Swimming Lessons at Byfleet Primary...

Rubba-Duckie's new blog is now out - click here to read on.

It's great to see Ben and Jono, our swimming coaches getting in the water with our children to help them during their swimming lessons.

Year 6 - Wow Work & Heritage Artwork

Year 6 have created some incredible drawings using one and two point perspective drawings.

Looks like we may have some architects at Byfleet!

Another well done to Year 6 for the terrific foil art they created for the Heritage Day.


During the second week of May, some of our Year 4/5 pupils played in a football tournament at Woking College

May Half Term - Ultimate Holiday Camps

Ultimate Coaching are running holiday camps over May Half Term and the Inset day on Monday 6th June.

Their new collection time is now 3:00pm at our holiday camps and inset activity days.

Well Done - Oliver Richardson

During half time of the men's Harlequins v Gloucester game on Saturday, 21st May 2022, Oliver played on Twickenham Stadium's main pitch. There were over 47000 spectators in attendance during Oliver's match, and his team successfully won 5 out of 5 of their matches during the whole day.

WeLL DONE - Jack Sugrue

Jack has been awarded the Body On the Line Award for the Under 9s team at Weybridge Vandals Rugby Club.

The Body On The Line Award is given to the player that does the best tackling, supporting and motivating his team mates. What a great achievement!!


Stagecoach Woking has two great Summer fun workshops planned this Summer which will run from the 25th July to the 29th July. Workshop designed for children aged between 4-6 years and another workshop for older students aged between 6-18 years, Grease the Musical!

To register, please go to or email or call 07957 825641. No Stagecoach experience necessary.

They are delighted to be working with Surrey County Council, providing provisions for students aged between 4-16 to attend our workshops for free if they are currently receiving free school meals. Club4 is Surrey County Council’s response to the government’s Holiday Activities and Food initiative, designed to provide healthy meals, physical activity and enrichment opportunities to children and young people in receipt of free school meals during longer holidays. Coordinated by Active Surrey for SCC, over 58,000 spaces are available for eligible families at around 140 venues through the summer of 2022.

Closing date for the chance to win a free place is the 11th July


Barracudas are really pleased to extend our discount code for your parents to use for all Barracudas bookings. This is a limited time offer and one not to be missed! They are offering parents at your school £15 off our local camp with the code SCHOOLS15. To manage the costs with multiple payment methods are available including paying with Tax-Free childcare, Childcare Vouchers and our Easy Payment Plan.

Here is a taste of what's on offer Barracudas camp highlights - YouTube

Spring Challenge Award

Pupils receiving their Spring Challenge Award by Doodle for earning over 400 stars during the Easter holidays.

Top Doodler of the Week

This term we are focusing on times tables so don't forget to click the X on Doodle so you can practise your fluency. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

Year 2 Orange Matlida Matlida

Year 3 Yellow Jack

Year 4 Green Katherine Katherine

Year 5 Blue William William

Year 5 Indigo Zeba Zeba

Our top spot winner is William with 1018 stars!


Inclusion Workshop


When: Monday 27th June at 2.30pm

Where: The school hall

Who is it for: We previously ran this session in January, and will be holding the same workshop again on Monday 27th June. This session will enable parents who have a child at Byfleet to learn more about Inclusion and the graduated approach to supporting pupils with additional needs. It will be run by the Inclusion Lead Mrs Sharkey-Yun, who will explain the provision and support we have in place for children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), and how we track and monitor progress. It will also be an opportunity to meet other parents and network. If you did attend the previous session, you are more than welcome to attend again!

There won't be a chance to discuss your child's individual support and provision during the coffee morning, but if you have any additional questions you will be able to book a further appointment with Mrs Sharkey-Yun.

Woking Family Centre is pleased to announce they will be running a five-week virtual support group for parents and carers of children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities, 0-16 years of age. They will be exploring these topics over the five weeks and there is also time for exploring further support and information upon request.

. Week 1 – Introductions (Monday 6th June 2022) 9.30 – 11am

. Week 2 - Boundaries, Keeping us all safe (Monday 13th June 2022) 9.30 – 11am

. Week 3 – Useful parenting tools and tips (Monday 20th June 2022) 9.30 – 11am

. Week 4 – Food fads and sleep (Monday 27th June 2022) 9.30 – 11am

. Week 5 – EHCP, DLA other funding options, support networks (Monday 4th July 2022) 9.30 – 11am

If you would like to register your interest for the SEND group for parents please contact Woking Children's centre: / 01438743 812

Class Assemblies

It's been a while since we've been able to invite you into school. We can't wait to invite you back into school to see your child's class assembly. We will continue to reduce the number of children we have together in the hall so will only move to 'whole school' assemblies once it is safe to do so. In the meanwhile, each class will host their class assembly to their parents and one or two other classes in the school hall. These will start at 8.55 - 9.20ish so please join us in the school hall on the day that your child's class assembly has been scheduled.

Reception - Wednesday 29th June Year 4 - Wednesday 22nd June

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Friday 27th May - Half Term

  • Monday 6th June - INSET 5

  • Thursday 9th June - Year 5 Fullbrook Away Day

  • Friday 17th June - VIP Man Day

  • Tuesday 21st June - Wear Blue for World Music Day (£1 donation)

  • Wednesday 22nd June - Year 4 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 23rd June - Reception and KS1 Sports' Day

  • Friday 24th June - KS2 Sports' Day

  • Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th June - Year 6 Secondary Transition Days + Meet the New Teacher Day (Wednesday)

  • Wednesday 29th June - Reception Class Assembly

  • Thursday 30th June - RSE (relationship & sex education) Sparkle Day

  • Wednesday 6th July - Rocksteady Parents' Assembly 10am

  • Friday 8th July - Reports out to parents

  • Monday 11th July - Tray Day visit to your child's classroom

  • Saturday 16th July - Byfleet Heritage Day in the village

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly - school finishes at 1pm.

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.