Byfleet Primary Newsletter

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Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow    Frazer   Hamza

Year 1 Red                   Eva      Luna

Year 2 Orange            Myla

Year 3 Yellow             Sophie    Dominik

Year 4 Green             Matylda  Kurt  Diana

Year 5 Indigo            Olivia    Jed

Year 6 Blue                 Max     Jamie

Year 6 Violet          Zarif     William 

Doodle Times Tables

This half term we are focusing on DOODLE TABLES

We are targeting our children to learn their tables off by heart. 

Please can you help your child log on DAILY so they can answer a few questions a day, to earn their target of 85 stars a week. 

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 2 Orange  Oscar 241

Year 3 Yellow     Zaynab 749   Andrew 650

Year 4 Green     Connor 1046  Connor 1077

Year 5  Indigo    Evie  1058

Year 6 Violet    Jack  269   William 192

Year 6 Blue     Ella 390

Our top spot winner is Connor in Year 4 with 2123 stars!

Well done to Miss La Rocca's Year 5s for being on track with the highest stars!

Also a big well done to Mrs Potter's Year 4s, who are in 2nd place for having the most participation in Doodle Tables at home.

Please encourage your child to use Doodle for a few minutes each day.

Doodle Competition

Doodle are running an exciting competition from 1st - 30th April. We would love for as many of our children to get involved as possible - the competition is available for all children Year 2 - 6. 

The children have a chance to win exclusive rewards by taking part. 

To take part, please can parents/carers register their children by following this link Registration can be completed from 1st April. 

In order to register your children, you need to have a 'parent account'. If you do not have one of these, please follow this link to help you set one up

More information is available by clicking on this link

We hope to see as many children involved in this competition as possible and look forward to seeing which exclusive rewards they earn! 

Spelling Bee Winners

Wow! What amazing spellers we have here at Byfleet Primary School!
Thank you to all children in Year 1 - 6 who took part in the Spelling Bee. All children showed great respect, determination and resilience throughout this and it's been great to see some very proficient spellers across all year groups. 

A very big well done to our semi-finalists who were incredibly brave taking part in our final. The winners from each class are:

Year 1: Luna & Eva

Year 2: Sienna & Ezra

Year 3: Sophie & Dominik

Year 4: Diana & Kurt

Year 5: Olivia & Lilly

Year 6B: Connie & Callum

Year 6V: Anaya & Clarisse

Finally, a massive thank you to all the support at home in helping the children learn their spellings and feel confident when taking part in a competition like this. 

Voice in a millon

What a brilliant day and evening we had being part of Voice in a Million at Wembley Arena last Wednesday. We were part of 150 schools, and over 6,000 school children who took part in this spectacular school concert. 7 children from Years 3, 4 and 5 represented Byfleet Primary School at the event- spending the afternoon rehearsing and the evening in their VIAM t-shirts and singing and dancing with their glow wands! The behaviour of the children was impeccable and Mrs Sherlock and Mrs Bell said it was a pleasure to spend the day with the children. Thank you to the parents who made the journey to Wembley Arena to support the children, we loved spotting you all in the crowd! It was a long day and a very late night, but what an amazing experience!

We have already signed up for VIAM 2024 and would love to expand the school choir.

We will be sending out information in the Autumn term about how to sign up - so watch this space!

Sports Crew

As part of our PE provision and developing opportunities for pupil leadership, we have appointed a team of Y6 children to be our Sports Crew. To be considered for the role the children had to answer a job description by writing a letter of application. The standard of letters was absolutely amazing with every applicant referencing the qualities and values a potential member of the Sports Crew would have to show. We were so blown away by the number, and quality, of applicants that we raised the number of successful applicants we would be accepting. to 11.

Once they had been selected we were then lucky enough for Lee from Active Surrey to come into school and give them training on how to carry out their role including duties such as:

Our Sports Crew members are: Oliver R, Brandon, Cace, Alfie, Anaya, Lucy, Isla, Timo, Kiki, Lana, Darcy, Jamie.

The Sport Crew will begin their duties after Easter.


Attendance Winners:


Please note : If you use childcare vouchers to pay for your child to attend Breakfast or Afterschool Club, please email the office to confirm :

up to date Pupil Contact information

Please ensure that the school has your child's up to date contact information:

GYmnastics Club run by ultimate Coaching

After the Easter holidays and at the start of the Summer Term, Ultimate Coaching will not be providing gymnastics after school club on Monday.

Reception - Special visitors!

Over the last 2 weeks, Rainbows class have been very lucky to have had some special visitors. They arrived in an incubator, which we had to check stayed nice and warm. Very quickly the special visitors began to crack out of their eggs and explore the world. We were so excited when all 10 of our eggs hatched into perfectly healthy chicks. We moved the chicks into their special brooder box when they got nice and fluffy, and they then began eating food and water from special containers we were given. The children not only got to stroke and observe the chicks, but also hold them! 

