Please report absences using the email by no later than 9am.
Diary Dates
Dates for 2024/2025 Academic Year
Wednesday 22nd January Year 5 Class Assembly
Thursday 23rd January Year 2 Cake Sale 3.15pm
Mon 27th/Tues 28th Jan Coram Scarf (PSHE) Lifebus visit
Wednesday 29th Jan Inclusion Coffee Afternoon (3:30pm to 4:15pm)
Monday 3rd February Tray Day 3.15pm - 4.15pm: Come visit your child's class
Tuesday 4th February Open House Ahmadiyya Mosque visit 4:30pm to 6pm
Thursday 6th February Year 6 Cake Sale 3:15pm
Friday 7th February Wear your SCARF (PSHE Day) 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'
Friday 7th February Year 2 Wow Day
Monday 10th February Surrey Music Festival (Yr 3 - 6) at GLive
Tuesday 11th February Safer Internet Day
Wednesday 12th February Year 2 Class Assembly
Thursday 13th February Friends of BPS Valentine's Movie Night 3.15pm - 4.30pm
Friday 14th February Friends of BPS Break the Rules Mufti day
Monday 24th February Spelling Bee Competition Starts
Thursday 6th March World Book Day
Friday 7th March Science Investigation Day - parents welcome 8.45 - 11.00am
Friday 14th March Red Nose Day (BPS’s chosen charity)
Wednesday 19th March Year 1 Class Assembly
Friday 21st March Easter D I S C O Friends fundraiser (parent volunteers wanted)
Monday 24th March Parents’ Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm
Wednesday 26th March Parent’ Evening 3.00 - 6.00pm
Thursday 27th March Year 3 Cake Sale 3.15pm
Wednesday 2nd April World Autism Awareness Day
Monday 31st March - Sunday 6th Apr National Football Week
Thursday 3rd April Spring House Point Mufti Day Winners & End of term 1pm
Friday 4th April INSET 2
Wednesday 7th May Year 3 Class Assembly
Thursday 15th May Year 4 Cake Sale 3.15pm
Wednesday 21st May National Numeracy Day - parents welcome
Thursday 22nd May Annual Family Picnic
Monday 9th June INSET 3
Tuesday 10th June Swimming starts
Wednesday 18th June Year 4 Class Assembly
Friday 27th June Farms2Ewe Farmyard visit to BPS
Tuesday 30th June & Wed 1st July Year 6 Transition Days 2026
Tuesday 1st July Meet the new teacher/TA day
Wednesday 2nd July Year 6 Production 1.30pm - 3.15pm
Wednesday 2nd July Year 6 Production 5.30pm
Thursday 3rd July Year 5 Cake Sale 3.15pm
Friday 4th July Sports Day: AM for Reception/KS1 & PM for KS2 (alt 11/7)
Wednesday 9th July Reception Class Assembly
Friday 11th July Reports out to parents
Monday 14th July Tray Day 3.15 - 4.15: Come visit your child's class
Thursday 17th July End of Year Celebration Assembly
Thursday 17th July Summer House Point Mufti Day Winners
Friday 18th July Year 6 Leavers' Assembly & End of term 1pm
Mon 21st July /Tues 22nd July INSET 4/5
To view our 2024/25 term dates, please click here.
To view our 2025/26 term dates, please click here.
Welcome back to the Spring term. It's wonderful to have the children back in school. Classrooms have felt calm and purposeful and the children have come back ready to learn. Whilst this is a short 6 week Spring 1 term, there are lots of exciting things planned for your children. It's great to see that many of our children kept up their daily reading over the Christmas break - well done!
Reception's Space themed WOW day was a hit. Thank you to the Reception parents for providing such terrific outfits to help immerse the children into their fun day! See photos below.
You may have noticed the new CCTV cameras that we have installed, along with our new video intercom gate system, which will help us further improve our school's safety.
A gentle reminder that all general emails are to be directed to as there are a few stray emails that continue to be sent directly to staff or other admin members. Any absence reporting emails are to please be sent to or make a telephone call to school at the earliest opportunity.
