Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • Thank you for helping us raise £183.85 for Red Nose Day. Some terrific jokes were shared by the children and class winners have been chosen. Do ask your child who told the funniest joke in their class........'What did the policeman say to his belly button? You're under a vest!'

  • Surrey carry out an annual Travel To School Survey. A key response from parents and carers tackling the school run was that they wanted to see better infrastructure and road safety training to help them walk and cycle to school safely. As a direct result the county council are considering additional investment in walking and cycling measures outside schools to make walking and cycling and scooting to school easier and safer. Please click here to complete the short survey for 2022.

  • Just a reminder that it is Parents' Evening on Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st March in our school hall. Children are welcome to attend and there will be an opportunity for you to see your child's work while you wait.

  • We are looking for a volunteer to help us out with supervising our children during transitions between swimming lessons. This will likely be between 9am - 12pm Monday - Thursday for the summer term. This is a great opportunity to catch a tan or read a book between the swap over of groups of children during their swimming lessons and will really help us out. If you are able to help us, please log your interest here.

  • Just a polite reminder about appropriate PE kits being worn on PE days. PE kits are a yellow t-shirt and black shorts; a dark tracksuit for colder weather. There are many children wearing an assortment of different football kits, bright coloured leggings and a variety of different branded sports tops. If you require any items of clothing, please speak to the office staff who will be glad to assist from our second hand stall.

  • Well done to Year 3 for a terrific cake sale - they raised a whopping £360! Thank you to everyone for supporting them.

  • As the term draws to an end, we say goodbye to Mrs Martin who works 2-days a week in Year 5. We wish her well in her new role, closer to home. We also wish Miss Payne the best of luck with her new ventures ahead.

  • Well done to Miss Mills' General Knowledge Quiz Club who came 13th out of 78 other schools nationally. Well done to our amazing teams!

Team 1: Monty, Jack W, Stanley and Leah

Team 2: Elisia, Dylan B, Zaiden and Dixie-Belle

  • Please be advised that we will be finishing school at 1.15pm on Friday 1st April to commence our Easter holiday.

  • The children return to school on Wednesday 20th April - please see the new arrangements for drop offs from the Summer Term.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Sienna All of Reception (for a wonderful assembly)

Year 1 Red Muskan Taylor

Year 2 Orange Belle Hari P

Year 3 Yellow Luke Rose

Year 4 Green Mathew Olivia C

Year 5 Indigo Lana Tyger

Year 5 Blue Vivienne Brandon

Year 6 Violet Daisy Cairon

Curriculum Wall Art

We are truly grateful to our Byfleet Friends PTA who have kindly sponsored our latest school improvement - we have installed some fantastic new wall art to supplement our children's curriculum.

We are proud to feature our local Byfleet area and key landmarks in our immediate surroundings, and have looked at how this fits into the wider world. We hope our children will quickly be able to learn about continents, countries, oceas, flags of the world and key landmarks through our giant world map. Our long corridor features a timeline from the Stone Age through to the modern day. Byfleet Primary has even managed to make it onto the map!

Our children will be able to recite their tables in no time with our new stair times tables!

Start/End of the Day Arrangements

We have trialled a staggered start to the school day since September, between 8.35 - 8.45, which has helped reduce the overall number of 'late' arrivals in the morning. We are happy to continue with this 'slow start' to the school day. From April, there will be a slight change to our drop off point arrangements.

Once the school double gates have been opened, all children may start coming in to school without being required to wait, from 8.35 onwards.

Reception/Year 1 and Year 2:

  • Start of the day: parents can bring their children to the main playground.

  • End of the day: parent can collect children from the main playground.

Year 3 and 4:

  • Start of the day: parents can drop their children off at the start of the metal railing at the back of the school hall. Year 3 and 4 can walk independently through the metal railings to the playground and into the main building to access their classroom. A member of staff is always on hand at the back gate to ensure all children are safe.

  • End of the day: staff will release Year 3 and 4 from the car park area near the metal railings at the back of the school hall. Please wait near the bicycle shelter to collect at the end of the day.

Year 5 and 6:

These arrangements remain the same.

  • Start of the day: children come into school independently from 8.35 onwards and walk to their classrooms.

  • End of the day: staff will release Year 5 and 6 from the main school gate.

Do you need to speak to the class teacher or TA?

Staff are always available at the end of the school day to answer any queries you may have.

The mornings are very busy and adults may not be available - if there is anything urgent, please email and we will do our best to get back to you.

Your child's reading diary is also a good tool to use to communicate - please remind your child to pass this on to the adults in case they are not checked on a specific day.

Please can we request that non-urgent matters (lost water bottles, jumpers, books etc.) are saved until the end of the school day where the adults from each class will be available to discuss this with you.

