Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Privates are private  

Always remember your body belongs to you  

No means no  

Talk about secrets that upset you  

Speak up, someone can help 

We had our 'Talk PANTS' assembly last week, using resources from the NSPCC.  They have a very catchy song you can sing along with the 'Pantosaurus' and also some advice for parents on how to reinforce this important message at home and discuss this topic with your children. 

You can find the parent page here

Don't forget to add us on Twitter...


Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow    Reuel   Whole Class (week 4)

Year 1 Red                   Tom  Luna

Year 2 Orange           Teddie   Amaya

Year 3 Yellow             Ana  Jubal

Year 4 Green             Vyga    Diana    

Year 5 Indigo            florrie  Archie  Charlotte  Bradley

Year 6 Blue               All Sports Crew

Year 6 Violet           All Sports Crew

Reception class Assembly 

On Friday 23rd June, Reception class performed their class assembly to their grown-ups and the whole school. They shared their learning from their 3P's topic 'coastal detectives' where they have been learning about lifeguards, the midnight zone, and the season summer. How exciting! It was brilliant to see such smiley, confident faces and their super learning (especially the writing, mono-prints and seaside collage... wow!). Everyone was so impressed, and they got the loudest cheer when they had finished. 

Well done Reception, everybody is very proud of all your hard work this year! 

Doodle Times Tables

This half term we are focusing on DOODLE TABLES

We are targeting our children to learn their tables off by heart. 

Please can you help your child log on DAILY so they can answer a few questions a day, to earn their target of 85 stars a week. 

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red  Eva 504    Eva 356

Year 2 Orange  Oscar 385    Oscar 501

Year 3 Yellow     Darren 564  Darren 403

Year 4 Green     Evie 112

Year 5  Indigo    Isabel 1491

Year 6 Violet    

Year 6 Blue     Callum 500

Our top spot winner is Isabel in Year 5 with 1491 stars!

Year 4 Learning

Year 4 have had an amazingly productive term with their home learning. They have really enjoyed learning about the Mayans and have produced some wonderful projects. From regal headdresses and Mayan houses to pyramid temple models and Mayan Gods, we have had a huge increase in the amount of homework seen, to the point we have had to replenish our homework wall in the classroom four times! 

YEar 3 Learning

Over the summer term, year 3 have been incredibly busy at home and have produced some outstanding homework. We have seen exploding volcanoes, diagrams of erupting volcanoes, facts about Rome and fact files about important people from the Roman era. It has been amazing to see all the amazing homework.

Year 4 Anti bullying Ambassador Training 

Well done everyone.

Little Wandle Phonics

With the summer holidays fast approaching, here are some books which are recommended for Reception and Year 1 children which you may want to find in your local library. 

Summer Reading Challenge

To ensure school children continue their reading journey over the summer holidays then look no further than the Summer Reading Challenge. This year the theme is ‘Ready, Set, Read!’ and it will showcase how reading can be active and engaging, celebrating reading, play and participation in games and sports in any way that suits them best. Starting from 8 July until 23 September, children can sign up for free at their local Surrey library. Summer Reading Challenge 2023 YouTube video  


Pen a poem for a chance to win a visit from Nicola Davies, and £250 worth of National Book Tokens for your school. You have until 29th July to submit your poem! Read more


The school would like to extend a massive thank you to children and their families' involvement in the Sports For Schools Athlete event.  We raised a total of over £2000 and are already in receipt of a sports voucher to spend at Byfleet.  For those children that qualify, they will receive their certificate and wristbands in very soon.

Attendance & Punctuality

Attendance Winners:

Well done to Year 4 for having the highest attendance for June and we hope you enjoy sitting on the benches in assembly. 

We are really impressed with Year 4 who have broken the record for the highest monthly class attendance - 98.49%! How fantastic!

Just to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive) , they will be liable to receive a penalty notice.

Currently the amount payable under a penalty notice is £60.00 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days. Thereafter the amount increases to £120.00 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the penalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the Local Authority will consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Please note that penalty notices are issued per parent/carer per child so a family of two parents and two children will receive 4 penalty notices.

Please view our Attendance Policy here for further information.


Colourful Semantics

 This is an approach we use at Byfleet with some of our pupils, it uses colour coding to support children to add information to their sentences when speaking and writing. It can help improve grammar by supporting children to think about the role of each word in a sentence.

How can I use it at home?

You can use these visuals to help you talk about topics and share news, they can help your child remember to add more information to their sentences. Older children can also use it to support their writing when completing homework. 

How can I find out more?

There is a useful parent guide here

which has lots of information on how to use colourful semantics at home and when reading books with your child. 



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Ultimate COACHING - HALF TERM Sports Camp



Infinity School Of Performing Arts

Surrey FEST - 29th & 30th July

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here.