Thank you for your feedback following our parents' evening. We have listened to parent/carer feedback where additional After School Clubs have been requested. As you can see from our previous newsletters, we have advertised for any parent/carer volunteers to run clubs, in addition to increasing our staff-led clubs, which we appreciate is limited given we are a small school. We are yet to have parent/carers volunteer their time. This need not be on a permanent basis: if you could commit to a block of 6 weeks on a particular afternoon from 3.15 - 4.15, an offer a club (sports, craft, computing, reading, music, gardening etc.), this would be hugely helpful to help us increase our offer. It is unfortunate that despite offering more clubs this Spring 1 term, we have had a low take-up for these clubs, with often only 2 pupils in a club. Unfortunately we are unable to make these clubs viable unless we have a minimum number of around 6 pupils. We apologise for this.
Just a reminder - if you child attends any clubs hosted by BPS or any other provider, all children will be handed over to parents at the school gate. We kindly ask that parents/carers wait outside the school premises. Parents/carers of children attending Night Owls will be allowed on site to sign their children out of this provision, from the usual playground side gate next to The Hive.
We are looking for an additional Parent Governor to join our Byfleet Primary School LAC (Local Advisory Committee). If you are interested in working strategically with the Headteacher and Governors and can spare a couple of hours each half term, then please reach out to Mrs Scott at to tender your interest.
If you are interested in hiring our school hall, a classroom, our outdoor hive or swimming pool (summer term only for the pool) for an event you may have in mind, don't hesitate to speak to Mrs Scott in the office who will be able to share our pricing details.
Class Assemblies
Year 5 - Wednesday, 22nd January
Year 2 - Wednesday, 12th February
Year 1 - Wednesday, 19th March
Year 3 - Wednesday, 7th May
Year 4 - Wednesday, 18th June
Reception - Wednesday, 9th July
NHS Pharmacy First Service
Did you know that the NHS Pharmacy First Service enables children and adults to get convenient access to healthcare advice and treatment where appropriate, for seven common conditions without the potential delay of having to wait for a GP appointment? Accessing the service may mean that can help children feel better and back to school as quickly as possible, as well as supporting parents/carers to also get better if they are unwell with one of the conditions covered under the service.
There is no need to make an appointment; parents or carers can pop into their ocal Boots pharmacy with their child and ask for help under the service.
Support for the following conditions can be accessed under the service, free of charge (unless NHS prescription charges apply):
Common condition & Patient eligibility
Earache 1 to 17 years
Impetigo 1 year and over
Infected insect bites and stings 1 year and over
Sore throats 5 years and over
Sinusitis 12 years and over
Reminder Healthy Packed Lunch Policy
A gentle reminder that parents/carers of pupils wishing to have a packed lunch for a particular reason are expected to provide their child with a healthy packed lunch in line with the school's Packed Lunch Policy. Details of this can be found on our school website under Our Families - School Lunches & Menus.
EEEA Pledge to our families
Following on from the communication that we shared with parents in December, showcasing our excellent published End of KS 2 Data, we are proud to showcase that we are upholding EEEA Trusts Pledge to our families...
EEEa Pledge to our families
As it is the start of 2025 it is important to remind ourselves of our pledge to our families.
We are dedicated to:
• safeguarding, nurturing, and cherishing your children, fostering belonging;
• delivering outstanding teaching across all subjects while relentlessly pursuing excellence;
• prioritising high standards in English and Mathematics within a diverse and engaging curriculum;
• valuing and respecting your children's creativity, individuality, and voices, supporting their self-belief and confidence as they grow;
• and empowering them to confidently embrace their next educational and life endeavours as they transition from primary education
Year 2 Science Topic
In Year 2 we have begun a new science topic on living things and their habitats. We have been learning to sort things into living, non-living and never lived. Today we played a game called Quiz, Quiz, Trade. It was great fun asking each other questions and improving our understanding at the same time!
Stars of the Week
Reception Noah G Amber
Year 1 Red Clara Neo
Year 2 Orange Nathan M Juno
Year 3 Yellow Donnie Willow
Year 4 Green Lula Henry
Year 5 Indigo Faith James
Year 6 Violet Sophia Kurt
Weekly Doodle Maths Winners
Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class for the past two weeks!
Year 1 Red - Ela 441 stars Zahra 223
Year 2 Orange - Arao 139 Louis 102
Year 3 Yellow - Ryan 164 Holly-May 176
Year 4 Green - Percy 438 Ezra 353
Year 5 Indigo - Kuda 264 Faith 393
Year 6 Violet - Kurt 217 Kurt
Ela in Year 1 has the most Doodle stars, with 441 Doodle stars!!
holiday camp survey - Please complete
Do you need childcare during the holiday periods?
