Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Ready   -   Respectful   -   Safe

Always Growing, Ready for Life

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

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Year 6 War of the Worlds - HG Wells Wow Day

Year 6 took part in their Wow Day with excellent enthusiasm and fantastic outfits! (We were especially impressed with the hat designed to look like on of the War of the World alien spaceships - as seen in Woking!)

The day was themed around Year 6's class text, War of the Worlds, and the children spent the day completing tasks to earn their chairs back (which had been stolen by the aliens!) which resulted in them creating some amazing pieces of art. 

Thank you to all children and their parents/carers for the effort put into outfits. It was a brilliant day and it was lovely to see the children having a great day.

Christmas Raffle

Thank you to the Friends of Byfleet and our local estate agents Wingate & Withers for the kind donations for our Christmas Raffle this year. 

Well done to our winners: Daphne (Year 1), Mara (Year 1) & Ana (Year 4) and Evie (Year 1). We hope your families enjoy their treats!

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

 Reception Rainbow    Millie Ezrel

Year 1 Red                   All of Year 1  Kyle  

Year 2 Orange             All of Year 2  Luna      

Year 3 Yellow               Chloe  All of Year 3        

Year 4 Green                Zyneil     Ivy

Year 5 Indigo                Rose     Sophia      

 Year 6 Violet                Mason  Fiona    

120Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red  Cattleya 278  Cattleya 405

Year 2 Orange  Aurora 185   Aurora 264

Year 3 Yellow      Oscar 331     Henry 381

Year 4 Green      Isabelle       Jubal

Year 5  Indigo   Zach 157       Vyga  163     

Year 6 Violet      Johal  847    Johal  181

Johal has the most Doodle stars, with 847 Doodle stars!!

Doodle Competition

Get into the festive spirit this December with the Winter Calendar. Encourage your child to Doodle 'little and often’ to unlock wintery in-app rewards! 

By completing an exercise each day, your child will unlock a door on their calendar. They'll find a seasonal surprise hiding behind each one – and if they open all the doors, they'll receive a winter 2023 virtual badge!

Click on the link above to register your child.

Nativity performance - Reception, year 1 and year 2

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 worked hard to put on an excellent 'big little Nativity show'. It was lovely hearing the children sing so beautifully and learn their lines off by heart. We were very impressed with how well rehearsed they were, knowing when to come on and off for different scenes.

A tremendous well done to all the staff for pulling this show together: the outfits, lights, backdrops and script was wonderful! What excellent team work!

Year 1 Fairy Ball

Year 1 have been doing some lovely writing based around the story of Cinderella. As part of our writing we have put on a fairy-tale ball. We enjoyed some lovely dancing. We have since written some amazing pieces of writing about our ball. The children enjoyed posting writing invitations and posting them to arrive at home!

our amazing Christmas Doors!

At BPS, we do more than just excel at Reading, Writing and Maths. We enjoy many fun activities and engage our children in a range of different way.....

On the 1st of December the staff surprised their classes with a special Christmas door!

Here are a selection of the festive displays... 

Christmas Dinner @ BPS

Christmas is upon us! The children and staff tucked into a delicious Christmas meal yesterday and enjoyed pulling crackers and telling jokes. What a great start to the festive season! 

Didn't they look amazing in their xmas jumpers.

Rocksteady END of term concert

On Wednesday 13th December, we were lucky to have a super performance from our very own Rocksteady learners! The whole school and excited parent's gathered to see the show finally come together after lots of practising behind the scenes. 

We loved listening to the different songs and hearing the tremendous talent. Thank you to Colin for putting on an amazing show and including a live teaching of Year 6 (how amazing!). Well done to all the children who took part... we loved it!

Mr Gillani's music concert

Mr Gillani and his fantastic students put on an amazing music concert for us this week. We were treated to a mix of:  solo guitar, an ensemble of guitarists, singing and ukulele. The musicians all performed really well and a great time was had by all. 

Mr Gillani teaches ukulele to all the key stage two children and offers private lessons throughout the school day. His hard work with the children is definitely paying off.  

Year 1 & 2 Sing at King's Lodge Care Home

Let's give the gift of singing this Christmas. Thank you to Miss Vallins for organising our KS 1 children to visit our local Care Home to share some of their Nativity songs.

Year 3 Stonehenge

On Tuesday, year 3 braved the rain and cold and went to Stonehenge. We were able to go inside replica stone houses, look at a 5000 year old skeleton that was found in one of the burial mounds, with perfect teeth! We explored ideas on how they moved the stones and placed them into the ground and what they might have eaten.

Book buddies 

We had another lovely Book Buddies session this term where children from different classes share reading books with one another. Reception and Year 5 shared Christmas themed stories together... what a great opportunity for the children to share their love of reading! 

Sports CREW

Sports Crew have been working hard this term to put their training into practice! In October, the Sports Crew attended training where they learnt how to deliver physical activities in an informative, supportive and successful way. 

Since then, they have delivered warm-up activities to Year 6, Year 5, Year 4 and Year 3.  They have been improving with every delivery and should be proud of the independence and maturity they are showing.  Bring on next term!

PE at Byfleet Primary School

At Byfleet Primary School, we believe that children should, where possible, lead healthy and active lives.  The benefits of physical exercise extend further than acquiring a new skill set; the physical and mental health benefits of regular exercise are unparalleled therefore we believe that access to regular exercise will support our children’s overall development before they move onto Secondary School.  

