Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • A big congratulations to Mr McLaughlin and his wife - they are proud parents of Dorothy Rose, who was born last week. They are all doing well and smitten with their new bundle of joy.

  • Our Spring term curriculum overviews, homework matrices and spelling overviews have been sent out. These are also available on our school website. We look forward to seeing the children's homework projects coming in to school for show and tell.

  • During our last week before half term (w/b 7th February), we will be celebrating National Football Week. During this week, we will be holding house football matches within Year groups, producing work based around football and having a 'football shirt' mufti day on Friday 11th February.

  • Thank you to Mrs Sharkey for organising an Inclusion Coffee Morning - it was lovely to meet some parents yesterday and we hope you found it beneficial to discuss Inclusion at Byfleet. Some parents asked for the slides that were shared; please click on this Inclusion Link for these.

  • A parent and carer reading workshop has been arranged for Friday 28th January 2022 at 9am; it will last around 30 minutes. Please come along to find out about our whole school approach to reading and simple ways to support your child with their reading at home. Adults will be asked to wear a mask whilst in school and we will ensure our Covid contingency measures are in place.

  • We currently have several members of staff off self-isolating. We have also had to close our Reception Rainbow Class bubble this week due to a rapid increase in numbers of children who are Covid positive. A big thank you to our Reception families for being resilient and moving to remote learning so swiftly - Mr McLaughlin, Miss Lloyd and Mrs Bray can't wait to see the children return to school on Monday 24th January.

  • Please remember to wear a mask whilst on site at drop off and collection times, if possible. We also ask that children are dressed in extra layers as we continue to keep the classrooms well ventilated, to avoid them being cold. We have noticed a lot of children wearing black trainers as part of their school uniform - please can black leather shoes (not boots or sports trainers) be worn on non PE days.

  • We are delighted with the overwhelming response we've had for 1-1 or small group music tuition from Mr Gillani, our music teacher. We will have 26 children learning how to play the guitar or ukulele as part of our peripatetic offer, starting in the coming week.

  • As you are aware, at the end of Autumn we were recruiting a new Deputy Headteacher to join Byfleet. We are pleased to inform you that we appointed a high-calibre full-time Deputy Head to join us from the end of the Summer term. Mr Richard Bowman has a penchant for curriculum design and comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience in strategic leadership. We look forward to officially welcoming him later on in the year to further strengthen our provision for our children.

  • We recently introduced our Science Quiz Club and our Year 5/6 team of four did exceptionally well and came 4th in the national round. The finals are due to take place on Friday 4th February and we wish Monty & Lola (Year 6) and Kjaer & Amelia (Year 5) the best of luck. Miss Mills will be hosting her General Knowledge Quiz Club from next week, every child from Year 3 - 6 will take part to find the top 4 children (1 from each year group) to form our General Knowledge Team. Their national round will be on the 14th March. We hope to increase our children's Science and General Knowledge through the process. Good luck KS 2.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Arthur Everyone in Rainbow Class

Year 1 Red Jackson Billy

Year 2 Orange Harry K Ayaan

Year 3 Yellow Penelope Poppy

Year 4 Green Ella Bradley

Year 5 Indigo Jamie Roma

Year 5 Blue Ronnie Amelia

Year 6 Violet Gabby Ally


Fancy joining a rock band? Today we had Rock Steady come and visit us to teach the children how to form a rock band.

They will be offering small group sessions for children at Byfleet. If you are interested, Mrs Sopp will be sending out further details about this next week.

Top Doodler of the Week

This term we are focusing on times tables so don't forget to click the X on Doodle so you can practise your fluency. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

Year 2 Orange Darren 651 Andrew 212

Year 3 Yellow Sophia 275 Theo 512

Year 4 Green Evie 474 Katherine 417

Year 5 Anaya 366 Max 709 Eddie 323 William 264

Our top spot winner is Darren (Year 2) with 1027 stars!


Here is further information regarding the 5-day isolation rule.

Learning this term....

Year 3 have been dissecting flowers this week to identify the different parts of a plant in Science. They've also made some terrrific models of Stone Henge as part of their Stone Age topic.

Year 2 have made some musical instruments as part of their home projects. We love their Kandinsky art work too.

Year 4 are enjoying learning about Vikings. Well done on building and designing some incredible projects.

Children's Mental Health Week

We have a quick plea that we are hoping our Byfleet community will be able to support us with....

Children's mental health week is 7th - 13th February 2022 and we are looking for a yoga or Thai Chi teacher to carry out some sessions with our children.

If any of our parents or family members work in this industry and would be happy to do short sessions with our 8 class anytime during this week, we would love for you to be in touch. Please let Mrs Sopp in the office know.

Music Lessons: 1-1 or small group

Mr Gillani has had a strong interest from parents/carers wishing for their children to take up paid ukulele and guitar lessons during school time. He will be in touch with you shortly to outline arrangements so that these lessons can start in the coming week.

If you are interested in music lessons for your children at Byfleet, please register your interest clicking on the link below.

Music Lesson Interest Form

Plea for Small World Resources

We would be extremely grateful if you could donate any unwanted small world resources which will be used to support the children during their phonics sessions. There is a box at the office for you to put your donations in.

