Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • With Covid restrictions now being relaxed, it's been wonderful having most year groups together in the hall for our Celebration assemblies and Singing assemblies.

  • Last week we initiated an external Safeguarding Audit - we are pleased that our procedures are deemed effective and corroborate the outcome of our internal EEEA Trust Safeguarding Audit we carried out in November.

  • A warm welcome to Mr Boyd who is currently working in Reception as our long term supply teacher for this half term - thank you for welcoming him.

  • A big congratulations to Miss Forde who recently got married. We wish her a blessed and long marriage. Miss Forde has decided that she would now like to be called Mrs Forde.

  • As most of you are aware, Mrs Creswick will be retiring in April after many, many years of working at Byfleet Primary. We would like to thank her for her hard work keeping our office running smoothly. We are all very jealous of the well-deserved holidays and trips she has already planned for the remainder of the year.

  • We received a call from Kings Lodge Care home asking if we could include something in our next newsletter asking parents to avoid parking in their grounds or blocking the entrance. They have stated that parents are being quite rude apparently when asked to move and it could mean emergency vehicles can't get through to their residents. Please be mindful of our neighbours around Byfleet Primary School.

  • A big thank you to Year 5 Indigo and Year 6 Violet Class for hosting their class assemblies over the past fortnight. It was wonderful to see our families back in school supporting their children. Please see the photos below in our newsletter.

  • The Year 1 - 6 Parents' Evening booking system has been sent out this week. Please make sure to book your appointments by Friday 18th March. Arrangements for our Reception Parents' Evening have also been shared.

  • Thank you to everyone who came along to our Byfleet Friends' table top sale with proceeds going towards the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis.

  • A parent/carer recently informed us that their child was crossing King's Head Lane at the start of the road and a Byfleet parent in their car didn't give way to their pedestrian child.

Just a gentle reminder about the new Highway Code for pedestrians: From January 2022, a pedestrian waiting to cross should be given priority. Previously, drivers were told to give way to pedestrians if they ‘have started crossing and traffic wants to turn into the road’.

  • Miss Mills will be hosting her General Knowledge Quiz Club from on Thursday 17th March against other teams nationally. We hope to increase our children's Science and General Knowledge through the process. Good luck to our amazing teams! Team 1: Monty, Jack W, Stanley and Leah Team 2: Elisia, Dylan B, Zaiden and Dixie-Belle

What's in the news - ukraine

As the situation in Ukraine intensifies, I am sure you and your children are all saddened by the current events and may have questions or concerns. As always, teachers are supporting children within school with any questions or worries in a sensitive manner. Furthermore, we have a family support worker who is here, should you need any support or are directly affected and want to talk. Please contact the school if you need to arrange a meeting or a telephone call with the family support worker.

Here are some resources you may find useful:

  1. Supporting your child if they see upsetting content online about what is happening in Ukraine (Childnet): Childnet

  2. We should not hide from children what is happening in Ukraine (Schools Week/Children's Commissioner): Schools Week

  3. How to talk to children about what’s happening in Ukraine and World War Three anxiety (Metro): The Metro

  4. Help for teachers and families to talk to pupils about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and how to help them avoid misinformation (Department for Education): DfE

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Luna Luella

Year 1 Red Aston Amie

Year 2 Orange Sterling Penelope

Year 3 Yellow Erin Mia Rose

Year 4 Green Lilly Dylan

Year 5 Indigo All of Indigo Class Roheena

Year 5 Blue All of Blue Class Charlie

Year 6 Violet Elisa Seren

World Book Day 2022

A big thank you to our families for the effort towards dressing up and making the story shoe boxes. The children had an inspiring day. Thank you to our Reading Volunteers and our Curriculum Governor, Mrs Considine, for joining us.

We hope the parents/carers enjoyed coming in to see the children's amazing story boxes in the hall last week.

Well done to the following children who won a book prize.......

Our House Captains and Vice House Captains represented their teams in a book-themed quiz, linked to all the books we have assigned to read for pleasure to each class. A massive well done to these children as they did a great job for their teams.

Hawks won with 15812 points! Great book knowledge!

It was great watching some videos for M. C. Grammar on World Book Day.

We are very excited to announce that Mrs Collins has booked M.C. Grammar to visit Byfleet on Friday 13th May, to end off our Year 6 SATs week.

Year 2 Trip to Wisley

We had a fabulous time at Wisley! The day kicked off with an exciting minibeast hunt. We then explored Hilltop and the new garden exhibition.

