Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • Welcome to this week’s newsletter, which will be the final newsletter for this academic year. We have appreciated your support throughout the year and we wish you a wonderful summer break with your family. We look forward to seeing the children back at school on Friday 2nd September. School will close for the summer holidays at 1pm on Friday 22nd July.

  • What a sweltering few days we've just had. It looks like next week Monday and Tuesday will the hottest days yet and we will continue to take precautions to keep the children cool. Additional fans for classrooms have been sourced. Please feel free to send your child to school wearing sandals or similar. PE kits can be worn. We will be moving our Reception children into the Hive from Friday onwards to benefit from the air condition unit. Here is some guidance from Surrey regarding the heatwave.

  • Please beware, that due to the hear Mondays, after school football club will be cancelled. Ultimate Coaching will provide a refund accordingly.

  • We've had another busy fortnight of activities at Byfleet: Open Book Bible assembly, Guitar assembly with Mr Gilani, Singing at King's Lodge, Mr Martin (Year 2 parent) came in to work with Year 2 and show them his rowing boat, Fire brigade came in to visit, a real geologist paid a visit to Year 3, Reception swimming lessons and much more.....We hope you managed to make it to our 'Tray Day' to see your child's work and meet with Chartwells, our new catering company, and tried out one of their delicious brownies and flapjacks. We look forward to them taking over our school catering from September onwards.

  • The Governors and Mrs Meyrick were pleased to share our End of KS 2 SATs results with you recently and are incredibly proud of how well our Year 6s did in achieving 70.3% for their Reading, Writing and Maths combined (59% for National Average). It's great to see our children exceeding the National Average in every area - what an accomplishment. Thank you to all the staff from across the school, who have worked so hard to help us prepare our children, particularly over the past 18 months since we've returned to school after lockdown.

  • Thank you to the parents who have taken the time to acknowledge receipt of their child's report and for providing us with feedback - it was great to read the many happy responses. The teachers have spent many, many hours writing these. Please read through the report carefully with your child, celebrate their successes with them and also remind them of their next steps. Please try to work on the identified targets with your child over the summer, for example by reading together and undertaking work on times tables. Doodle Maths, Reading Plus (year 4 - 6) and Spelling Shed is also available all summer!

  • Teacher-led clubs for the autumn term will be made available on Monday afternoon. Please be advised that these clubs are based on first come first serve and will be charged at £6 per half term.

  • Thank you for all the kind donations during the past fortnight's Read-a-thon. We are grateful for all your kind donations which will help us purchase some key texts for each class.

  • Next week is an exciting week for Year 6s as they head out to High Ashurst in Boxhill for their residential. Just a reminder that bags should be dropped off under the tree outside the Year 6 classroom. We hope they have the best time and huge thank you to Mr Bostock, Mrs Wolniewicz and Miss Lloyd for accompanying the children.

  • It's been wonderful having our new Reception children in for their two induction days, getting familiar with their new school, in preparation of them joining Byfleet Primary in September. Their teddy bear's picnic was a huge hit! Thanks to the Reception Rainbow team for organising this.

  • We would like to wish Mrs Hanby the best as she moves on from Byfleet next week. A big welcome to our new Learning Support Assistants, Mr Finlayson and Mrs Tully, who join us in September.

  • Next week we will be sending your child's books home with them as we know many of you would like to look through your child's learning and to keep as a keep-sake. Please send in a carrier back for your child to bring these home in.

  • In our final swimming lesson of the Year next week, Rubba Duckies will be running a swimming gala for each class and medals will be awarded. Big thanks to Rubba Duckies for arranging this - we're sure the children will enjoy this. Subject to its success, we hope to invite parents in for this event next year.

  • We currently have two Midday Supervisor roles available for 8 hours per week. If you are interested, please read more here.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Luna Sienna

Year 1 Red Amaya Muskan

Year 2 Orange Hari Mason

Year 3 Yellow Sophia Harrison

Year 4 Green Evie& Preston Fiona

Year 5 Indigo Kiki Ella

Year 5 Blue Teddy Oli

Year 6 Violet Lily Henry

Arrangements for September 2022

  • Children will no longer be expected to bring in their own pencil cases from September. This arrangement that we brought in during Covid is no longer needed and stationery will be provided by school - we may occasionally request glue sticks etc, however pencil cases are no longer required.

  • Byfleet green Book bags will continue to be used by Reception and KS 1.

