Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Ready   -   Respectful   -   Safe

Always Growing, Ready for Life

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

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SATs Success!

At the end of last term the DfE published the SATs results for all primary schools in the country. 


This allows schools and parents to compare each school’s academic outcomes in comparison with others.

We are delighted to announce that BPS in the top 10% nationally out of 22,102 schools.

This is a remarkable achievement and testament to the hard work of both pupils and staff.

We are pleased to also have exceed the local (Surrey) and national (England) averages, which you can see below.

Well done team BPS and brilliant children!

Below shows the BPS progress made in each subject with '0' being 'expected/average progress'.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

 Reception Rainbow   Elana  Oliver

Year 1 Red                     Theo   Ralphy

Year 2 Orange               Ralphie  Peggy

Year 3 Yellow                 Ted   Muskan        

Year 4 Green                  Shanzay   Lilly

Year 5 Indigo                  Fin    Poppy

 Year 6 Violet                  Olivia   Jacob    

120Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red   Theo  347      Greg 207

Year 2 Orange   Freddie 231   Freddie  201

Year 3 Yellow      Oscar 340     Oscar 352

Year 4 Green      Isabelle  314  Faith  104

Year 5  Indigo    Zach 120      Jack 142          

Year 6 Violet      Johal  847    Johal  181

Oscar has the most Doodle stars, with 692 Doodle stars!!

FAMILY Maths Home Challenge 

We'd love to get as many of our families involved with our Midweek Maths series........from ExpertEd.

ExpertEdLive is a cross-sector partnership between leading universities, independent schools and MATs aiming to provide educational enrichment and opportunity which is accessible to all children. 

This is for the whole family! 

Mrs Meyrick would love it if you could tweet @byfleetprimary on Twitter (X) if you're taking part so we can give you a shout out. 

Register here for this Family Maths Challenge.

Midweek Maths information can be found here.

early Writing in Reception

Within the last 2 terms of Reception we have been busy learning our phase 2 and 3 graphemes, and beginning to use our phonics knowledge to write.

Below you will see some of our amazing examples of writing in Reception. We write using whiteboards & pens, sand and our fingers, in our writing books with handwriting lines, chunky chalks on the floor, on our inside chalkboard easel using special chalk pebbles and also we are beginning to incorporate writing into our drawing club lessons. Haven't we been busy! 

Writing doesn't always have to be sitting at a table, with a pencil & paper... being imaginative makes it fun! The children in Reception are eager to grab a clipboard and explore the outside area making lists and tallies of different things they see. We are loving the enthusiasm Reception. 

When encouraging drawing and writing at home, please ensure that your child is using the correct tri-pod pencil grip. We sing a special song in Reception where our thumb and index finger becomes a 'pinchy crab' who comes along and 'snips' our pencil, followed by a pencil flip (landing into the correct tri-pod pencil grip position). This encourages more accurate writing but also a grip that is comfortable. Reception will be bringing home the supporting resources for correct pencil grip/modelling at home this week. Practice makes perfect, so keep it up! 

Book Buddies

'Book Buddies' is always an exciting time of the month for the children at Byfleet! It is a lovely opportunity for children to put down their pens and spend time sharing a book with someone in another year group. 

The Reception children enjoy sitting on the 'big' chairs in Year 5 and the Year 5 children always enjoy a trip back down to the Reception classroom!

Gender Question Children Guidance from DfE

Gender Questioning Children guidance

The Department for Education recently published non-statutory guidance for schools and colleges on how best to support pupils questioning their gender in schools and colleges. I would like to share this information with you so that you are kept updated.

The focus of the guidance is to provide practical advice for schools to help them make decisions regarding children who are questioning their gender, in a way that prioritises safeguarding, and parents' central role in their children's lives. 

This is draft guidance for consultation and so the Department for Education would like to encourage schools and parents to engage with the consultation process, which will run for 12 weeks until 12 March 2024.

To take part in the consultation, click here.

Parent First Approach is at the core of the new DfE non statutory guidance. Read more about it here.