We've already received some resources so a big thanks for these.

Thank you!

Online safety

This week some Key Stage One children spoke to us about their use of TikTok.

With the ever-changing landscape of online browsing we are continually looking at ways to keep our children safe online.

Here is a visual guide identifying age ratings for the different apps our children may be frequenting. Common Sense Media is a brilliant website. They give an overview of the app or game your child may be interested in and also a rating based on opinions from experts, Parents/Carers and children and young people too.

PEGI is a useful website to help parents make informed choices when buying video games for their children.

'Together we can keep every child safe online' is a positive mantra from NSPCC which we buy into.

The Online Safety section on the NSPCC website has some terrific resources for parents, including:

  • Online games

  • Inappropriate and explicit content online

  • Parental controls

  • Reporting online safety concerns etc.

Click here to find out more.

Multiplication Table Challenge for Spring 1

As you are aware, being fluent in your multiplication tables plays an important role in accessing higher level maths more easily. This year, the government will be finally running their MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) in Year 4 in order to improve the fluency of the country's children and as a school we have been putting provisions in place to aid our children.

Children need to know a select number of tables by the end of each year. They are as follows:

Year 1 - Count in multiples of two, fives and tens

Year 2 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts from the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables

Year 3 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts from the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Year 4 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up the 12 x 12

Year 5 and 6 - To become confident in multiplying larger numbers and deal with multiplying decimal numbers.

Throughout this term, we have been monitoring our children's fluency of their times tables by tracking their 144 club scores. Whilst there has been some progress, we would like to see more children reaching the next levels of 144 club and becoming more fluent in their times tables.

Below are the percentages of children who are currently on track to achieve their required level at 144 club by the end of the year.

Year 2 - 14% Year 3 - 43% Year 4 - 60%

Year 5 Blue - 34% Year 5 Indigo - 15% Year 6 - 59%

As a result, we are focusing on times tables next term. Our Year 2 - 4 children and some of our Year 5 children have access to Doodle tables through their Doodle maths account and this is something we are encouraging them to access in school but also at home. Below are some screenshots as to where you can find Doodle Tables. We would really appreciate parents/carers spending some time over the Christmas period, sitting down with their child(ren) and finding Doodle Tables and giving it a go!

To encourage children to use Doodle Maths, we are starting a competition in January. Winners will be selected from those who show greatest effort and progress with their Doodle Tables.

Please continue with your Doodle Maths as well.

Football for Girls

Class Assemblies

It's been a while since we've been able to invite you into school. We can't wait to invite you back into school to see your child's class assembly. We will continue to reduce the number of children we have together in the hall so will only move to 'whole school' assemblies once it is safe to do so. In the meanwhile, each class will host their class assembly to their parents and one or two other classes in the school hall. These will start at 8.55 - 9.20ish so please join us in the school hall on the day that your child's class assembly has been scheduled.

Reception - Wednesday 29th June Year 1 - Wednesday 16th March - London

Year 2 - Wednesday 23rd February Year 3 - Wednesday 30th March - Stone Age

Year 4 - Wednesday 22nd June Year 5 Indigo - Wednesday 2nd March - The Pharaohs

Year 5 Blue - Wednesday 25th May - Greeks Year 6 - Wednesday 9th March - The Heart

Diary Dates

  • Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th January - Travelling Book Fair

  • Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th January - Y4 Bikeability

  • Friday 28th January - Parent Reading Workshop 9 - 9.30

  • Monday 7th - 3rd February - National Schools' Football Week & National Mental Health Week

  • Wednesday 23rd February - Year 2 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 2nd March - Year 5 Indigo Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 9th March - Year 6 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 16th March - Year 1 Class Assembly

  • Friday 25th March - VIP Lady Day 8.45 - 9.45

  • Tuesday 29th March - Spring Parents' Evening (1pm - 5pm)

  • Wednesday 30th March - Year 3 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 31st March - Spring Parents' Evening (3.15 - 6pm)

  • Friday 1st April - End of Spring Term

  • Tuesday 19th April - INSET 4

  • Wednesday 20th April - Start of Summer term

  • w/c Monday 9th May - Year 6 SATs

  • Wednesday 25th May - Year 5 Blue Class Assembly

  • Friday 27th May - Half Term

  • Monday 6th June - INSET 5

  • Friday 17th June - VIP Man Day

  • Wednesday 22nd June - Year 4 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 23rd June - Reception and KS1 Sports' Day

  • Friday 24th June - KS2 Sports' Day

  • Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th June - Year 6 Secondary Transition Days

  • Wednesday 29th June - Reception Class Assembly

  • Friday 8th July - Reports out to parents

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly

The children have been working hard since returning to school and it's great to see so many learning interventions taking place in the afternoons to help some of our children catch up. Our recent pupil progress meetings helped us identify which children may need a bit more support with their learning, particularly mastering their times tables, remembering how to spell their weekly spelling words and writing neatly. Please could you further support us by reinforcing your child's spellings, times tables and handwriting presentation at home each week. Our Doodle Maths focus this term is mastering times tables - it would be great if these could be practised at home daily.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind regards,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.