Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Record Results for our Year 6s!

We're incredibly proud of our children and staff for this year's Year 6 end of Key Stage outcomes, where we are well above the national average in every area!

We are all very proud of our wonderful children!

Our Reading, Writing and Maths combined results show a positive trajectory, compared to previous years (and we're well above the national average - 59%). Well done Team BPS! 

Don't forget to add us on Twitter...


Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow    Luna   Kyle  Lilianna

Year 1 Red                   Eve   Tom   Poppy

Year 2 Orange           Amelie W   Thea    Amie

Year 3 Yellow             James  Lauren

Year 4 Green             Mia-Rose  Theo 

Year 5 Indigo            Year 5 for their teamwork and                                         hardwork for the Fiver Challenge

Year 6 Blue               All of year 6 B

Year 6 Violet           All of year 6

Some parents have inquired about the Summer Challenge Doodle badges - we haven't receive any from Doodle this term however we'll keep an eye out for these and keep you updated! Well done to everyone who took part in this competition.

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red  Eva 411 Eva 289

Year 2 Orange  Oscar 427 Oscar 336

Year 3 Yellow     Darren 445 Isabelle 481

Year 4 Green     Zach 149  Ethan 145

Year 5  Indigo    Katie 569  Evie 130

Year 6 Violet    William 201  Clarisse 103

Year 6 Blue     Matilda 222  Matilda 114

Our top spot winner is Oscar in Year 2 with 763 stars!

visit from the farm!

On Friday 7th July, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a special visit from the farm! The farmers set up their pens on our field, and all the animals came out to meet our lovely children. There were ducklings, hens and chicks, guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, a Shetland pony, a beautiful baby calf, lambs and some cheeky pygmy goats and their kids. It was lovely to see everyone's confidence, calm and caring attitude, and love towards all the animals. The animals had a brilliant day filled with cuddles, attention, and eating the long field grass... and we all loved the day too. Thank you to the brilliant farmers who brought their animals along. What an amazing treat before the summer!

Reception introduction swimming sessions 

Rainbows class had a special opportunity for 2 practice swimming sessions to introduce them to our pool. The children practiced their 'bunny hops' along the bar, their super kicking and splashing (which soaked Miss Osbourne and Miss Vallins!) and practiced swimming with their noodle floats from side to side. The children had a brilliant time, especially when they got to blow bubbles and float like a starfish. We are all very proud that they confidently went into the pool... look at their smiling faces! 

Year 2 visit to kings lodge care home

Year 2 were invited to visit Kings Lodge. The children took their favourite book and soft toy to read and show to the residents. It was lovely to be outside with the ladies, gentlemen and staff who were so excited to see the children. One child said "Fred helped me to name my teddy bear because it didn't have a name yet!".

The care home very kindly provided the children with a bottle of water, fruit and biscuits as well as a cup of tea for the grown ups. We then had a sing along altogether to Cliff Richard's 'Summer holiday', accompanied by Mrs Keynes on the guitar. 

The children were particularly excited to see Geoff again! Geoff came into school earlier in the year to read to Year 2. He was quite the celebrity during our visit last Friday!

Thank you very much to Michelle, the staff and the residents for inviting us and for your kindness when we were there. We look forward to visiting you again in the Autumn term! 

Year 2 Gardening CLUB

For those Year 2 pupils who have attended Gardening Club, they have thoroughly enjoyed making bug hotels and enjoying nature! 


Keystage 2 SPORTS DAY - 30th JUNE 


After close competition, Eagles were the overall winners at this year's Sports Day for Keystage 1 and Keystage 2. 

Little Wandle Phonics - What a wandleful year!


It has been an incredible year of introducing Little Wandle phonics in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2! We are extremely proud of the children in Year 1 who achieved 90% pass rate (up from 86% last year) in their Phonic Screening Check in June. This is above the national average of 81% - good job Year 1s!

Little Wandle is a very ambitious programme which has high expectations for all children. The staff in Reception, Year 1 and Mrs Keynes (who has been working with children in Year 2) have worked very hard to ensure they show fidelity to the scheme and reading is a priority. 

We look forward to sharing more successes with you during the next academic year. A big well done to Mrs Sherlock for her dedication to leading our early reading/phonics provision at BPS and for training up our Reception and Year 1 staff - what an impressive reading squad we have!