  • Small rucksacks for KS 2 - there appear to be large backpacks coming in to school. Please limit the size of these bags to ensure everyone's fits in lockers or pegs.

  • We will continue with our 'slow start' in the morning with school gates opening at 8.35 - 8.45. The register closes at 8.45 so please report to the office to sign your child in as late if you miss the 8.45 mark.

  • School will end at 3.05pm. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will continue being dropped off and collected from the main playground. Year 3/4 may walk in independently from the metal rails by the school hall and will be brought out by an adult to this point, at the end of the day. Year 5/6 may be dropped off and collected from the school main gate.

  • Year 5/6 children may walk home alone and bring in their mobile phone for safety. Permission will be sought from parents/carers beforehand. Please follow this link to consent to your child walking home independently and bringing in their mobile phone.

Reception Swimming Lessons

For the first time, our reception pupils had a chance to do some swimming with our own Miss Osbourne-Brown providing the coaching.

Year 2 Coastlines enrichment

As part of their topic, Coastlines, year 2 really got a feel for life on the water! Thanks to Sterling's dad, we were lucky enough to explore a real rowing boat which has travelled across the Atlantic. We learnt about where the rowers sleep, how they eat and what life is like on the ocean. It was fascinating and really brought our topic to reality.

Year 5 Fire Safety Session

Year 5 took part in a fire safety session led by Surrey Fire and Rescue Service. The aim of the session was to teach children key fire safety skills.

Children learnt about:

  • When to call 999

  • The fiery 5- common fire hazards

  • The importance of working smoke alarms

  • Fire escape plans- how to prepare to escape a fire

  • Stop, drop and roll for clothing fires

Further information about the day has been sent home with the children involved. The session was very informative and all children enjoyed taking part in the session. Thank you to Surrey Fire and Rescue for offering the service to our school.

Year 6 Fiver Challenge

For the past 4 weeks, Year 6 have been taking part in the Fiver Challenge, an enterprise project that encourages children to plan and run their own business. The children had a brilliant time, working together as teams or individually to come up with a range of different ideas, before creating their own products and selling them.

A huge well done to all of the children who took part and a massive thank you to parents and children you came along to our stalls and bought some of our products.

All money will be going to the Matthew Hackney Foundation.

Art Journals

  • We are very proud of our new art journals.......take a look at what we've been up to!

  • If you are an artist or have a talent for art (printing, sculpting, painting, sketching, textile work) and wish to share these with us to benefit our teaching, we would be delighted if you could get in touch as we are keen to develop our staffs' knowledge, skills and repertoire.

  • We are also looking for a creative person to paint a mural on our outdoor sheds - please be in touch if you know of anyone who is keen to volunteer.

Breakfast & After School Clubs

  • Breakfast and afterschool clubs are run by the school. The clubs are non-profit making and the fees are used to run the clubs. Fees are paid via our online SCOPAY payment system (and Childcare Vouchers can also be used) and are bookable in advance only.

  • The clubs are booked half-termly and need to be booked 48 hours in advance. Once you have booked these sessions they may only be cancelled if more than 48 hours notice has been provided. Any spare spaces or ‘late bookings’ may be booked on an ad hoc basis where we are able to accommodate this with the correct staffing ratios, however this will incur an additional admin fee of £2 per session, per child. Bookings will need to be paid for at the time of booking using SCOPAY. Please note, we run a cashless office so unfortunately cannot accept any cash - all bookings are to be made online please.

  • For more information, please see our website.

Rocksteady Assembly

The children from Rock Steady put on an incredible performance on Wednesday 6th July! They had a fantastic time rocking out to songs like 'Shotgun', 'Happy' and 'Counting Stars'. The children who participated are so incredibly brave and we're really proud of their musical achievements.

World music day

We celebrated World Music Day by dressing up in blue and learning all about the history and rise of Rhythm and Blues.


Mr Gillani, our wonderful guitar teacher provided a concert with year 5 and 6 pupils. They showed off their songs that they have been practising. Libraries Summer Reading Challenge 2022 - Gadgeteer

Choir Visit to Kings Lodge Care Home

The choir had a fantastic time singing at Kings Lodge Care Home. Despite it being a really warm day, the children sang their hearts out and the residents loved it and were even clapping along! We hope to perform again for them in the next Autumn Term.