Everyone made sure to be very careful and brave... even Miss Vallins was a bit scared at the start! The chicks have now been collected and will all be re-homed to farmers, into garden/allotments or kept as pets regardless if they are male or female. We have loved having this special experience, and we hope you all enjoyed coming into Rainbows class to see them before they found their forever homes. 

Year 4 Assembly

Year 4 have really enjoyed their topic work this term, Beneath the Surface, and did a fantastic job in sharing their learning back in week 3 in the class assembly. They took us on a journey through the ocean layers down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, explaining what animals could be seen along the way. They then informed everyone about the impact carbon emissions is having on the world with a very catchy song before sharing some of the English work. 

The children all spoke clearly and clearly. Good job, year 4!

year 4 Trip to Wetlands

Did you know cows burp? Year 4 found out this and many more interesting facts about what causes Climate Change and how it is impacting the Wetlands of the UK when they went on their trip last Tuesday at the WWT Wetlands Centre in London. Our day started with a few flurries of snow but fortunately the weather turned and we had sunshine for the rest of the day. 

The children took part in a Climate Change workshop where they learnt about the causes and impact as well as how areas like the wetlands can help reduce the carbon footprint. We spent the rest of the day exploring the wetlands centre where we got to use binoculars to spot all of the different types of bird that call the Wetlands home. The children were all really well behaved and respectful towards both the adults and the wildlife. 

Red Nose Day - A big Thank you

Red Nose Day 2023 was a tremendous success again this year.  The school appreciates all of the support for comic relief, where over £820 was raised for this worthy cause.  There was a great array of 'rock star' outfits.  At the end of the day, pupils had the pleasure of covering Mrs Meyrick , Mr Bowman, Miss Patridge and Mr Boyd in wonderful sloppy food items.

Little Wandle Phonics

The language used in our phonics lessons - what does it all mean?

The children in Reception and Year 1 have daily phonics lessons. Within these lessons, Miss Vallins and Mr Boyd use the Little Wandle mantras. Here is a list of some of the terminology they use. 

Speedy sounds -  Process of recapping previously taught GPCS.

Shuffle time -  Used to shuffle GPCs during teaching.

Copy me -  Teacher instructs children to copy them.

Watch me -  Teacher instructs children to watch them.

Segmenting fingers -  Teaching strategy to use fingers to segment a word.

Sound talk - Teaching strategy used for oral blending.

Tricky bit - Used to identify tricky part of a tricky word (the part that cannot be decoded).

Grapheme spotter - Used to identify new GPC amongst previously taught GPCS.

Whisper blending - Teaching strategy to support children to bridge the gap between sounding and blending aloud and doing the process silently ‘in their head’.

Chunk it up - To break up a longer word and read it one part (chunk) at a time, to avoid being overwhelmed and to ease the process of blending.

2/3 letters - 1 sound Teaching strategy used to explain diagraphs and trigraphs.

Keep reading. It's one of the most marvellous adventurers that anyone can have - Lloyd Alexander


 Surrey Education Services provided free family learning online courses for parents, carers and families:

Family Learning Courses 


Friends of byfleet - APPEal for New Committee members

Our PTA, Friends of Byfleet are looking for new committee members especially for Year 3 Yellow Class.  If you are interested in joining as a committee member, please contact Friends of Byfleet via their website.


The school is appealing to anyone in the Byfleet Primary community if they are able to spare some time to fix our shed roof, as it is leaking. 

The school will provide the necessary materials.  

Thank you in advance !!

Chartwells VACANCY

Chartwells are currently looking for school catering staff, 20 hours a week school term only.  Hours to fit in around your children ideal for mothers looking for an extra income.

 Some kitchen knowledge would be helpful but training will be provided.

Please call Tanya on 07970914418.

Friends of Byfleet Parish Day - EASTER EGG COMPETITION

RARING2TOGO! MAgazine - Spring Edition

Here is a link to the Spring Rarging2go! magazine 

Home Start - Runnymede & WOKING VOlunteers


Ultimate Coaching HOLIDAY CAMPS


Date: Tuesday 11th April

Times: 8.45am-3.00pm

Link to book now: 


Date: Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th April (single or multi day booking available)

Times: 9.30am-3.00pm (Early drop off available)

Link to Book now: 


Date: Monday 17th April

Times: 8.45am-3.00pm

Link to book now:


Dance Woking - easter holiday clubs

Here is the link to the Dance Woking Easter Holiday Clubs

NExT Thing Education Easter Camps

infinity Performers - Matilda The Musical

barracudas Activity camps

Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies for 22/23 will take place on the dates below from 8.55 - 9.20 in main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about:              


19th May - Year 1  NEW DATE DUE TO KS2 SATs DATE CHANGE                     

 9th June - Year 5                            23rd June - Reception                            

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here.