Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary


Year 5 are enjoying sitting on the benches during assembly this month for having the highest class attendance in December. Great job!

Attendance Winners:

Well done 6V - not only are you the January Attendance Winners, you also have achieved the highest monthly attendance so far for this academic year!

Enjoy sitting on the benches during assemblies this month!

Our whole-school attendance target is 96%. 

By the end of December, we were at 94.89%

By the end of week 2 this term, we were at 95.01%

By the end of week 4 (today), we are at 94.75%

Please can you help us raise this. Whilst we understand some children are prone to illness, mild illness can be managed in school by liaising with admin team who will administer Calpol or antibiotics (if children are well enough to be in).

Thank you for continuing to report your child's absence each day if they are away from school. We're hoping to see a reduced number of children being absent this term to see if we can reach our school target.

Year 3 Assembly

We hope you enjoyed Year 3's assembly. Year 3 enjoyed sharing their learning about The Great Pacific garbage patch and caring for our environment. As well as sharing their persuasive letter they wrote, inspired by the book 'One Plastic Bag', encouraging our MP, Cllr Boot to discuss and change the rules on single-use plastics in parliament.

 The children read their lines incredibly well and were very proud of themselves. 

safer internet day - tuesday 7th february

On Tuesday 7th February we will be join different organisations from across the country to take part in Safer Internet Day. This is a very important annual event which helps raise awareness around some of the issues children are experiencing online. The children will be taking part in a series of sessions and activities to explore the theme Want to Talk About It? Making Space for Conversation About Life Online. 

Please see the separate letter which was sent out earlier in the week for further information and if you require any advice or support with any issues regarding Online Safety, please contact Mr Bowman via the school office.

P.E. and sport at byfleet

We are working hard to develop PE at Byfleet and much work has happened behind the scenes since the start of the year. Through our work this year we are looking to increase the opportunities for our children to take part in physical activity, increase the opportunities for children to represent their house through sport and increase the level of opportunities the children will have to compete in the wider community. Some of updates to our PE and Sport offer include:

Year 6 Athletics events 

It was an absolute pleasure to take a group of Year 6 athletes to take part in the Woking Sportshall Athletics Tournament. The children had to compete in a series of indoor field and track events against 11 other schools. The children did an absolutely amazing job and were a credit to the school both in terms of their attitude, effort and behaviour. After 2 hours of gruelling competition Byfleet were delighted to finish 8th. 


We hope you enjoyed Year 6B's assembly. Year 6 Blue enjoyed sharing their learning about Sir Ernest Shackleton as part of our Against The Odds topic. We focused on the leadership, determination, resilience skills that Shackleton and his crew were showing during their tough time and thought about how we could learn from him. 

 The children read their lines incredibly well and were very proud of themselves. We hope you enjoyed it and our song 'Eye of the Tiger' by Survivor! 

doodle Maths  Back-to-school Competition

To take part, encourge every pupil in your child's class to be working in the GREEN zone (achieving ther target number of starts) for 14 consecutive days from 20th January - 2nd February.

After the 2nd of February, we'll count up the percentage of students in your child's class who were in the green zone during the competition. 

The class with the highest percentage of pupils in the green zone will win a bundle of goodies worth £50.

Good luck, and happy Doodling!

We love reading @ BPS!

Please see our colour book-band home reading table below to check to see the level your child is reading at.

We've had a big focus on reviewing our daily reading and we're excited to see children starting to take some of our new book-banded chapter books home to read. 

Please remember to write in your child's reading diary to record x5 reads a week to be on track for their reading awards!

By the end of this half term (Friday 10th February), children should be on track from 100- reads (Silver Reading Award). 

Quiz Club

On Friday 27th January, our best quizzers from years 3-6 took part in one of the Quiz Club National General Knowledge heats. Callum, Jed, Fin and Nellie competed against other schools in a livestreamed online quiz consisting of six rounds with a wide range of questions covering topics such as artists, explorers, maths problems, world geography and space.

It was a very close competition and then came the last round with a twist – each question was worth 100 points! We combined all of our knowledge and were told that the top 10 teams would make it through to the semi-finals…

Can you spot team Byfleet?

We made it! Well done to our wonderful quizzers for their excellent teamwork and perseverance. Semi-finals here we come!

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow  Lowri    Cattleya

Year 1 Red               Arabella  Aurora

Year 2 Orange         Amaya   Rory

Year 3 Yellow          Matilda  Dominik

Year 4 Green          Evie-Sue  Erin

Year 5 Indigo         Ariana  Evie

Year 6 Blue         Macy, George  

Year 6 Violet        Teddy  Finn

Sports for School - Athlete visit

In May, Byfleet Primary School will be having a visit from a GB athlete.  This will include an assembly on the 2nd May where the athlete will be revealed and then an sporting event on the 16th May.