As part of our yearly provision, we provide two hours of Physical Education each week, weekly swimming lessons for 6 weeks of the Summer Term, a variety of activities that encourage children to be active at playtime, extra-curricular clubs as well as the opportunity to take part in intra and inter school sports.  We are hoping to increase Byfleet Primary School’s participation in inter school activities, which we are doing partly through our partnership with Active Surrey. 

Active Surrey runs events based around three Competition Levels - Inspire, Aspire, Higher - which we wanted to let our parents/carers know about so that any key words used in further communication make sense. 

These Competition Levels, listed on the next page with a breakdown of the ‘measure of success’ and ‘suitable young people’, have been created to help assist with:

Our aim at Byfleet Primary School is for all children to enjoy being active, whilst developing a physical skill set, so that they can foster a positive relationship with physical activity to maintain throughout their lives. 

Attendance & Punctuality

Autumn 100% Attendance Winners!

Reception: Taym  Evana  (2)

Year 1: Reuel  Erin  Nathan  Alisha  Izu  Evie  Emily  Louis (8)

Year 2: Eva  Frankie-Lee  Ralph  Edward  Ryan  Luna  Freddie  Lucas  Poppy  Aurora  Sienna  Willow  Peggy  Holly-May  Tom (15)

Year 3: Ayesha  Rachel  Eleanor  Aston  Amelie P  Oscar  Muskan  (7)

Year 4: Shanzay  Faith  Dalia  Dominik  James  Andrew   Isabelle  Darren  (8)

Year 5: Poppy  Theo  Rose  Connor  Carter  (5)

Year 6: Florrie  Johal  Katie  Matthew Mc  Keke (5)

Looking to recruit a swimming coach

We pride ourselves that every child at BPS has the opportunity to take part in swimming lessons in the summer term.

We are looking to recruit a swimming coach or company that would like to work with us. 

If you know of a fully qualified and insured coach/company who may be interested, please direct them to Mrs Scott in the admin team so that we can start preparing our arrangements for the summer term.   or call 01932 403 116

144 Club

144 is the school-wide times table club which helps embed times table knowledge fot the children as they move up through the school. There is a national check for the children in Year 4 which test them on their ability to recall times table facts in under 5 seconds. Thereafter, times tables become more important as the children move up through the school, as they underpin the children's understanding of most of the mathematics curriculum e.g. fractions, division etc.

To ensure the children remain on track with their tables they begin working on improving their scores each week as part of the 144 club. The different levels are aligned to the National Curriculum program of study expectations for each year group and Year 2 are our most recent year group to begin working on it. So far 8 children have joined the 144 club in Year 2 and are moving on to begin work on the next times tables. Well done!

144 Club poster.pdf

Let's Read Charity

It was lovely to meet Suzie from our local charity in Woking called Let's Read ( 

She visited Year 2 this week to speak to the children about the joys of reading.

A huge thank you to this fabulous charity for gifting each Year 2 child a new book to take home.

To find out more about this wonderful local Woking charity, click here.

Autumn House Point Winners

Well done to SSS House for winning the most House Points this Autumn term.

1st Eagles:         2678 points

2nd Kestrels:    2398 points

3rd Falcons:      2336 points

4th Hawks:        2166 points

Do you know how to earn house points???

Be kind               Be polite            Be helpful            Do your best     Show confidence/resilience     Use great manners                            Hold the door                         Share                                Involve others in your games         Do extra learning at home

reading tips from year 5!

Here are Year 5's top tips for reading during the Christmas holidays!


"Reading for pleasure gives children the opportunity to use their imagination to explore new ideas, visit new places and meet new characters. Interestingly, reading for pleasure also improves children's well-being and empathy. It helps them to understand their own identity, and gives them an insight into the world and the views of others." -Oxford Owl

Here are some book recommendations for Reception!


Courses for Parents - Support to Understand Young People's Needs


There are a range of fully funded (Free) CACHE accredited Level 2 qualifications available to help better understand some key issues around young people's mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications that may help with developing careers.


Please see below information on structure, criteria and how to express interest:


Course Information/Structure:

- Online E Learning Platform.

- Have a full 6-20 weeks to complete the course

- Assigned your own login details, can log in and out when you please

- Assigned your own tutor who will support you throughout and mark your work

- No Exams or Essays. All Q&A based. 

- Can complete as many as you would like, just one at a time. 

- Gain a Level 2 awarded certificate upon completion (GCSE Grade C equivalent)


Minimum Requirements to access the course:

- Aged 19 or above

- Not currently on a Government funded course (inc Apprenticeships) 

- Has been in EU/UK for the past 3 years


Subjects Available:



More Subjects Available: 


If you wish to find out more, please complete the following link and they'll be able to give you a call and talk you through how it works: 

If you would like a phone call regarding these Free Online Courses, please make contact with the following details: - 020 3923 4014

Parent Volunteers Wanted!

We requested some volunteers for the sensory garden - thank you to everyone who sent a response. My google forms currently have an issue which the IT support team are trying to fix - once this is completed I should be able to contact everyone (or I may need to create a new link!). 

barracudas christmas holiday camp

Multisports Woking 

Chertsey Museum Christmas holiday activities

woking symphony orchestra family concert

Ultimate Coaching - After school Boys and Girls football

Byfleet village football club - girls football 

Next Thing Education - Christmas Tech Camp


CODE CAMP - MINEcraft and 3D Camps

Class Assemblies 

Class Assemblies for 23/24 will take place on the dates below from  8.55 - 9.20 in the main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about.      

Friday 9th February - Year 5

Friday 8th March - Year 2            Friday 22nd March - Year 4

Friday 17th May - Year 1              Friday 21st June - Reception

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here. 

To view our 2024/25 term dates, please click here.