Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • It was lovely welcoming our children back to school this week. We hope you are well rested and ready for the busy term ahead. A big welcome to some new children who have joined Byfleet this week too. Our new Reception children in Rainbow class enjoyed their first days and we were impressed at how well they settled.

  • Homework matrixes have been added to your child's Google Classroom. Their curriculum overviews outlining what they will be learning about this term, will be sent home next week (and also added to our website), along with their spelling overview for this term. Follow link for homework matrices information

  • Breakfast Club and After School Club is available if this is something you are considering for your child. Please liaise with Mrs Sopp in the school office for futher details.

What is different this term?

  • The children have seen noticeable differences since returning to school this term. Firstly, they no longer are in 'bubbles' - they are able to mix with other classes, hence the staggered start/end to the day no longer being used.

  • Children are able to complete more group activities and practical tasks and assemblies can take place with several year groups in the hall (we will hopefully move to whole school assemblies in due course).

  • One-way systems continue to be used as this has helped with congestion in the corridors.

  • We have a 'soft' start to the school day: Reception start at 8.30 and all other year groups at 8.35 with the official start of the day being 8.45. Reception are collected at 2.55 and all other year groups at 3pm. Thank you for continuing to use our one-way system around our school site. Please continue to distance yourself from others and we encourage mask wearing during busier periods.

  • We will continue to maintain good hygiene/handwashing, additional cleaning and ensure there is good ventilation. The government is providing us with carbon dioxide devices for each class to ensure that we are able to regulate ventilation. This will be key to continue minimising risk and possible transmission. We will keep this situation under review and adjust as necessary. Our risk assessment is available on our school website.

  • Anyone displaying a potential Covid19 symptom will be required to take a PCR test (not administered at school) and isolate until they receive a negative result. Remote education using Google Classroom will be provided as necessary.

  • Staff will continue to take 2 weekly lateral flow tests each week, until further notice.

  • If you wish to speak to the class teacher, they will be available at the end of the school day at collection time. Alternatively, you may email Please liaise with Mrs Sopp or Mrs Creswick in the office for any general queries, and they will happily assist you. If you are attending a meeting in school, we would request that you wear a face covering.

Minimising Risk

  • Your support over the last 18 months has been appreciated. We are not out of the woods yet. Please help us by ensuring your children are tested if they have any symptoms. If you are unsure and would like advice, please contact the school for advice. We will do everything we can to minimise disruption to education.

  • In the updated guidance, you may have heard that children under 18 years and 6 months, do not have to isolate if someone else in the household has tested positive for Covid19. However, please know that the guidance recommends that all members of the household should have a PCR test and receive a negative result (providing it is negative - isolation is not needed). This is also the case for fully vaccinated adults.

  • If you, as a parent/carer, have tested positive but your child is negative and attending school, you would need to ensure another carer/relative escorts your child to and from school. If you test positive you should not be on school site - even outdoors.

  • In many ways it feels as though we are all finally making progress and moving on from Covid19 however it has not gone - and we must not be complacent. We are adjusting to some sense of normal cautiously and be assured we are monitoring the situation carefully.

  • I am very proud of our community - children, parents/carers, staff and governors - and how we have worked together through recent times. I am confident we will have a lot to celebrate this year, and I look forward to our continued success together.

Rotary Swimathon

A message from the Rotary Club of Woking......

On the 10th October we will be holding the annual Woking Swimathon at the Pool in the Park, Woking, raising funds for local charities.

It is a non competitive fun event made up of teams of up to 6 swimmers who take it in turn to swim just one length at a time. It isn't necessary for each swimmer to swim the same number of lengths but on average each swimmer does approx. 10-20 lengths during just under 1 hour. Each team member gets sponsorship for the teams total number of lengths swum, anything up to 100 lengths or more.

Each team member who takes part will be given a commemorative medal. Several local schools normally take part in the event, sometimes entering more than one team.

If you think that any particular year groups at Byfleet Primary School would be interested in participating in the event, please arrange this via your class Whatsapp groups and keep us informed so that we can do a 'shout out' for our children.