What's in the news - ukraine

Helpful Resources Linked to What's Going On In Ukraine

Persistent Absence

  • Monitoring attendance and 'lateness' continues to be a priority for us - our school target is 97% and our current whole school attendance is 93.8%.

  • When absence drops below 92%, we will heighten our communication with you to see how we can help improve your child's attendance. Similarly, if a trend is spotted with your child arriving late, we will work with you to see how we can improve this.

  • Once attendance drops below 90%, Surrey Local Authority become involved and an Inclusion Officer will work with us to see what else we can do to support you.

  • Persistent Absence is defined as 'having 5 or more absences in a half term'; this is regardless of the 90% threshold that triggers the LA Inclusion Officer.

  • In Spring 1, we had 18 child who fell into the Persistent Absence category - this is well above the national average. We completely understand that illness and covid etc. cannot be helped and there may be occasions where the best place for your child is staying at home if they are not feeling well, however there has been an increase in families requesting to take their children out of school for holidays etc, which unfortunately cannot be authorised.

  • If your child is going to be absent for any scheduled reason, please inquire with the admin team for a 'Request for Absence Form', which can also be downloaded from our website, which will allow us to report your child's absence accurately.

  • As previously shared, the headteacher is unable to authorise absence unless in extenuating circumstances. It is also the Local Authority who issues penalty fines for unauthorised holidays of 5 days of more, resulting in a £60 fine per parent per child.

  • If there is any information you wish to share with us that is impacting on your child's attendance, please speak to Mrs Scott or Mrs Meyrick in the office so we can work together to help.

  • We currently have 11 children with 100% attendance for this year.

  • It has also been great to see the improvements for the families we have been supporting with several who are no longer below 90% or within the Persistent Absence category - this is terrific news!

year 1 Assembly

Year 1 loved sharing all their knowledge about the Great Fire of London.

They enjoyed sharing their songs, dance and artwork with you all.

They have learnt lots about how London has changed and they can recall some interesting facts about the London Eye!

Year 6 Assembly

Year 6 did a great job teaching us all about the heart and its functions as part of their Science topic.

We were impressed with the number of facts they were able to recall.

Well done for being so brave and learning your lines off by heart too!

Year 6 Junior Good Citizenship day

Year 6 went to the Laithwaite Community Stadium, home of Woking FC, to take part in the Junior Good Citizenship afternoon, held every year. During their workshop, Year 6 children went round in small groups to learn about fire safety, rail safety, drugs, stranger danger and water safety.

We had some lovely comments from a member of staff from another school, who said our children were very well behaved and we felt that they were our credit to our school community. A big thank you to Mrs Smith who came to support the trip.

Voice in a Million Choir go to Wembly


Mrs Meyrick, Mrs Collins and Miss Osbourne took 18 of our Byfleet choir children to Wembley Arena this week to take part in a charity choir event called Voice in a Million. The children had a fantastic time watching live singing acts, Fayth Ifil (Simon Cowell's Golden Buzzer) and Brooklyn Wyatt to name a few and sang along to Queen, Rag-n-Bone Man, Sia and many more inspiring artists.

We are incredibly proud of how well our children did in the choir, they displayed impeccable behaviour and stayed up late to enjoy a wonderful show. We can't wait to take even more children to Voice In A Million in 2023!

Thank you to the parents and families who travelled to Wembley to watch the show!

Year 6 Sats Preparation Resources

  • In preparation for our Year 6s doing their SATs in early May, all of our teachers are working 1:3 twice a week for 30 minutes each, to carry out reasoning practise with our children.

  • In addition, selected pupils are receiving small group booster sessions in the afternoons to fully prepare them. Their CGP books can be worked on at home to support them.

  • Oak Academy has some highly useful resources, chunked into weekly units, for your Year 5 or 6 children to use at home.

Click this link to access these resources.

Chicks in Reception Class


Rainbow class have loved watching 8 new chicks hatch in their class this week. They've had a wonderful time looking after them, cleaning their cage and feeding and stroking them. What a great opportunity to learn about animals as part of their Living and Growing topic.

Open the Book

Last week, children in Years 1-6 had a visit during an assembly from Open the Book volunteers who are from St. Mary's Church in Byfleet.

The volunteers retold the Easter story and all the children were able to join in with actions. We ended the assembly by reflecting on the Christian message of Easter and thought about ways in which we could be a good friend and neighbour. All classes will be learning about the Easter story in class next week.

Thank you to the volunteers for spending the morning with us and we hope to welcome them again soon!

Top Doodler of the Week

This term we are focusing on times tables so don't forget to click the X on Doodle so you can practise your fluency. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

Year 2 Orange Andrew 261 Andrew 193

Year 3 Yellow Zach 550 Ethan 1302

Year 4 Green Jed 1322 Jed 1365

Year 5 Charlotte 553 Finn 479 Anaya 2825 (The new top winner!!) Cameron 1170

Our top spot winner is Olivia C (Year 4) with 1464 stars!

