Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Ready   -   Respectful   -   Safe

Always Growing, Ready for Life

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Welcome back to the Summer term. It's been a great start so far. Despite many children having chicken pox, this week 2 has seen a rise in attendance so we are please to have all the children back in school with us fit and healthy.

Don't forget to add us on Twitter (X)...


Homework Matrices and curriculum overview


Reception Class are enjoying welcoming special visitors into their classroom for their new topic: People Who Help Us. They had a special visit from the Dentist prior to half term to kick the topic off, but last week we had a very exciting visit from the Police!

Two Surrey police officers brought along some real uniforms for the children (and Miss Vallins) to try-on, whilst also teaching us about the different roles police officers may have. They also showed us around their police car which was amazing because we got to sound the sirens (which were so loud!). What an exciting visit, and thank you to both police officers. What a brilliant visit... I wonder who will come next?! 

RECEption - vet visit  25/04

We have been super busy welcoming visitors into Reception this term, and on Thursday 25th April, we welcomed Dr. Zheng (who is a vet) from Medi-vet in West Byfleet. Vet Zheng showed us how to check-up animals using her handy puppy prop, and all the different steps she takes when she checks an animal is healthy. She told us how important it is for animals not to lick their wounds, and why they wear might need to wear a cone collar. She even told us that she has helped a snake before... how brave! Thank you for answering all our questions Dr Zheng, and thank you for the little animal finger puppets! What a special treat for us!

Year 3 Trip To Horsell Common

What a start to the summer term! Year 3 went to Horsell Common and what great weather we had! Children were able to go in the river and look for animals. We found Moss Creepers, Damselfly Nymph loads of Fresh water Hoglouse, Net maker and even two Fish! Children also went on a bug hunt and found spiders, worms, beetles and millipedes.

new mud kitchen

We have a brand new mud kitchen in our playground and all the children are so enjoying making some mud cakes and just being messy.

SEnsory Garden

A big thank you to all the parent volunteers and children in school who helped us last week setting up our new sensory garden. This is a great project that Mrs Sharkey-Yun and Mrs Wyatt have organised, and we hope the garden area will be around for a long time for all our pupils to enjoy!

We are holding sessions every Friday from 2:30pm until the end of the school day (for Summer 1 term) to help with planting and getting the area established.  If you would like to come along on a Friday afternoon please email the school office (  The school is also looking for any plant donations (including herbs, vegetable, fruit and flowers) or any other  garden decorations or outdoor paint you may have. 

New Yellow Lines

I am sure you have noticed the new 'No Parking' yellow lines which has made the area safer for our children.  

Thank you for not dropping off near the gate.   

SEND Support and Mindworks

For the past several months, all schools in Surrey have been prohibited from making referrals for children we feel need support with diagnosing any neurodiversity/autism. We have felt very frustrated with this as we are working hard in school to support our children through SEND assessments etc and have worked hard to challenge this decision by Surrey. We are pleased that there's a glimmer of hope where Surrey have made strides to overcome this.

We've added a new section to our website under 'Curriculum' to sign post our families to Surrey's Learning Support platform (LSPA) and also included information on how to get hold of Surrey's Mindworks team.

We've included telephone numbers for parents to liaise with Surrey if they have any queries or concerns related to supporting their children with SEND. 

Year 5 Cake sale

SPring DISco - Friday, 10th may

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

 Reception Rainbow   Roman          Ezra

Year 1 Red                    Nathan C       Arao

Year 2 Orange              Eva                 William  

Year 3 Yellow               All Year 3       Amaya     

Year 4 Green               Jubal              Matlida

Year 5 Indigo               Frankie        Elsie                        

Year 6 Violet               Keke              Bradley          

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red  Theo  206          Theo 236 

Year 2 Orange     Holly-May 188  Holly-May 194

Year 3 Yellow      Ezra 482         Ezra  458

Year 4 Green       Isabelle 209    Darren 155

Year 5  Indigo                          Zach 167

Year 6 Violet      Katie  241

Katie has the most Doodle stars, with 515 Doodle stars!!

Attendance & Punctuality

Great news - our attendance is 96.20% for the year so far!  

We're on track for meeting our target!

Monthly Attendance winners:

September  98.85%        Year 2                  

October        99.34%        Year 2

November    97.91%       Year 2

December     98.12%       Year 4

January         97.17%       Year 6

February      97.40%       Year 6

March           97.91%        Year 4

There has been a vast number of chicken-pox cases since the start of term.  We're glad to have most of our children back in with us, albeit with a few scab marks. 

Thank you for continuing to work with us and getting your child to school on time everyday by 8.45am.


Free Online Parent/Carer Workshops

YMCA East Surrey’s Community Wellbeing Team invites you to attend these free online workshops for parents/carers. These workshops are suitable for parents/carers with children aged 8+.

The Community Wellbeing team will provide you with information and key strategies to support your child. There will also be time for you to ask any questions that you have via the online chat function.

Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

Book your free place for Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

If you have any questions about these events, please email:

Reading for Pleasure - PiXL REading

Have a look at PiXL Reading's latest newsletter : PiXL Reading Newsletter - Summer Term 2024



Ultimate Coaching Summer Term 2024 clubs are as follows:

Tuesdays:  After School Football Year 1, 2, 3, 4 Summer Term 1 2024

Tue 16th Apr 24 - Tue 21st May 24

Thursdays:  After School Football Year 5 &6  Summer Term 1 2024 

Thu 18th Apr 2024 - Thu 23rd May 2024

DANCEBITES - Tuesday after school Club

The dance instructor at Dancebites, Sam would love your child to attend this fun interactive club which takes place after school on a Tuesday !!  Please sign up here.  She is offering a free trial, see details below.

Surrey Cultural lives competition 

ASTOR Care and Nursing Agency

All Star CAMPS  May Half Term 

Barracudas May Half Term 

Class Assemblies 

Class Assemblies for 23/24 will take place on the dates below from  8.55 - 9.20 in the main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about.      

Friday 17th May - Year 1              Friday 21st June - Reception

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here. 

To view our 2024/25 term dates, please click here.