After lunch, we attended an interesting workshop where we planted seeds, walked around the gardens and spotted different types of trees.

The sun was shining and it was a fabulous outing for us all.

Well Done Year 5 Boys

A big well done to William Olds and James McCormick for winning the overall national round in their cubs general knowledge quiz.

Thank you for sharing this news with us!!

Year 5 Trip to Wisley

We had an incredible time at Wisley! The day kicked off with Indigo having a hunt around the gardens for all the different plants, seeds and skeleton leaves. We also saw the tallest tree in Wisley which was the redwood at 83.8m. Meanwhile, Blue glass explored the new Hilltop research centre and the glass house exhibition. The children enjoyed all the interactive activities including: being able to smell different plants, looking at all the different minibeasts and using the microscope to view different types of plants up close.

We also attended an interesting workshop where we looked at different plants and experimented whether a coconut shell would float. We then cloned our own plants by taking a cutting and now can grow them at home!

Luckily for us the weather stayed dry and we had a brilliant time!

Year 5I Assembly

Year 5 Indigo shared a terrific assembly all about the Egyptians.

We were really impressed with the humour, acting and range of learning that was shared.

Year 6 Sats Preparation Resources

  • In preparation for our Year 6s doing their SATs in early May, all of our teachers are working 1:3 twice a week for 30 minutes each, to carry out reasoning practise with our children.

  • In addition, selected pupils are receiving small group booster sessions in the afternoons to fully prepare them. Their CGP books can be worked on at home to support them.

  • Oak Academy has some highly useful resources, chunked into weekly units, for your Year 5 or 6 children to use at home.

Click this link to access these resources.

Year 2 Progressing with the Recorder

Year 2 are making good progress with learning the recorder.

To continue practising at home you can find useful resources on our school website under the 'Curriculum' tab.

Rocksteady Music comes to Byfleet

We are delighted to extend our music offer as part of our children's Personal Development at Byfleet.

Rocksteady have commenced their rock band lessons on Wednesday mornings.

Spanish At Byfleet

It's great to see Senora Wyatt sprinkling some Spanish magic into our curriculum.

All of our children from Reception to Year 6 have a weekly Spanish lesson and are picking up the basic as they are immersed into learning a new foreign language.

Senora Wyatt enjoys using her Spanish puppets, Manuel, Margarite-Superstar and Pollo to assist her. As you can imagine, the children find this a big hit!

Top Doodler of the Week

This term we are focusing on times tables so don't forget to click the X on Doodle so you can practise your fluency. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

Year 2 Orange Darren 380 Darren 342

Year 3 Yellow William 1041 Zach 854

Year 4 Green Katherine 793 Olivia C 1464

Year 5 Cameron 120 Charolette 362

Our top spot winner is Olivia C (Year 4) with 1464 stars!

National Football day Prizes

A big thanks to Mr Bostock and Miss Lloyd for organising this fun Schools' football week at the end of last half term.

Today we handed out our prizes for the children who demonstrated good skill and/or sportsmanship.

The overall winners were Eagles. Well to the house captains, Charlie and Ella for representing their team so well.


We continue to benefit from our collaboration with American School Cobham (ASC) who recently provided transport for some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils to take part in a football tournament which they hosted.

They are working with the ‘Effingham Learning Partnership’ to host an event on the 28th March. The event is free to attend and there are 300 tickets in total.

The event is entitled ‘Wellbeing Forum for Parents’ with a focus on ‘Managing Children’s anxiety & promoting online safety’. There are two amazing speakers for the evening and will start with refreshments at 6:30pm for a 7pm start. Our Byfleet parents have been invited to attend. You can book here.


Recently, we held a Safeguarding assembly for pupils. In this assembly we thought about what we would do if we were worried about someone and considered who we would talk to about any concerns. We also discussed bullying and how to keep safe online. All the children participated really well - please speak to them about this and see what they can tell you about keeping themselves and others around them safe.

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion: At Byfleet we follow the graduated approach of assess, plan, do review to support all the children who are on the SEND register and have been identified as requiring additional support to develop their learning and progress. Each child on the SEND register has an SSA (Send Support Arrangement Plan) and these are shared with parents three times a year at parents evenings. If you would like any information or a discussion on your child's support in-between parent's evenings, please do not hesitate to contact either your child's class teacher or the Inclusion Lead Mrs Sharkey-Yun . Please call the school or email if you would like to book an appointment.