British Sign language Week 2022

This year's theme for British Sign Language Week 2022 is called 'BSL Brings Us Together'.

We believe that the more people who make the effort to learn the beautiful, unique, visual language, the more the Deaf and hearing communities will be able to learn from each other.

Our children enjoyed learning how to sign a few songs and were challenged to learn how to sign their own name. It's been wonderful watching the children signing.

Thank you to Miss Osbourne for raising our awareness of BSL and teaching us how to sign at Byfleet. Miss Osbourne can competently use BSL to communicate and we look forward to learning more about using signing to communicate.

Here is one of the songs we learnt during BSL Week.

Why not have a go yourself?

Activities from Surrey for the Easter Break

The Surrey Arts Easter activities programme returns in April after a couple of year's break due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This year sees a significant change to the programme. For the first time the programme is split over two areas of the county, East Surrey (Redhill) and West Surrey (Woking). This exciting programme gives young people the chance to experience a variety of different activities including playing in an orchestra for the first time, trying a string instrument, producing their own music and DJing, being part of a rock band, learning dance routines and being creative in an art class.

The range of activities for 6 to 16 year olds will run on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 April at St. Bede’s School in Redhill and Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 April at Westfield School in Woking.

Activities include:

  • Discover Strings suitable for 6 – 11 year olds (Redhill only) - no experience needed

  • Orchestra in a Day for grades 1 – 4 and 4 – 8 or equivalent standard

  • Music Production and DJing suitable for 8 – 16 year olds - no experience needed

  • The Band Experience suitable for 8 – 14 year olds - no experience needed

  • Creative Dance suitable for 8 – 15 year olds - no experience needed

  • Art class suitable for 6 – 10 year olds - no experience needed

Further details about the programme are available on the Surrey Arts website Surrey Arts - Easter holiday activities - Surrey County Council (

Plea for Small World Resources

We would be extremely grateful if you could donate any unwanted small world resources which will be used to support the children during their phonics sessions. There is a box at the office for you to put your donations in.

We've already received some resources so a big thanks for these.

Thank you!

Byfleet's VIP Ladies Day

We hope our mums and VIP Ladies from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 mums enjoyed the Mother's Day Assembly this morning.

The children were terrific and shared some lovely singing, paintings and drawings.

Happy Mother's Day to all the special mums, grannies and carers of Byfleet. Thank you to our Friends of Byfleet for the kind gift donation for every mum!

Year 4 Multiplication Check - June 2022

All year 4 children complete a statutory online Multiplication Table Check (MTC) in June. It is important that we adequately prepare our children for this assessment by proving daily opportunities to master their 12 x 12 tables through maths lessons, 144 Club, Doodle Maths and interventions.

To find out more about the MTC for Year 4, click here.

Class Assemblies

It's been a while since we've been able to invite you into school. We can't wait to invite you back into school to see your child's class assembly. We will continue to reduce the number of children we have together in the hall so will only move to 'whole school' assemblies once it is safe to do so. In the meanwhile, each class will host their class assembly to their parents and one or two other classes in the school hall. These will start at 8.55 - 9.20ish so please join us in the school hall on the day that your child's class assembly has been scheduled.

Reception - Wednesday 29th June Year 3 - Wednesday 30th March - Stone Age

Year 4 - Wednesday 22nd June Year 5 Blue - Wednesday 25th May - Greeks

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Tuesday 29th March - Spring Parents' Evening (1pm - 5pm)

  • Wednesday 30th March - Year 3 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 31st March - Spring Parents' Evening (3.15 - 6pm)

  • Friday 1st April - End of Spring Term & Break the Rules Mufti Day

  • Tuesday 19th April - INSET 4

  • Wednesday 20th April - Start of Summer term

  • Thursday 28th April - Class & Y6 Leavers Photos

  • Tuesday 3rd May - Year 6 residential Parents' info meeting 6pm in school hall

  • w/c Monday 9th May - Year 6 SATs

  • Tuesday 24th May - M.C. Grammar Workshop for all year groups

  • Wednesday 25th May - Year 5 Blue Class Assembly

  • Friday 27th May - Half Term

  • Monday 6th June - INSET 5

  • Friday 17th June - VIP Man Day

  • Wednesday 22nd June - Year 4 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 23rd June - Reception and KS1 Sports' Day

  • Friday 24th June - KS2 Sports' Day

  • Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th June - Year 6 Secondary Transition Days + Meet the New Teacher Day (Wednesday)

  • Wednesday 29th June - Reception Class Assembly

  • Friday 8th July - Reports out to parents

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly

We hope you have a wonderful Easter break in the coming weeks and take time to recoup, relax and come back safely on Wednesday 20th April 2022.

Enjoy the last week until we break up at 1.15pm next Friday. Happy Easter!

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.