Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to week 4 of the final summer term of the academic year.

  • A formal EEEa Teaching and Learning Review was carried out last week to help us with our own quality assurance. Different lessons were observed, children and staff were spoken to and governance and safeguarding were reviewed. A big thanks to the staff and children involved who showcased our school in the best light.

  • A big thank you for supporting our PTA Friends fundsraiser at our sportsday. They continue to raise funds for the school and we appreciate your support. A whopping £605 was raised - thank you so much!

  • Thanks to our EEEA Chief Operations Officer, Mrs Bark (COO), we recently won a bid to help fund replacing our school roof, which BPS partially funds. A large sum has been offered to help us replace our roof and building works are due to take place over the summer holiday. It is likely that some scaffolding will still be in place when we return to school in September, which we will prepare families for in September by sending out communication.

  • Our SBM, Mrs Frampton, is currently working behind the scenes with Chartwells, our new school catering company and our new school kitchen will also be installed over the summer holiday. Further information about the Autumn menu and ordering school dinners will be sent out at the end of term. We can't wait to finally have our own kitchen on site!

  • We have announced the classes that children will be in next year so you are aware which staff will be working directly with your child(ren) in the coming year. It's that time of year when we say goodbye to staff: Miss Mills is delighted to be starting her teacher-training and will be starting a SKITT in September. Miss Lloyd moves on to be a Sports Coach in a neighbouring school. Mrs Wolniewicz, who has been an esteemed HLTA at BPS for a very very long time, is starting her retirement and is looking forward to mid-week rambling - we hope to see her return to us in a volunteering capacity if she has any spare time. Mr Bostock is moving to a school closer to home and we thank Mr Ney for his hard work with the Year 4s this year. We wish everyone the best as they move on to their new adventures.

  • Reception Rainbows swimming lessons start next week on Friday 9th July. It's not too late to sign up if you haven't consented yet.

  • We will be sending out our End of Year Pupil Reports on Friday 8th July. The following Monday (11th July), we will open our classrooms up at 3.00 - 4.30 for our final 'Tray Day' of the year. You're welcome to come along and let your child show you their books and learning and you can have an informal discussion with the class teacher. If you have any queries about your child's report, this will be an opportunity for you to informal discuss this. We have arranged for Chartwells (our new catering company) to showcase some of their food to you in the school hall at the same time, so please make your way to the school hall after the 'Tray Day' to meet the new catering staff and see what delicious food will be offered to our children from September. Please note: Year 6 Violet's 'Tray Day' will be on Tuesday 12th July 3.00 - 4.30.

  • We currently have two Learning Support Assistant (LSA) vacancies available. Please find the job advert here if you are interested in applying to work with us.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Lottie Holly

Year 1 Red Liam Myla

Year 2 Orange Belle Darren

Year 3 Yellow Penelope Finn

Year 4 Green Liyana Ella

Year 5 Indigo James Roheena

Year 5 Blue Maisie Freya

Year 6 Violet Charlie George

KS 1 & Reception Sports Day

Last week, we had our sports days over Thursday and Friday. Over the two days, we saw some amazing competitive activities, fantastic teamwork and some incredible sportsmanship. The children's behaviour was impeccable and I just want to say a massive thank you to the teachers, for helping the organisation of the event, our Year 6 children, who helped during the KS1 Sports Day and the parents, who made it such a memorable day for our children with their amazing support. Finally, a big thank you goes to Miss Lloyd and Mrs Cosentino for all of their hard work in the organising and running of our events.

Thank you to the Friends of Byfleet for providing refreshments at our Sports Day !!

Meet the New tEacher and LSA

  • Our Year 6s had a wonderful time visiting their new secondary schools for two days this week in preparation for them moving up.

  • Reception to Year 5 children enjoyed their Transition Day on Wednesday, getting to know their new teachers and learning support assistants.

  • This week we welcomed Mr Bowman (DHT), Mrs Sherlock (Reading Lead and SLT), Mr Boyd (Year 1 - previously in Reception - welcome back!), Mrs McIntyre (Year 5), Mr Tredger (Year 6), Mrs Keynes (Year 2 LSA) and Mrs Bateman (1-1 SEND LSA). We have started their induction programme to ensure they are ready to deliver their best for September.

