Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Ready   -   Respectful   -   Safe

Always Growing, Ready for Life

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

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Swimming Lessons 2024

As previously communicated, swimming lessons will take place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  


For each lesson your child will need to bring in a named bag ready to change at school:

Outstanding swimming payments must be made by no later than Sunday, 2nd June 2024.  If payment is not made for swimming your child will not be able to attend any swimming lessons.

Surrey Cultural lives competition 

Who is Sopwith Drive named after? 

What was Brooklands before it became a museum?

Why is there a Concorde in Byfleet?

Why is there a strange looking wall opposite Tescos and M&S in Brooklands? Who built it?

When was St Mary's Church built?

Was York Road always a residential area?

Byfleet is special to all of us and features in our BPS Curriculum as we feel it is important that our children appreciate their local community and are proud of its culture, heritage and history. 

Why not stand the chance of winning £250 by helping your child enter the Surrey Cultural Lives competition by researching an aspect of our local area, Byfleet. 

Staff are keen for children to bring in their projects to share with the rest of us here at BPS. We have a dedicated display board ready for all projects to be displayed in the hall. There will be 10 house points allocated for each 

Year 1 Assembly 

Last Friday, 17th May, Year 1 embraced their inner performers and took the chance to explore the last two terms, showcasing their amazing learning to family, friends and the other children in the school. Through some amazing acting, confident narrating and beautiful singing, everyone left knowing a little more about famous explorers, Paddington Bear and Yayoi Kusama. They also presented their amazing topic homework on London landmarks and carefully designed art pieces. We were all very impressed with their hard work and they can be proud of themselves for putting on such a great performance!

Look at these amazing landmarks some of the children have made at home!

Year 2 Byfleet Library Visit and food technology

Last week Year Two had a wonderful visit to Byfleet Community Library. They enjoyed looking at all the books. Please do take your children there to get a library card, as it is great local community resource, and a great way to get your child interested in reading different books. The children's section of the library has lots of interesting books to choose from. We also had a look in the heritage room at the back of the library and were really pleased to see information linked to two of their history topics - the old fire station, and the Domesday book! The children were very well behaved and we had a fanstastic afternoon out. Well done Year Two!

This week on Tuesday we had a lot of fun making our pasta salads for Food Technology! The children really enjoyed this term's project, and we were impressed with their cutting skills and that many of them tried a new vegetable (spring onion!) as well as trying some of the different salad dressings. Thank you for sending in the ingredients with them!

Year 3 & 4 Trip to the Science Museum, London

What an amazing day year 3 and 4 had at the science museum. The children were able to access many of the KS2 science curriculum such as watching sound waves, feeling sound waves, watching lightning strike and looking at forces and magnets. we were also able to have a look at how science equipment has developed over the years to help our modern lives. The children were very well behaved and we had a fantastic day out. Well done Year three and four !

Year 5 Baking Session

Year 6 SATs Treat

Year 6 were absolutely brilliant during their SATS Week and all members of staff are incredibly proud of them.  Seeing all children make phenomenal progress throughout Year 6 has been a privilege and all children should be so pleased with all they've achieved. 

To celebrate their hard work throughout the whole year and working through SATS Week with resilience and determination, all children enjoyed a visit from the ice-cream van.  Well and truly deserved!

Year 6 Residential

Residential 2024 was definitely one to remember!  Year 6 represented Byfleet Primary School fantastically with our group leader saying that they'd 'set the bar high' with their enthusiasm and manners. 

As a group, we worked through 13 different activities while we were there, from Rifle Shooting to Abseiling to Zip Wire to the infamous Giant Swing.  It was amazing seeing children face their fears and try activities they were unsure about, surprising themselves with how well they'd done and how much fun it turned out to be.  Year 6 exhibited some excellent sportsmanship this week, encouraging their peers to give things a go and cheering them on. 

The Year 6 Team are so proud of all the children and feel lucky to have taken away such an incredible group of children - well done, Year 6! 

Annual BPS Family Picnic

Thank you to all the family and friends who attended the family picnic this afternoon.  Everyone had a wonderful time and the children enjoyed showcasing their class poetry outside in the sunshine, which finally decided to make an appearance.  

Relationship & Sex Education Government Consultation - RSE

Relationship & Sex Eductation (RSE) is taught in the Summer 2 term from Reception to Year 6 as part of our PSHE curriculum. 