We are delighted to announce that we have a dedicated Reading Recovery teacher starting with us in September - Mrs van Sickle will teach phonics across Year 1 and 2, and she will focus on dedicated support for those children in KS 2 who need additional phonics teaching to help them become proficient, strong readers, particularly for those children who missed out on phonics teaching during COVID.

 Year 4 100% Multiplication Check WINNERS

In June, every Year 4 pupils takes a Statutory times table test online where the children have to answer 25 questions with 7 seconds for each question. 

They need to know all their tables up to 12 x 12.

Congratulations to Year 4 pupils: 

Jack, Albie, Kurt, Dixie, Diana, Ethan, Penelope, Zach and Alby-Jack who achieved 100% in their Year 4 multiplication check! What an achievement!

Year 5 Fiver Challenge

Arrangements for September 2023

Entering school:

End of day release:




If you could spare the following items, we'd be very grateful. These can be given to the class teachers for class stock.


Summer Reading Challenge

To ensure school children continue their reading journey over the summer holidays then look no further than the Summer Reading Challenge. This year the theme is ‘Ready, Set, Read!’ and it will showcase how reading can be active and engaging, celebrating reading, play and participation in games and sports in any way that suits them best. Starting from 8 July until 23 September, children can sign up for free at their local Surrey library. Summer Reading Challenge 2023 YouTube video  

Attendance & Punctuality

We will be closely monitoring these children to try improve their attendance in 2023/24. 

Here is some good guidance to help you determine if your child is too ill to come to school - this is also available on our website.

Attendance Winners:

Well done to Year 3 for the highest attendance in July - we hope they enjoy sitting on the benches in September 2023 during assembly. Year 3 have also been the class winners x3 this year! Great job Year 3!

Just to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive) , they will be liable to receive a penalty notice.

Currently the amount payable under a penalty notice is £60.00 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days. Thereafter the amount increases to £120.00 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the penalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the Local Authority will consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Please note that penalty notices are issued per parent/carer per child so a family of two parents and two children will receive 4 penalty notices.

Please view our Attendance Policy here for further information.


The transition from the school year schedule to a less-structured summer schedule can bring on all of The Zones at home! Using The Zones of Regulation language and strategies at home can help families to navigate this transition, while also maintaining and building upon regulation skills taught during the school year. Check out these five easy ideas and FREE RESOURCE for exploring The Zones at home this summer.

Parent Volunteers Wanted!

We have a team who are working on setting up a sensory garden area (Mrs Sharkey-Yun, Mrs Wyatt, Mrs Summers and Mrs Tully). We have started gathering items to use, and in the Autumn term would love to have an afternoon when we have parents come and help us set up this new area. If you think you could give some time to help us please leave your details on this form. We will then be in contact in Autumn to discuss further details. 

Donations Wanted for our Sensory Garden!

If you have any plant pots, planters, compost or plants you would be able to donate please speak to one of the sensory garden team (Mrs Sharkey-Yun, Mrs Wyatt, Mrs Summers or Mrs Tully) to let us know. And if anyone has any garden design expertise please let us know : )

The Matthew Hackney Foundation

The Matthew Hackney Foundation, is an established local charity based in Byfleet that has been supporting the mental health of children and young people and their families for 8 years. We are lucky enough to be involved with them, and each year they provide counsellors to come into Byfleet to support our children. They are a small local charity reliant on donations.and they are looking to continue to expand their work by increasing the schools they work in and the number of children that they can support. 

To do this they need to secure more funding and they have written a letter here appealing for sponsorship from individuals or companies - if you or the company you work for think you may be able to support this local charity, please have a look at their letter here which contains more details about sponsorship options. 

Please take a look at their website here to find out more about the wonderful work they do in our local community. 



Glowfit AT Byfleet Primary

Ultimate COACHING - HALF TERM Sports Camp

Ultimate Coaching Summer camps: 

Week 1 WC 24th July:

Monday and Tuesday Multi sports:

Wednesday and Thursday football:


Week 2 WC 31st July:

Monday and Tuesday Multi Sports:

Wednesday and Thursday Football:


Week 2 WC 21st August:

Monday and Tuesday Multi Sports:

Wednesday and Thursday football:


Week 4 WC 28th August:

Thursday and Friday Multi Sports:


After school clubs:

Monday football year 1-4: 

Wednesday football year 5&6: 

Thursday girls football year 3-6: 


BPS Guitar and ukulele lessons with mr gillani

The Lightbox - SUmmeR Family Fun FEstival

FullBrook Events 2023

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here.