Activities from Surrey for the Easter Break

The Surrey Arts Easter activities programme returns in April after a couple of year's break due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This year sees a significant change to the programme. For the first time the programme is split over two areas of the county, East Surrey (Redhill) and West Surrey (Woking). This exciting programme gives young people the chance to experience a variety of different activities including playing in an orchestra for the first time, trying a string instrument, producing their own music and DJing, being part of a rock band, learning dance routines and being creative in an art class.

The range of activities for 6 to 16 year olds will run on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 April at St. Bede’s School in Redhill and Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 April at Westfield School in Woking.

Activities include:

  • Discover Strings suitable for 6 – 11 year olds (Redhill only) - no experience needed

  • Orchestra in a Day for grades 1 – 4 and 4 – 8 or equivalent standard

  • Music Production and DJing suitable for 8 – 16 year olds - no experience needed

  • The Band Experience suitable for 8 – 14 year olds - no experience needed

  • Creative Dance suitable for 8 – 15 year olds - no experience needed

  • Art class suitable for 6 – 10 year olds - no experience needed

Further details about the programme are available on the Surrey Arts website Surrey Arts - Easter holiday activities - Surrey County Council (

Plea for Small World Resources

We would be extremely grateful if you could donate any unwanted small world resources which will be used to support the children during their phonics sessions. There is a box at the office for you to put your donations in.

We've already received some resources so a big thanks for these.

Thank you!

Byfleet's VIP Ladies Day

We thought we'd do something special for our youngest children's mum and important ladies in their lives.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 mums and other VIP Ladies are welcome to attend our short VIP Ladies' Day assembly at 8.55 so our children to let you know just how much they love you.

Multiplication Table Challenge for Spring 2

All year 4 children complete a statutory online Multiplication Table Check (MTC) in June. It is important that we adequately prepare our children for this assessment by proving daily opportunities to master their 12 x 12 tables through maths lessons, 144 Club, Doodle Maths and interventions.

To find out more about the MTC for Year 4, click here.

Children need to know a select number of tables by the end of each year. They are as follows:

Year 1 - Count in multiples of two, fives and tens

Year 2 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts from the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables

Year 3 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts from the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Year 4 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up the 12 x 12

Year 5 and 6 - To become confident in multiplying larger numbers and deal with multiplying decimal numbers

Class Assemblies

It's been a while since we've been able to invite you into school. We can't wait to invite you back into school to see your child's class assembly. We will continue to reduce the number of children we have together in the hall so will only move to 'whole school' assemblies once it is safe to do so. In the meanwhile, each class will host their class assembly to their parents and one or two other classes in the school hall. These will start at 8.55 - 9.20ish so please join us in the school hall on the day that your child's class assembly has been scheduled.

Reception - Wednesday 29th June Year 1 - Wednesday 16th March - London

Year 3 - Wednesday 30th March - Stone Age Year 4 - Wednesday 22nd June

Year 5 Blue - Wednesday 25th May - Greeks

Diary Dates

  • Thursday 17th March - Year 3 Cake Sale

  • Friday 25th March - VIP Lady Day 8.45 - 9.45

  • Tuesday 29th March - Spring Parents' Evening (1pm - 5pm)

  • Wednesday 30th March - Year 3 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 31st March - Spring Parents' Evening (3.15 - 6pm)

  • Friday 1st April - End of Spring Term & Break the Rules Mufti Day

  • Tuesday 19th April - INSET 4

  • Wednesday 20th April - Start of Summer term

  • Thursday 28th April - Class & Y6 Leavers Photos

  • Tuesday 3rd May - Year 6 residential Parents' info meeting 6pm in school hall

  • w/c Monday 9th May - Year 6 SATs

  • Friday 13th May - M.C. Grammar Workshop for all year groups

  • Wednesday 25th May - Year 5 Blue Class Assembly

  • Friday 27th May - Half Term

  • Monday 6th June - INSET 5

  • Friday 17th June - VIP Man Day

  • Wednesday 22nd June - Year 4 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 23rd June - Reception and KS1 Sports' Day

  • Friday 24th June - KS2 Sports' Day

  • Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th June - Year 6 Secondary Transition Days

  • Wednesday 29th June - Reception Class Assembly

  • Friday 8th July - Reports out to parents

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly

A bit thank you to the parents and carers who volunteered to help out at the Year 2 and 5 Wisley class trips over the past fortnight.

Kind regards,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.