Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Ready   -   Respectful   -   Safe

Always Growing, Ready for Life

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

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year 4 Royal opera house Create day 2024

BPS's Got Talent

Our School Council have made a request, and we've listened....

BPS's Got Talent

Byfleet's Got Talent finals will take place in the hall on Monday 22nd July. 2 children/acts have been chosen from each class. Who will the judges select as their winner?  £30 Amazon voucher for the overall winner! They will be judged on a.) confidence, b.) preparation and c.) entertainment factor.

Quiz Club Competition

On Monday 1st July, the Science Quiz Club team took part in the online Quiz Club Science Championship finals. Having worked hard all year to pass the heats and semi-finals, they were up against the 40 best schools in the UK.

There was a variety of questions and topics: astronomy, atoms, nuclear reactions, elements of the periodic table, anatomy and many more. Most even dipped into key stage three knowledge, challenging our team to use what they knew and had read up on outside of school as well as what they had learnt in their Science lessons.

After six rounds, our Science Quiz Club team finished an amazing 11th place! They continuously showed brilliant teamwork and communication throughout the year and I have been very impressed with their enthusiasm and encouragement for each other. They should feel very proud of themselves to be one of the top 11 teams in the country. Well done and congratulations Daniel, Lilly, Jack and Ethan!

Changes to School Uniform from September 2024

Year 2 and Year 4 Book buddies 

Keystage 1 Sports Day 2024

Water only in drinks bottles

Gentle reminder to all parents/carers that your child/children can only bring in water to school in their drinks bottles.  No fruit juices (even if diluted) are permitted.  Thank you

Summer Reading & Maths Challenge 2024

Make sure you child reads during the Summer Holidays by taking on the Summer Reading Challenge which is available to children aged 4 to 11 at BYFLEET LIBRARY.

You can sign up your child at your local library for free from Saturday 6th July.  

The challenge is for children to read six  books before Saturday 14th September. Younger children can join in with the Mini Challenge, aimed at anyone 3 years and younger.  

Between the 1st July and the 31st August, we invite learners to join one or both of our Summer Challenges -- the DoodleMaths Challenge.

Designed to encourage a few minutes of daily Doodling, the Summer Challenge promotes healthy learning habits and builds each child’s confidence, helping to spark their love of learning.

Most excitingly, all those who complete the challenge will earn a FREE in-app badge, a real-life pin badge and an exclusive downloadable certificate to celebrate their hard work!

The challenges will run from Monday 1st July to Saturday 31st August. The last day to start the challenges will be on Sunday 18th August (as one requirement is Doodling for 14 days).

Children need to earn 750 stars. You can keep track of their progress by downloading our free tracker sheet.

*These 14 days don’t need to be in a row. A day of use is defined as completing at least one exercise between 0:01 and 23:59.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception       Olivia

Year 1 Red          Reuel   Lexi, Frazer, Oscar, Izu & Ralph  

Year 2 Orange      William     Tom                      

Year 3 Yellow        Armani   Oscar                       

Year 4 Green         Faith        Alex & Jubal                     Year 5 Indigo         Theo, Vyga & Zach                         

Year 6 Violet          Florence   Evelyn                       

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red    Mara 159      Marar 149      

Year 2 Orange     Arabella 267    Arabella 587

Year 3 Yellow      Ezra 440

Year 4 Green       Darren 241

Year 5  Indigo     Luke

Year 6 Violet      Katie 310         Evelyn 51

Arabella has the most Doodle stars, with 854 Doodle stars!!

Attendance & Punctuality

We are slightly off track for meeting our 96% end of year attendance target. There has been a high number of chicken pox cases and children off with fever, which can't be helped. Our attendance is 95.78% for the year so far. 

Hopefully we'll have a full house until the end of term, which will help us reach our 96% target!

Monthly Attendance winners:

September  98.85%        Year 2      

October        99.34%        Year 2

November    97.91%       Year 2

December     98.12%       Year 4

January         97.17%       Year 6

February      97.40%       Year 6

March           97.91%        Year 4

April              98.26%        Year 2

May              98.37%        Year 6

June              96.97%        Year 1

If you look at the monthly winners for the year, it seems there's been a trend with Year 2, 4 and 6 winning each month.

In June, Year 1 broke the trend and won the highest attendance! Well done Year 1 - enjoy sitting on the benches in assembly.

Well done to Year 1, 2 and 3 for being above 96%, our school target!

We've had an influx of families going on holiday this month. Unfortunately, Surrey have issued fixed penalty notices to 4 of our families, as a result. We understand how costly it is to holiday out of school term time, however we are only able to authorise absences in exceptional circumstances. 

Just to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive) , they will be liable to receive a penalty notice.

Currently the amount payable under a penalty notice is £60.00 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days. Thereafter the amount increases to £120.00 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the penalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the Local Authority will consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Please note that penalty notices are issued per parent/carer per child so a family of two parents and two children will receive 4 penalty notices.

Please view our Attendance Policy here for further information.


Free Online Parent/Carer Workshops

YMCA East Surrey’s Community Wellbeing Team invites you to attend these free online workshops for parents/carers. These workshops are suitable for parents/carers with children aged 8+.

The Community Wellbeing team will provide you with information and key strategies to support your child. There will also be time for you to ask any questions that you have via the online chat function.

Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

Book your free place for Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

If you have any questions about these events, please email:

Woking Family Centre - SEND online support Group for Parent/Carers

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Online Support Group

Barnardos Woking Family Centre is pleased to offer a free virtual support group for parents/carers with child(ren) aged 0-16 years.  The group provides helpful information and guidance for child(ren) with pre or diagnosed SEND.  The sessions are good place to get practical and emotional advice and an opportunity to meet families in similar situations.  The aims of the sessions are to build positive constructive relationships and calm confident parenting.


The weekly sessions cover different key themes/relevant issues and information, with an opportunity to ask questions. 

Weekly key topics





Register your interest   Please email

BYfleet Parish Day -20th July 2024

Infinity School of performing arts

Multi sports development centres

Surrey Football Coaching centres

Woking TOwn FC Club open Day

Diary Dates

New dates in red

Dates for 2024/2025 Academic Year

Monday 2nd September           INSET 1

Wednesday 4th September      Year 5 & 6 Curriculum Sharing Evening 3.15 - 3.45pm

Thursday 5th September     Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Sharing Evening 3.15 - 3.45pm

Friday 6th September     Year 1 & 2 Curriculum Sharing Evening 3.15 - 3.45pm

Friday 6th September   Metacognition Thinking Skills Day

Tuesday 10th September   Reception Curriculum Sharing Evening 3.15 - 3.45pm 

Thursday 19th September   Phonics Parents' Workshop 8.55 in the hall (target Reception & KS 1 parents but all welcome)

Monday 23rd September   OPEN DAY 1: 9 - 10.00am for new prospective families

Thursday 26th September   Reception Cake Sale 3.15pm

Friday 27th September             Doodle Maths & 144 Club Maths demonstration 8.55 in the hall (R - Yr 4 parents)

Monday 30th September   SEND & Inclusion Parent Coffee Morning 8.55 in the hall (all parents welcome)

Friday 18th October     Halloween D I S C O Friends fundraiser (parent volunteers wanted)

Monday 21st October     Parents’ Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

Wednesday 23rd October     Parents’ Evening 3.00 - 6.00pm

Thursday 24th October   OPEN DAY 2: 9 - 10.00amam for new prospective families

Friday 8th November   Maths Parents Workshop 8.55 in the hall 

Monday 11th November   (TBC) Start of Anti-bullying Week: Odd Socks Day dress up

Thursday 14th November   (TBC) Byfleet Village Light Turn On Singing Event (school uniform to be worn please)

Thursday 21st November   Year 1 Cake Sale 3.15pm

Monday 2nd December   Tray Day 3.15 - 4.15: Come visit your child’s class

Wednesday 4th December     OPEN DAY 3: 9 -10.00am for new prospective families

Tuesday 10th December     Reception/KS 1 Nativity Dress rehearsal 

Wednesday 11th December     Reception/KS 1 Nativity to parents 1.45 - 2.45pm

Thursday 12th December     Kings Nursing Home in to watch Reception/KS1 Nativity 

Friday 13th December     Reception/KS1 Nativity to parents 9.05 - 10.05am

Friday 13th December     Xmas winter fair (parent volunteers wanted)

Thursday 19th December   Xmas Dinner and Xmas Jumper Day

Friday 20th December   House Point Mufti Day Winners & End of term 1pm

Thursday 22nd January   Year 2 Cake Sale 3.15pm

Monday 27th/Tuesday 28th January Coram Scarf (PSHE) Lifebus visit

Monday 3rd February   Tray Day 3.15 - 4.15: Come visit your child's class

Monday 10th - Friday 14th February (TBC) National Football Week

Tuesday 11th February   Safer Internet Day

Monday 24th February   Spelling Bee Competition Starts   

Thursday 6th March   World Book Day 

Friday 7th March   Science Investigation Day - parents welcome

Friday 14th March   Red Nose Day (BPS’s chosen charity)

Friday 21st March   Easter D I S C O Friends fundraiser (parent volunteers wanted)

Monday 24th March   Parents’ Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

Wednesday 26th March   Parent’ Evening 3.00 - 6.00pm

Thursday 27th March   Year 3 Cake Sale 3.15pm  

Monday 31st March - Thurs 3rd April Mental Health Week & World Autism Awareness Day(2/4/25)

Thursday 3rd April           Spring House Point Mufti Day Winners & End of term 1pm

Friday 4th April                        INSET 2

Thursday 15th May   Year 4 Cake Sale 3.15pm

Wednesday 21st May   National Numeracy Day - parents welcome 

Thursday 22nd May   Annual Family Picnic   

Monday 9th June                     INSET 3

Tuesday 10th June   Swimming starts

Friday 27th June   Farms2Ewe Farmyard visit to BPS

Tuesday 1st July   (TBC) Year 6 Transition day to Secondary schools

Tuesday 1st July   (TBC) Meet the new teacher/TA day

Thursday 3rd July   Year 5 Cake Sale 3.15pm

Friday 4th July   Sports Day: AM for Reception/KS1 & PM for KS2 (alt 11/7)

Friday 11th July   Reports out to parents

Monday 14th July   Tray Day 3.15 - 4.15: Come visit your child's class

Thursday 17th July               End of Year Celebration Assembly

Thursday 17th July               Summer House Point Mufti Day Winners  

Friday 18th July                    Year 6 Leavers' Assembly & End of term 1pm 

Monday 21st July /Tuesday 22nd July     INSET 4/5

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here. 

To view our 2024/25 term dates, please click here.