Further details will be provided to parents in due course.

Doodle Maths

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 2 Orange  Oscar 295   Billy 399

Year 3 Yellow     Andrew 386 Andrew 662

Year 4 Green    Finley 1814 William 199

Year 5  Indigo  Mason 1514   Evie 1058

Year 6 Violet   Mia 249  William 269

Year 6 Blue     Callum 1107    Callum 1275

Our top spot winner is Callum in Year 6B with 2382 stars!

A whopping well done to William in Year 6 for demonstrating resilience and perseverance! He has used Doodle Maths 'little and often' and has earned a 500 day streak!

That means William has not missed a day of Doodling for 1 year and 135 days! Wow!

National SChools' Football Week

National Football Week is something we introduced 2 years ago and it's been a real hit with our children! This year, we'll be doing it again...

As part of work on developing our PE curriculum and sporting enrichment opportunities, we will be celebrating National Schools' Football Week. This is a week organised by ESFA and aims to increase the opportunities for children to get active and take part in competitive sport. 

At Byfleet we will be hosting a series of small sided interhouse matches throughout the week and inviting the children to wear football kit to school on the day of their tournament and on Thursday 9th February. For more information please see the letter that was sent out earlier on in the week.



Last week we had a FANTASTIC careers week! The children were talking about all the visitors long after they left, and we are extremely appreciative of the support parents gave us by coming in to speak to all our children. We had eleven guests throughout the week talking about their careers, and the children also took part in activities thinking about job sectors and job skills, tackling gender stereo-types and thinking about STEM and NHS careers.

Children learnt about a range of different jobs including: 

Veterinary Nurse 

Software engineer 

Passport control / Immigration officer

Graphic designer 


Adventurer /rower / weather router


Electronic engineer (aircraft lighting) 

Food purchasing (hospitals and military) 

Banking / Risk Management 

Trade compliance


Please save the date for our Spring Term Inclusion Coffee Morning:

 This term we are inviting guests to come and share information with parents. Each guest will share a short five minute presentation and will then be available for parents to speak to if they would like to find out more. This is open to all parents, and it about what services and support is offered within the local areas for families to access. 

We will have representatives from the following teams and organsiations:

-Primary Mental Health Team

-Educational Psychologist

-Papyrus Charity

-Surrey Family Infomation Service

We are still recruiting more guests, and will keep updating you as they confirm their attendance. It will be a great chance for all parents to find out more about the support and services available in the local community. 

pre-ordering school Lunches

Please can parents remember to pre-order their child's school lunches for the week (or even month in advance) as there has been an increasing number of pupils not having school lunches ordered on the day. 

For any Keystage 2 pupil, who does not have a lunch pre-ordered on the day, the parent will be called to bring in a packed lunch before 11:30am that morning.

Little Wandle Phonics

Home reading diary

A little reminder to write in your child's reading diary when they have read to someone at home. 

Reading bags

Reading bags are getting full with lots of books! Children should only have their decodable reading book and their reading for pleasure book in their reading bags. Please can any books from home be kept at home!

Collins ebooks

Thank you to those children who have been reading online. We have seen an increase in the number of children who are accessing their Collins ebook- well done! The reading books remain on your child's account throughout the year, so they are always accessible. 

Did you know? Children learn 4,000 - 12,000 words per year through reading!


 Surrey Education Services provided free family learning online courses for parents, carers and families:

Family Learning Courses 

Chartwells school Meal Price increase

From the 1st February 2023,  due to significant inflationary pressures Chartwells will be increasing the price of the meal served at your child’s school to £2.80 from 1st February 2023

Further details of the letter that was sent out all parents 

Ultimate Coaching - February Half Term & INSET DAY CAMPS 

Byfleet  Multi - Sports Inset  

 Friday 10th February 2023 

8:45am - 3:00 pm 


Byfleet 1 Day Sports Camp  

Monday 13th February 2023 

845am- 3:00pm  


 Byfleet 1 Day football Camp 

Tuesday 14th February 2023 

930-3:00pm Early Drop off Available 


Barracudas Activity Day camps

CM Sports Activity CLUBS

Nova Cinemas, Woking - Half term Filimings

perform - Drama Classes

Free Trial Session and £40 discount at Perform 

Children's drama and dance school Perform is offering a Free Trial Session and a special introductory discount of £40 for members of Byfleet Primary School if they sign up by Saturday 6th May. Parents should quote BYPS060523 when they book their free session by going to or calling 020 7255 9120. 

Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies for 22/23 will take place on the dates below from 8.55 - 9.20 in main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about:              

10th March - Year 4                      17th March - Year 2      

19th May - Year 1  NEW DATE DUE TO KS2 SATs                      

 9th June - Year 5                            23rd June - Reception                            

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here.