  • Miss Vallins in Rainbow class has been liaising with King's Nursery to kickstart the new Reception children's transition. Online virtual home visits will be carried out next week between our Reception staff and our new Reception parents to help us prepare for September.

Reception Rainbow Assembly

  • Reception had their first whole school class assembly on Wednesday 29th June, where they shared their learning all about the seaside. Not only did they sing songs and perform a poem by heart, all of the children took part and said 2 lines.

  • Rainbows shared some of their brilliant writing, seaside art work, their favourite class story books, and sang some songs confidently for the school and parents/carers.

  • We are so proud of all the hard work that Reception has been doing, especially all the practising of lines! Thank you to the support the children had from home, you could see how confident they were! Well done Rainbows!

Art Journals

  • As part of our Curriculum development, we have adapted the way we teach Art skills. There is children will be taught explicit skills and progression over time is key.

  • Our recently introduced Art Journals are used to show the 'journey' the children go on over a 6-week unit of work.

  • There is a greater emphasis on progression - each lesson builds on from the previous one so that gradually the children will be taught a range of different Art skills, which they will then apply each week.

  • The children will study up to two artists, from a range of disciplines and places, so that they have a good understanding of the artists' life, their style, their period of work and their art work.

  • If you are an artist or have a talent for art (printing, sculpting, painting, sketching, textile work) and wish to share these with us to benefit our teaching, we would be delighted if you could get in touch as we are keen to develop our staffs' knowledge, skills and repertoire.

  • We are also looking for a creative person to paint a mural on our outdoor sheds - please be in touch if you know of anyone who is keen to volunteer.

Breakfast & After School Clubs

  • Breakfast and afterschool clubs are run by the school. The clubs are non-profit making and the fees are used to run the clubs. Fees are paid via our online SCOPAY payment system (and Childcare Vouchers can also be used) and are bookable in advance only.

  • The clubs are booked half-termly and need to be booked 48 hours in advance. Once you have booked these sessions they may only be cancelled if more than 48 hours notice has been provided. Any spare spaces or ‘late bookings’ may be booked on an ad hoc basis where we are able to accommodate this with the correct staffing ratios, however this will incur an additional admin fee of £2 per session, per child. Bookings will need to be paid for at the time of booking using SCOPAY. Please note, we run a cashless office so unfortunately cannot accept any cash - all bookings are to be made online please.

  • For more information, please see our website:

Attendance & Punctuality

  • Monitoring attendance and 'lateness' continues to be a priority for us - our school target is 97% and our current whole school attendance is 94%.

  • When absence drops below 92%, we will heighten our communication with you to see how we can help improve your child's attendance. Similarly, if a trend is spotted with your child arriving late, we will work with you to see how we can improve this.

  • Once attendance drops below 90%, Surrey Local Authority become involved and an Inclusion Officer will work with us to see what else we can do to support you.

  • Persistent Absence is defined as 'having 5 or more absences in a half term'; this is regardless of the 90% threshold that triggers the LA Inclusion Officer.

  • In Summer 1, we had 25 child who fell into the Persistent Absence category - this is well above the national average. We completely understand that illness and covid etc. cannot be helped and there may be occasions where the best place for your child is staying at home if they are not feeling well, however there has been an increase in families requesting to take their children out of school for holidays etc, which unfortunately cannot be authorised.

  • If your child is going to be absent for any scheduled reason, please inquire with the admin team for a 'Request for Absence Form', which can also be downloaded from our website, which will allow us to report your child's absence accurately.

  • As previously shared, the headteacher is unable to authorise absence unless in extenuating circumstances. It is also the Local Authority who issues penalty fines for unauthorised holidays of 5 days of more, resulting in a £60 fine per parent per child.

  • If there is any information you wish to share with us that is impacting on your child's attendance, please speak to Mrs Byrne or Mrs Meyrick in the office so we can work together to help.

  • We currently have 6 children with 100% attendance for this year.

  • It has also been great to see the improvements for the families we have been supporting with several who are no longer below 90% or within the Persistent Absence category - this is terrific news!

National 'Quiz Club' Finals

Well done to our Year 3-6 Quiz Club Team who made it to the national finals ......