The school would like to find out what our parents/carers feel about the school providing holiday camp provisions during our main school holidays, here at BPS.
Please click on the following link :
Attendance & Punctuality
Just to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive), they will be liable to receive a penalty notice. The issue of a Penalty Notice will also be actioned where a pupil has incurred 10 or more unauthorised sessions during the preceding 10 school weeks. These also included 'lates' after the register has closed.
**Changes to the National framework for Penalty Notices came into force for Penalty Notice Fines on 19th August 2024**
First offence within a 3 year rolling period will incur a charge of £80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days, Increasing to £160 per parent, per child if paid within 28 days.
Second offence within a 3 year rolling period will incur a flat rate of £160 per parent, per child if paid within 28 days.
The third time an offence is committed within a 3 year rolling period for term time leave or irregular attendance the case will be presented straight to the Magistrates Court.
Please view our Attendance Policy here for further information.
Hello families,
Welcome back to school, I hope you all had a lovely, restful break. It's so lovely to see all the children back in school. Many of whom have grown taller!
Over the holidays I spent some time researching into new evidence based strategies to support our learners.
Dsylexia is a common learning difficulty that requires a specialist to diagnose, with a high cost price! Many specialists now prefer to diagnose children with SPLD - specific learning difficulty. This can range in severity. This language is brilliant because it identifies children's strengths and areas of challenge across all areas of learning not just specifically reading and writing. Dsylexia and dsycalculia are of course still a specific learning difficulity and children and adults alike can be diagnosed with dsylexia or dyscalculia. Many of the strategies that support dsylexia or SPLD also support all children.
An area I am keen to improve on is the use of technology. Our children are growing up in a world where technology is becoming more and more advanced.
The British Dsylexia Assosciation have a free course on the use of technology which I found really helpful. There was information about free resources which can be used at home such as websites where you can take a photo of a maths problem and it will show you how to solve it! No cheating on those maths questions though! The resources shared in this mini module are applicable for all children, not just those who present with learning challenges - I use stickynotes to help me with organisation and speak to text is super helpful when it's quicker to talk than type!
Best wishes
Miss Oliver
Inclusion Lead
Invite to Coffee Afternoon
You are all invited to a tea and coffee afternoon on Wednesday 29th January and 3:30 - 4:15 pm to learn about Zones of Regulation and Resilience, in the Hive. We will also touch on Emotion Coaching.
We will have a creche for children to attend so parents are free to meet in the Hive for our session.
We are also aiming to stream this event live on Google Meets please use the following link to join:
Video call link:
I hope that lots of you will be able to join us. Everyone is welcome. I look forward to seeing you then.
Miss Oliver
barnado's Free Workshops at Welcome church
Woking family centre groups/courses 2025
FACE family advice
GLOWFIT After School Club is back
Glowfit are thrilled to announce the return of the after school club, GlowFit with Lucy! which started back this Wednesday, this exciting club promises an hour of high-energy fun for children aged 4-11.
With glowsticks and disco lights, this is more than just a workout – it’s a confidence-building, fitness-improving, and easy-to-follow dance session with fun games that your child will love!
Time: Wednesdays, 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Open to: Reception – Year 6
Payment: Sessions to be paid half-termly
Spaces are still available, so don’t miss out! To book your child’s spot, please get in touch: 07592 473119 /
Let’s make afterschool the highlight of the week!
mia's school of dance
Mia's School of Dance has spaces available for your child to join them this year; all abilities welcome for fun creative dance classes on Monday's and Tuesday's.
Are you looking for something creative for your child to start this year to build their creativity, keep fit, have fun and dance...
Join Mia’s School of Dance for fun dance club at Byfleet Primary School - All abilities welcome
View their website for more information/ to book your child's space now:
Monday's - 3:15pm - 4:15pm (Ages 5-7)
Tuesday's 3:15pm - 4:15pm (Ages 8-11)
musicly lessons at Byfleet Primary
Musicaly currently provide music lessons to a number of our pupils every Thursday. If you would like to register your child please click on the registration link :