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Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • Welcome back to this Spring term. We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and restful break. It's wonderful having the children back with us, particularly our lovely Year 4s who were off for the final week of term, doing remote learning with Mr Ney.

  • Attendance:

Reception: 94.58% Year 1: 93.88% Year 2: 94.76% Year 3: 92.54%

Year 4: 94.30% Year 5 Indigo: 92.17% Year 5 Blue: 95.67% Year 6: 94.25%

  • Our Spring term curriculum overviews, homework matrices and spelling overviews have been sent out today. These are also available on our school website.

  • We're excited to be offering 17 different clubs across the Spring term - a big thank you to our staff who have volunteered their time to help us offer some of these clubs. Thank you also to our parent, Mrs Turner, who has kindly volunteered to run our Netball club.

  • Inclusion Coffee Morning will be rescheduled for Thursday 20th January 2022 at 9am with Mrs Sharkey. Please come along if you wish to discuss your child's SEN needs or if you are keen to meet Mrs Sharkey our Inclusion lead.

  • A parent and carer reading workshop has been arranged for Friday 28th January 2022 at 9am, it will last around 30 minutes. Please come along to find out about our whole school approach to reading and simple ways to support your child with their reading at home.

  • A gentle reminder to please walk your child to the main office to register them if they arrive late in the morning. We have a slow start to the school day (KS 1 & 2 - between 8.35 - 8.45) which has helped us reduce our persistent lates and we will continue to monitor this to make further improvements.

  • Please remember that we are a nut-free school as we have some children who have nut allergies. If exposed to nuts, this may bring on an anaphylaxis allergic reaction so thank you for helping us make our school a safer place: no Nutella or peanut butter spread please.

  • If you are interested in your child signing up for 1-1 or small group music tuition from Mr Gillani, our music teacher, please see the section below.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Connor

Year 1 Red Eleanor

Year 2 Orange Dominik

Year 3 Yellow Dixie

Year 4 Green Keke

Year 5 Indigo Kiki

Year 5 Blue Alfie

Year 6 Violet Lola

Spanish - ¿Hablas español?

Learning to speak a foreign or second language is something we feel will greatly benefit our children. Historically, French has been taught by class teachers to KS 2 at Byfleet. As part of improving our curriculum, we researched which language we wanted our children to learn and discovered the following statistics:

Spoken by native and non-native speakers:

Spanish: 527 million French 229 million

We are delighted that we will be offering weekly Spanish lessons to all of our children, from Reception to Year 6. We welcome our new Spanish teacher, Señora Wyatt, who will be working with our children from next week.

Christmas Carol Concert

We hope you enjoyed the video of our Christmas Carol Concert - it was such a pity that we were unable to host this event in school but we're sure the video will be cherished for years to come.

A big thank you for our families who made a voluntary donation - a whopping £217.50 was raised, which we have split and donated £107.85 to our chosen Byfleet charity, The Matthew Hackney Foundation and the FRIENDS of Byfleet Primary School.

Year 5 Garage Band DJ-ing

What is the earning capacity of a famous dj? Calvin Harris made an estimated gross income of $38.5 million last year......we are hoping our new curriculum offer may spur some of our Year 5 children on to become the next Calvin Harris!

Our Year 5s will be enjoying learning how to use electronic mixing to 'mix music' using technology (computer apps, decks and mixers) this term as part of their music provision.

They started their first lesson this week with Surrey Arts and we look forward to showcasing what they have learnt, later in the term.

Top Doodler of the Week

Well done to our 'Top Doodler' in each class for earning the most points as part of their Doodle Homework. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

This award is for 'effort' so remember to do your best!

Year 2 Orange Darren 706

Year 3 Yellow Carter 364

Year 4 Green Olivia B 363

Year 5 William 412 Eddie 202

Our top spot winner is Darren (Year 2) with 1027 stars!

Children's Mental Health Week

We have a quick plea that we are hoping our Byfleet community will be able to support us with....