Year 6: Monty Year 5: Dylan Year 4: Zaiden Year 3: Leah

On Monday, we invited their families in to school to cheer them on as they went into the live online finals. They worked really well as a team, shared some excellent knowledge. Well done for coming 18th overall.

Summer Reading Challenge

More information about the Summer Libraries Summer Reading Challenge 2022 via the Gadgeteers Video Surrey Libraries Summer Reading Challenge 2022 - Gadgeteer

Safeguarding - ONline Safety

Here is a warning regarding the online game:

Huggy Wuggy & Poppy Playtime

Doodle Maths summer Challenge

The Doodle Maths Summer Challenge is here !! 1st to 31st August Please follow the link of how to get started


Parish Day Poster winners

Year 1 (Red) Age 5-6

1st: Thea

2nd: Ted

3rd: Aston

Year 3 Age 7-8

1st: Ethan

2nd: Albie

3rd: Matylda

Year 5 (Blue) Age 9-10

1st: Rayyan

2nd: Lucy

3rd: Vivienne

Year 5 (Indigo) Age 9-10

1st: Kiki

2nd: Max

3rd: Savannah

The winning designs have been made into posters to advertise Parish Day and will be displayed in the Village Hall on Saturday, 16th July.

Parish DaY HORticultural Show

Details about the Children's Classes Parish Day Horticultural Show in the Byfleet Village Hall on Saturday, 16th July. More details on their website :

Ultimate Coaching camps and clubs

Tree Tops Summer clubs

This summer, Tree Tops will be running their fun filled holiday club near you. Open to all primary school aged children there is sure to be something for everyone with a mix of arts & crafts, team building activities and a wide range of sports games! Come and join us, try something new and make this one to remember. Book before Sunday 3rd July 2022 and get 10% off your booking when quoting code 10SUMMER22. We can’t wait to see you all soon!

Win £1000 to Rebuild Library

Please enter the National Book Tokens competition for a chance to

win £1000 to rebuild our library

Midday Supervisor POsition

There is a midday supervisor position is available at Byfleet Primary. Here is a link to the advert via eteach : Midday Supervisor position available

Chartwells Job Opportunity


Mike Wagstaff will be at the school on Tuesday 12th July 2022

Any orders can be made in advance by emailing him:

Top Doodler of the Week

Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

Year 2 Orange Darren 334

Year 3 Yellow Ethan -200 Ethan -332

Year 4 Green Olivia B -580 Katherine 727

Year 5 Blue William -380 William - 225

Year 5 Indigo Tymoffi 704 Macy 607

Our top spot winner is Katherine with 727 stars!


Summer Term Inclusion feedback and meetings

  • Following the graduated approach of assess, plan, do review, all children on the SEND register have an SSA (Send Support Arrangements Plan)

  • The SSA sets out their strengths and needs, details the support they are receiving and targets they have been working on. The targets are reviewed and updated each term (3 times a year)

  • In Autumn term and Spring term the SSAs were shared with parents at parents evening.

  • In Summer term, teachers have written the end of term reports for all parents which will be sent home on July 8th. This will give information about their progress, support and targets.

  • In addition to this, for parents who would like to speak in more detail there is the opportunity to book a 20 minute meeting with Mrs Sharkey-Yun the Inclusion Lead.

  • These meetings will take place on Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th and Friday 15th of July. We will endeavour to schedule appointments for all parents who require them in these 3 days.

  • Appointments will be available to book via scopay from Wednesday the 6th of July and an email reminder about this will be sent out.


We will be celebrating Diversity week from July 11th to July 15th 2022, and learning about the follow topics:

What does Diversity mean?

Different Families

Race and Culture

Embracing Disabilities

We will be sending out information about a home learning project linked to this, so remember to look at google classroom for information about the diversity poster competition!

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Wednesday 6th July - Rocksteady Parents' Assembly 10am

  • Friday 8th July - Reception Rainbows Swimming Day 1

  • Friday 8th July - Reports out to parents

  • Monday 11th July - Tray Day visit to your child's classroom (Yr R - Yr 5) - Yr 6 is on Tuesday 12th July

  • Friday 15th July - Reception Rainbows Swimming Day 2

  • Saturday 16th July - Byfleet Heritage Day in the village

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly - school finishes at 1pm.

  • Thursday 1st September - INSET day 1

  • Friday 2nd September - children return to school

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.