Attendance & Punctuality

Autumn 100% Attendance Winners!

Reception: Taym  Evana  Olivia (3

Year 1: Reuel  Erin  Nathan  Alisha  Izu  Evie  Emily  Louis (8)

Year 2: Eva  Frankie-Lee  Ralph  Edward  Ryan  Luna  Freddie  Lucas  Poppy  Aurora  Sienna  Willow  Peggy  Holly-May  Tom (15)

Year 3: Ayesha  Rachel  Eleanor  Aston  Amelie P  Oscar  Muskan  (7)

Year 4: Shanzay  Faith  Dalia  Dominik  James  Andrew   Isabelle  Darren  (8)

Year 5: Poppy  Theo  Rose  Connor  Carter  (5)

Year 6: Florrie  Johal  Katie  Matthew Mc  Keke (5)

Book Fair At Byfleet - From Monday, 15th January 2024

The Book Fair will be open on Monday, 15th January in the Hall. 

The Book Fair will be open to all parents/carers and pupils from 3pm - 3.30pm Monday to Thursday. Please come and find us in the Hall after school to choose your new books.

The more books we buy means extra books for use in School!  Please ensure you click on the Byfleet Primary link as you pay at checkout.


Jotting down a shopping list, writing a birthday card, taking down a phone message, completing a form at the bank … handwriting is part of our daily lives.  

Here are some ways you can support your child as they practise their handwriting:


1. Check the pencil grip

Make sure your child adopts the correct pencil grip from the start – it is almost impossible to correct bad habits later.

2. Are you sitting comfortably?

When your child is writing, make sure they are sitting comfortably with their feet touching the floor (or a footrest). Writing is easier when you have a stable body.


3. Write in the sand

Give your child opportunities to do some non-permanent writing. This takes the pressure off early writers – if their handwriting isn’t perfect, they can just wash or brush it away and start again. Write in the sand at the beach. Write in the mud at the park. Fill a clear sandwich bag that closes with some washing-up liquid and glitter; get your child to write (gently) on this. Ask your child to write letters or words on your back with their finger – can you guess what it is?


4. Get crafty

Continue to encourage your child to draw, colour, paint, and do crafting activities at home using a range of different materials. These activities all provide opportunities to develop control, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.

Add some writing to the crafts – can they write with chalk, paint brushes or crayons? Can they make an attractive sign for their door or books?

5. Write, write, write!

Create as many opportunities as you can for your child to write:

world book day- thursday 7th march

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. This year we are inviting children to come 'dressed as a word' so we can take part in a vocabulary parade! 

Firstly…the words do not need to be tricky at all, e.g. if a child came as the word purple, they could come dressed in clothes all of that colour. Colours would be an easy one to do! Just literally wear clothes in that colour and that’s your word!

Here’s some other ideas:

Fluorescent / neon – come dressed in brightly coloured clothes! 

Celebration – come dressed in party clothes, wearing balloons and streamers

Condiment – print out and stick photos of sauce / mustard/salt/pepper on you

Illuminate – come wearing fairy lights!

Festive – come wearing Christmas decorations!

Eco-system (rainforest) or habitat wear brown and green and stick paper leaves on yourself

Blizzard – come dressed all in white

Military/Camouflage – come dressed in khaki colours or camouflage

Blustery – come dressed in winter woollies with hat scarf and gloves

Blossom – come wearing all different bright flower colours and stick real or artificial flowers on

Emotion – plain to shirt with emoji pictures printed out and stuck on, or stickers

Anonymous – print out and stick a big question mark on yourself or draw one with felt tips on to a t shirt

Happy/overjoyed / ecstatic – come dressed in brightly coloured happy clothes and a sign on saying HAPPY or write happy on in felt tip

Aquarium – draw fish on a t shirt and wear with leggings

Creepy – make little spiders out of pipe cleaners or tissue paper and stick them on your clothes

Botanical – stick leaves all over you and wear green clothes

Aerodynamic – turn a piece of paper into a cone hat, like the top of a rocket and attach with elastic to make you look like a rocket

Creative – come covered in pencils, pens, paper clips, post it notes or other stationery

Activist – bring a placard/sign made out of paper about a cause you feel passionate about!