Children's mental health week is 7th - 13th February 2022 and we are looking for a yoga or Thai Chi teacher to carry out some sessions with our children.

If any of our parents or family members work in this industry and would be happy to do short sessions with our 8 class anytime during this week, we would love for you to be in touch. Please let Mrs Sopp in the office know.

YEAR 4 BIKEABILITY cycle training

Year 4 have the opportunity to take part in the Level 1 Bikeability Cycle Training on 26th - 28th January. The purpose of the training is to teach basic skills for cycling in advance of their taking a Bikeability Level 2 on-road course in Year 6.

Information regarding this has been sent to parents/carers - if your child wishes to take part please return your consent form by Monday 10th January.

Music Lessons: 1-1 or small group

Mr Gillani has had a strong interest from parents/carers wishing for their children to take up paid ukulele and guitar lessons during school time. He will be in touch with you shortly to outline arrangements so that these lessons can start in the coming week.

If you are interested in music lessons for your children at Byfleet, please register your interest clicking on the link below.

Music Lesson Interest Form

Plea for Small World Resources

We would be extremely grateful if you could donate any unwanted small world resources which will be used to support the children during their phonics sessions. There is a box at the office for you to put your donations in.

Thank you!


On Wednesday 23rd March 2022 our Key Stage Two pupils have the opportunity to take part in a music event at the SSE Arena, Wembley.

We currently have 22 children who have registered to attend.

Now celebrating its 12th year, Voice in a Million presents an opportunity of a lifetime for school children from all backgrounds throughout the UK to come together united in song and perform in front of their own family and friends in what has been billed as ‘The World’s most spectacular school concert.’ Voice in a Million inspires pupils with an important message that raises awareness of the plight of children in care and the importance of Adoption and Fostering. For further information please follow this link Voice in a Million .

For pupils to attend the event there is a small registration fee plus a cost for transport to the arema. A parent/carer would need to attend the event and be responsible for transporting their child home. Tickets for family members are £26.50. T’shirts are also available for the children to buy at a cost of £12.99, purchase of these is optional.

Pupils who wish to take part would need to commit to rehearsing regularly leading up to the concert so sign up for the Spring Term Choir club as this will be the perfect opportunity to rehearse the songs.

If your child would like to participate but has not already registered please contact Mrs Sopp at

Multiplication Table Challenge for Spring 1

As you are aware, being fluent in your multiplication tables plays an important role in accessing higher level maths more easily. This year, the government will be finally running their MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) in Year 4 in order to improve the fluency of the country's children and as a school we have been putting provisions in place to aid our children.

Children need to know a select number of tables by the end of each year. They are as follows:

Year 1 - Count in multiples of two, fives and tens

Year 2 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts from the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables

Year 3 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts from the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Year 4 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up the 12 x 12

Year 5 and 6 - To become confident in multiplying larger numbers and deal with multiplying decimal numbers.

Throughout this term, we have been monitoring our children's fluency of their times tables by tracking their 144 club scores. Whilst there has been some progress, we would like to see more children reaching the next levels of 144 club and becoming more fluent in their times tables.

Below are the percentages of children who are currently on track to achieve their required level at 144 club by the end of the year.

Year 2 - 14% Year 3 - 43% Year 4 - 60%

Year 5 Blue - 34% Year 5 Indigo - 15% Year 6 - 59%

As a result, we are focusing on times tables next term. Our Year 2 - 4 children and some of our Year 5 children have access to Doodle tables through their Doodle maths account and this is something we are encouraging them to access in school but also at home. Below are some screenshots as to where you can find Doodle Tables. We would really appreciate parents/carers spending some time over the Christmas period, sitting down with their child(ren) and finding Doodle Tables and giving it a go!

To encourage children to use Doodle Maths, we are starting a competition in January. Winners will be selected from those who show greatest effort and progress with their Doodle Tables.

Please continue with your Doodle Maths as well.