Byfleet Readathon

A huge well done to all our children who took part in a sponsored readathon last week! It was great to see so many of you reading in unusual places and completing as many of the challenges as possible.

Thank you for your kind sponsorship and book donations, we really appreciate the support in ensuring our children have access to high quality books. We have raised over £500 towards books and over 20 books were bought from the wish lists. Thank you for supporting our school!

The links to the right of this text box will direct you to the reading lists for the academic year 2022-2023 Autumn 1 term.

Byfleet Primary 500 Words Competition

We would like to launch our Byfleet Primary writing competition this summer term. It’s super simple. All entrants must write an original story, no more than 500 words in length, and submit it in school by Wednesday 20th July 2022. Some classes will complete this in school, however children are welcome to enter more than once. It can be about ANYTHING you want – space-ships, grannies, insects, time travel. The list is endless!

Stories are judged anonymously, without regard to grammar, punctuation or spelling. This competition is about being creative and writing about something you enjoy. You can hand write or type your entry and you may also create a picture to match your story.

There will be 3 winners per class and each will receive a book of their choice as a prize. We are looking forward to reading all your amazing stories.

School lunches

Renovation work is planned over the Summer holidays in our school kitchen to enable us for the first time to freshly prepare and cook our own school lunches. As previously communicated, we will be moving to our new school catering company, Chartwells. Here is Autumn term lunch menu

The Tucasi/Scopay dinner accounts will be closed on 22.07.2022 and will be activated again before September. Please ensure that all outstanding debt is re-paid to the school before the end of term, Friday 22nd July.

We will also be introducing pre-ordering via the Scopay App and the calendar feature. This will enable you to know what your child is having each day, keep an eye on your dinner balance, and also help us increase efficiency in placing the requests with the kitchen. More information will be sent regarding this on separate communication.

building Works

We are delighted to announce that work will commence during the summer holidays to replace and upgrade our roof. This is essential building works that is an huge benefit to the school.

We anticipate the works taking approximately 12 weeks (depending on weather conditions) to complete and therefore the builders and scaffolding will still be on site for several weeks when the children return to school in September.

We want to assure you that great care has been taken in planning the work involved. All tradesman working on site have been fully DBS checked, and they will have their own fenced off work area, including welfare unit set up just inside the main gate and therefore have no need to come into the school. Any particularly noisy or dusty parts of the project will be undertaken during the school holidays.

Parent Carer Survey and Surrey School SEND Survey

SCC is conducting a survey to inform the Additional Needs and Disabilities Partnership Self Evaluation.

They would welcome feedback from parents and carers via the Parents’ Voices Matters Survey:

The survey runs until the 31st July 2022

For queries relating to Parents’ Voices Matter, please email:

Doodle Maths summer Challenge

The Doodle Maths Summer Challenge is here !! 1st to 31st August Please follow the link of how to get started




There is a midday supervisor position is available at Byfleet Primary. Here is a link to the advert via eteach : Midday Supervisor position available

Parish DaY HORticultural Show

Details about the Children's Classes Parish Day Horticultural Show in the Byfleet Village Hall on Saturday, 16th July. More details on their website :

Ultimate Coaching camps and clubs

DAnce Shack Summer School 2022

Surrey Arts SMASH: Summer music activities

Activities include: The DJ Experience, The Band Experience, Discover Wind/Brass, Ukulele Jam and Singing the Musicals. Further details about the programme and how to register are available on the Surrey Arts website or contact us directly for more information.

Win £1000 to Rebuild Library

Please enter the National Book Tokens competition for a chance to

win £1000 to rebuild our library

Chartwells Job Opportunity


Mike Wagstaff will be at the school on Tuesday 19th July 2022

Any orders can be made in advance by emailing him:

Top Doodler of the Week

Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

Year 2 Orange Ayaan - 517

Year 3 Yellow Sophia 274

Year 4 Green Reggy 397 Mason 1013

Year 5 Blue Matilda 439 Charlotte 255

Year 5 Indigo Zarif 799 Alex 388

Our top spot winner is Mason with 1013 stars!

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Saturday 16th July - Byfleet Heritage Day in the village

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly - school finishes at 1pm.

  • Thursday 1st September - INSET day 1

  • Friday 2nd September - children return to school

  • Thursday 8th September - House Team Spirit Building Day

  • Tuesday 13th September - The Diana Award - Year 5 Anti-bullying Ambassador Training

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.