Weekend – come wearing your downtime clothes!

Buoyant / floatation – wear your shorts and t shirts with your armbands or rubber ring

Perplexed / confused – draw lots of little question marks all over you!

Produce/groceries/greengrocer – come carrying a box or bag of fruit/ veg

Comfy - come wearing your pyjamas and slippers

There are lots more ideas and inspiration online if you google ‘vocabulary parade’ and look at Google images or Pinterest! Thanks in advance for getting involved!


Free Online Parent/Carer Workshops

YMCA East Surrey’s Community Wellbeing Team invites you to attend these free online workshops for parents/carers. These workshops are suitable for parents/carers with children aged 8+.

The Community Wellbeing team will provide you with information and key strategies to support your child. There will also be time for you to ask any questions that you have via the online chat function.

Talking to your child and supporting them to cope with worries

Book your free place for Talking to your child and supporting them to cope with worries 

Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

Book your free place for Understanding, expressing and managing emotions

If you have any questions about these events, please email:

Parent Volunteers Wanted!

We requested some volunteers for the sensory garden - thank you to everyone who sent a response. Our IT support team have been unable to retrieve my google forms, so thank you to everyone who completed one, but unfortunatley I can't access this information currently. Once the weather gets a bit warmer, I will create a new sign-up link!

Supporting your child with the transition from Primary to Secondary school

Join YMCA East Surrey’s Community Wellbeing Team for these informative and supportive online  workshops about the transition from Primary to Secondary school and how you can support your child. There will be an opportunity for discussion and questions. These workshops are suitable for parents and carers with children in school Years 5-7.

Book your free place for Supporting your child with the transition to Secondary school

If you have any questions about these events, please email:

London TKD After School Club

Taekwondo lessons are available via our externally run club London TKD on Mondays from 3:20pm to 4:20pm in the school hall.  Bookings can be made via their website :

Ulitmate Coaching Half Term Camps

Here are the links to Ultimate Coaching's half term camps coming up in February 2024:

Monday 12th  February (Football)

Tuesday 13th  February (Multi Sports)

NEXT thing Education Half Term Camps

Pleiades Leisure holiday camp - February Half term

Eastwood School Nurse Drop In clinic for parents

A member of the Woking School Nursing Team is available on the 1st Wednesday of every month between 9.30am and 11.30am (including holidays) at the Child Health Drop-In at Eastwood Leisure Centre,  Albert Drive, Sheerwater, Woking GU21 5RF. 

2024 dates are : 7 Feb, 6 Mar, 3 Apr, 1 May, 5 Jun, 3 Jul, 7 Aug, 4 Sep, 2 Oct, 6 Nov, 4 Dec.


A member of the team will be available to answer questions and give advice, information on topics including early toileting, sleep, behaviour, healthy diet, dental care, school readiness, NCMP heights & weights, mental health, eating disorders, minor illnesses, internet safety and much more.  They can also help with referrals to other services.

Just drop-in, no appointment necessary, there is a soft play area if you have a younger child and space to sit and have a coffee.  Free parking at the venue.

Free money management Course 

Money is on all our minds right now.  

Would you benefit from knowing how to build and balance a household budget; structure your finances using a system proven to work; and find ways to save more and get the most out of your spare cash?

Join a free CAP Money Management Course being run by King’s Church Walton, on 23rd and 30th January (with an optional session on 6th February) at Bell Farm School, KT12 5NB. 

For more information visit, email or simply book your place at

Class Assemblies 

Class Assemblies for 23/24 will take place on the dates below from  8.55 - 9.20 in the main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about.      

Friday 9th February - Year 5

Friday 8th March - Year 2            Friday 22nd March - Year 4

Friday 17th May - Year 1              Friday 21st June - Reception

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here. 

To view our 2024/25 term dates, please click here.