Class Assemblies

It's been a while since we've been able to invite you into school. We can't wait to invite you back into school to see your child's class assembly. We will continue to reduce the number of children we have together in the hall so will only move to 'whole school' assemblies once it is safe to do so. In the meanwhile, each class will host their class assembly to their parents and one or two other classes in the school hall. These will start at 8.55 - 9.20ish so please join us in the school hall on the day that your child's class assembly has been scheduled.

Reception - Wednesday 29th June Year 1 - Wednesday 16th March - London

Year 2 - Wednesday 23rd February Year 3 - Wednesday 30th March - Stone Age

Year 4 - Wednesday 22nd June Year 5 Indigo - Wednesday 2nd March - The Pharaohs

Year 5 Blue - Wednesday 25th May - Greeks Year 6 - Wednesday 9th March - The Heart

Covid Updates

  • Please continue to wear a mask when entering our school site at drop off and collection. All adults in school now wear masks in communal areas.

  • All parents/carers are advised to continue with the routine twice weekly asymptomatic LFD COVID-19 testing of those aged 11 and above in the household. If you think your child is a close contact but has not have not been contacted directly by NHS Test and Trace please follow the guidance here:

  • What to do if your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) or tests positive for COVID-19

People in England with a positive lateral flow test but no Covid symptoms will no longer have to take a PCR from 11 January 2022.

If your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they should get a PCR test and remain at home at least until the result is known. Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are a new, continuous cough, or a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, their normal

sense of taste or smell (anosmia). If negative, the child can end self-isolation; if positive, the child should isolate until at least 10 days after their symptoms appeared. However from Wednesday 22nd December 2021 if your child has tested positive or has symptoms, they can stop self-isolating after 7 days instead of 10 days if they have 2 negative lateral flow test results on day 6 and 7. They can then stop isolating on day 8. If a negative lateral flow test result is received on day 7 but the test was positive on day 6, a further lateral flow test must be taken on day 8 to receive 2 negative lateral flow tests with 24 hours apart, and so on. Please see the updated guidance on when to self-isolate at: and the self-isolation period table at the end of this letter.

  • If the child has a positive test (lateral flow) result but does not have symptoms, they should stay at home and self-isolate for 10 days from the date the positive test was taken. However from Wednesday 22nd December 2021 if your child has tested positive, they can stop self-isolating after 7 days instead of 10 days if they have 2 negative lateral flow test results on day 6 and 7. They can then stop isolating on day 8. If a negative lateral flow test result is received on day 7 but the test was positive on day 6, a further lateral flow test must be taken on day 8 to receive 2 negative lateral flow tests with 24 hours apart, and so on.

  • This isolation period will be extended if they develop symptoms within the original isolation period by counting 10 full days from the day following their symptom onset. However from Wednesday 22nd December they can stop self-isolating after 7 days instead of 10 days if they have 2 negative lateral flow test results on day 6 and 7. They can then stop isolating on day 8. If a negative lateral flow test result is received on day 7 but the test was positive on day 6, a further lateral flow test must be taken on day 8 to receive 2 negative lateral flow tests with 24 hours apart, and so on.

  • Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for a PCR test (the normally available test type) and this can be arranged via

Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK ( or by calling 119.

  • Instructions for people who live in the same household as someone with COVID-19 (tested positive or symptomatic awaiting a test result)

You will not be required to self-isolate if you are a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and any of the following apply:

• you are fully vaccinated

• you are below the age of 18 years 6 months

• you have taken part in or are currently part of an approved COVID-19 vaccine trial

• you are not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons

NHS Test and Trace will contact you to let you know that you have been identified as a contact and check whether you are legally required to self-isolate. If you are not legally required to self-isolate, you

will be provided with advice on testing and given guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19. Even if you do not have symptoms, you will be advised to have a PCR test as soon as possible.