The DfE is currently undertaking a consultation and would appreciate your views on RSE. 

Please click here to take part in this consultation.


Please see the RSE section on our school website here for more information on RSE and what will be taught in each year group. 

Online Safety

The UK Safer Internet Centre has produced some excellent guidance on how to help your child navigate online safely...

The latest research from Ofcom has revealed the current online landscape of children and young people using technology. The data focusses around how children communicate online, how they use online spaces for entertainment, and how they are currently educated around staying safe online, with interesting insights into parental involvement as well. 

Many 5 - 7 year old are accessing gaming and social media sites. Read here to find out more about helping your child stay safe online. 

EEEA For the Love of Food Special Lunch menu - 27th June 

On Thursday, 27th June all pupils can enjoy a special pizza menu.             Bookings can be made via Scopay as usual.  

Kings Lodge Car Home car park - Courteous parking

Parents/carers are not permitted to park in King's Lodge Care Home carpark when collecting or dropping off their children.


They have patient transport, ambulances, delivery trucks, staff and visitors all wanting to park and to get in and out of our carpark.  Even if the carpark seems invitingly empty they do not know at any given moment who will need access.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

 Reception Rainbow   Ace               Ella-Rose

Year 1 Red                    Erin                Luna

Year 2 Orange              Reuben         Aurora

Year 3 Yellow               Teddie           Ayesha

Year 4 Green               Darren          Stirling

Year 5 Indigo               Luke          William                     

Year 6 Violet               All of Year 6!!   

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red   Theo 112          

Year 2 Orange     Tom 181    Holly-May 288   

Year 3 Yellow      Ezra 535    Oscar 381

Year 4 Green       Darren 130

Year 5  Indigo   Evie  137                   

Year 6 Violet      Evie 54

EZra has the most Doodle stars, with 535 Doodle stars!!

Attendance & Punctuality

Great news - our attendance is 96.06% for the year so far!  

We continue to be on track for meeting our 96% target for the year!

Monthly Attendance winners:

September  98.85%        Year 2                  

October        99.34%        Year 2

November    97.91%       Year 2

December     98.12%       Year 4

January         97.17%       Year 6

February      97.40%       Year 6

March           97.91%        Year 4

April              98.26%        Year 2

May                xx%             Year x

There were 5 requests for routine dental appointments and eye tests made this fortnight. 

We are unable to authorise non-emergency medical appointments, so these would be classified as unauthorised on your child's record. 

We kindly remind you to please book these appointments outside of the school day or during holidays. 

Well done Year 2! You had the highest attendance in April. Enjoy sitting on the benches during assembly times.


Thank you to all the parents and children who have been helping us develop our garden area. We had donations of plants and paints to help us develop this area, and it is now looking fantastic.  This is such a bueautiful area that the children can now use and enjoy.  

Mrs Wyatt will continue to look after the garden with the children during her nature school club.

Free Online Parent/Carer Workshops

YMCA East Surrey’s Community Wellbeing Team invites you to attend these free online workshops for parents/carers. These workshops are suitable for parents/carers with children aged 8+.

The Community Wellbeing team will provide you with information and key strategies to support your child. There will also be time for you to ask any questions that you have via the online chat function.

Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

Book your free place for Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

If you have any questions about these events, please email:

Kidsafe UK - Taster Sessions

Kidsafe UK is currently offering free one hour taster sessions of its safeguarding programme aimed at the primary education sector. The organisation is currently a leading provider of children's mental health and safeguarding training for schools. Their aim is to deliver age-appropriate but engaging safeguarding programmes to pupils. They specialise in the education of primary school pupils on the areas of mental health and emotional well-being. If you're interested in seeing what they have to offer, then please click on the link below:

Ultimate Coaching 

Ultimate Coaching are offering after school football to for Years 1 to 4. Here is the link to their booking website : 

All Star CAMPS  May Half Term 

Barracudas May Half Term 

Rainbow Adventure Trail 

CM SPORTS at MArist Primary School - MAy  activity Clubs   

Class Assemblies 

Class Assemblies for 23/24 will take place on the dates below from  8.55 - 9.20 in the main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about.      

Friday 21st June - Reception

Diary Dates

New dates in red

                                                         Reports sent out 

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here. 

To view our 2024/25 term dates, please click here.