Adults who are fully vaccinated and identified as a contact of someone with COVID-19 – whether Omicron or not – are strongly advised to take an NHS rapid lateral flow test every day for 7 days to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

If a rapid test comes back positive or you develop COVID-19 symptoms you should self-isolate and take a confirmatory PCR test to verify the result. If the PCR result comes back positive, you must self-isolate for 10 days from the day you took the positive rapid test or developed symptoms. You do not need to continue taking rapid tests during that 10 day isolation period. However from Wednesday 22nd December 2021 if you have tested positive or have symptoms, you can stop self-isolating after 7 days instead of 10 days if you have 2 negative lateral flow test results on day 6 and 7. You can then stop isolating on day 8. If a negative lateral flow test result is received on day 7 but the test was positive on day 6, a further lateral flow test must be taken on day 8 to receive 2 negative lateral flow tests with 24 hours apart, and so on.

If the PCR result comes back negative, you can leave self-isolation but should continue to take rapid tests for the remainder of the 7 days.

  • Anyone identified as a contact with a negative rapid lateral flow result is strongly advised to limit close contact with other people outside their household, especially in crowded or enclosed spaces and with anyone who is more vulnerable. They should also follow government guidance on wearing a face covering and working from home where possible.

  • Any member of the household who is aged 18 years and 6 months or over and has only received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine or has not received any dose of the COVID-19 vaccination will still be required to self-isolate as household contact of a someone with COVID-19 symptoms awaiting testing and someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Please read the stay at home guidance which provides information on this.

  • Household members who are not exempt from isolation as close contacts should not go to work, school or public areas, and exercise should be taken within the home. If you require help with buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, or walking a dog, you should ask friends or family. Alternatively, you can order your shopping online and medication by phone or online. Household members staying at home for 10 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community.

  • You could be fined if you do not self-isolate following a notification by NHS Test and Trace. You may be entitled to a one-off payment of £500 through the NHS Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme if you are required to stay at home and self-isolate or you are the parent or guardian of a child who has been told to self-isolate.

  • Those who are clinically extremely vulnerable should be supported to minimise their contact with other people in the household during this period, regardless of whether others have symptoms or not.

Diary Dates

  • Thursday 20th January - Inclusion Coffee Morning

  • Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th January - Travelling Book Fair

  • Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th January - Y4 Bikeability

  • Friday 28th January - Parent Reading Workshop 9 - 9.30

  • Monday 7th - 3rd February - National Schools' Football Week

  • Wednesday 23rd February - Year 2 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 2nd March - Year 5 Indigo Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 9th March - Year 6 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 16th March - Year 1 Class Assembly

  • Friday 25th March - VIP Lady Day 8.45 - 9.45

  • Tuesday 29th March - Spring Parents' Evening (1pm - 5pm)

  • Wednesday 30th March - Year 3 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 31st March - Spring Parents' Evening (3.15 - 6pm)

  • Friday 1st April - End of Spring Term

  • Tuesday 19th April - INSET 4

  • Wednesday 20th April - Start of Summer term

  • w/c Monday 9th May - Year 6 SATs

  • Wednesday 25th May - Year 5 Blue Class Assembly

  • Friday 27th May - Half Term

  • Monday 6th June - INSET 5

  • Friday 17th June - VIP Man Day

  • Wednesday 22nd June - Year 4 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 23rd June - Reception and KS1 Sports' Day

  • Friday 24th June - KS2 Sports' Day

  • Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th June - Year 6 Secondary Transition Days

  • Wednesday 29th June - Reception Class Assembly

  • Friday 8th July - Reports out to parents

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly

Welcome back to school - we are thrilled that there have been no announcements of school closures or moving to remote learning. We will continue to work flexibly to ensure that our children's learning is not disrupted.

After welcoming them back, our key message to our children this week has been: there is no time to waste, every moment is a precious opportunity to focus on our learning so that they can make progress and reach their full potential. Intervention groups have resumed this week as we have a heightened urgency around plugging our children's gaps.

We are really pleased to see how settled the children have returned and look forward to sharing how well they get on this term, with you at our Parents' Evening, scheduled at the end of March.

This term, we will be sending out our newsletter in week 1, 3 and 5.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind regards,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.