For any further information, please contact our chief organiser Terry Smith MBE on 01483 762832 or:

Keith Tatlock, The Rotary Club of Woking on 01932 349803

Daily Reading and Phonics

  • A new phonics reading approach is being trialled at Byfleet this term and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are currently being assessed by their teachers to ensure they are provided with 3 reading books a weeks that are at the appropriate level for their reading phase - please bear with us in the coming week as we finalise this, before we send home phonics books. Phonics phase reading books will be sent out shortly for you to read daily with your child at home.

  • Children in Year 3 - 6 will already have a book(s) to read daily as part of home reading. Please could you ensure daily home reading is being recorded in their diaries (year 3 - 6 are old enough to write this independently) and Reception - Year 2 adults may help their children to record this.

  • We have introduced a new 'daily reading reward system' as a whole-school approach to further encourage daily reading and instill a love of reading for our pupils. Further details will be sent out in our next newsletter.

Reminders for Arrangements for the start of term....


  • ‘Soft start’ from 8.30 for Reception and 8.35 for Year 1 - 6, where children may enter their classroom independently and carry out morning challenges, with an official school start at 8.45, when the register will be taken. All children arriving after 8.45 will be marked as 'late' so please be punctual.

  • Reception end at 2.55pm and all other year groups end at 3.00pm.

  • Reception, KS1 and Year 3/4 - Playground drop off. Please collect from the playground at the end of the day.

  • Year 5/6 - Walk independently to their classrooms. Children will be walked out to dismiss them from double gates at the main entrance at the end of the day.

  • Please continue to adhere to our one-way system, through the double gates and exit via the single pedestrian gate.

Extended Day Clubs

Bookings for our extended day clubs are open from 1st September 2021. From this date you will be able to make bookings for Autumn Term 1.

Pencil Cases

  • Children in Year 1 - Year 6 are to please bring in a pencil case for their personal stationery.

  • Please include the following items: HB pencil, rubber, sharpener, 15cm ruler, yellow highlighter, purple biro pen, glue stick, black white board pen.

  • If you wish, you may also provide your child with their own colouring pencils however we will provide a generic stock of resources (rulers, scissors, pencils, handwriting pens, white board pens and erasers etc.)

Book Bags

  • School book bags are to be used by Reception and Year 1 and Year 2.

  • Other year groups may continue to use these however if Key Stage 2 children would like to use their own bag, please ensure that it is a small sports bag that will fit on a hanging peg. No oversized bags or handbags please.

  • Please keep items brought into school to a minimum.

  • Please keep reading books and diaries inside their maxi-school bag within the book bag.

  • New maxi-school bags will be issued upon return in September. These will be used to store reading materials and reading diaries, which should please be brought into school each day as it is important that our children read at home daily and record their reading.


  • A healthy piece of fruit or vegetable or cracker (similar to a mini-cheddar) for Year 3 - 6. Reception and KS 1 will continue to be provided with a healthy piece of fruit or snack in school.

  • No unhealthy snacks to be send in please i.e. crisps, pastrami or Mr Kipling mini cakes/biscuits. We are going to work very hard on promoting healthy food and drinking water in school in 2021/22 so please support us with this.

PE Kits

  • We have decided to continue allowing our children to wear their PE kits on their PE days.

  • On non-PE day, a full school uniform is expected please - this includes black shoes (not trainers)

  • As with school uniform, we have a PE dress code:

  • Yellow T’shirt

  • Black shorts

  • Plimsolls (indoor PE)

  • Trainers with velcro strap if unable to tie laces (outdoor PE)

  • Dark Tracksuit for winter


  • Please could parents/carers provide a bag with spare clothes that can be left on your child's peg in case of accidents

PE Timetable

  • We are aware that we sent out the PE timetable before the start of term but have had to unfortunately make a few changes, which we apologise for. Please find the final PE timetable below.

PE Timetable Sept 2021.docx


  • Information regarding clubs for this term will be sent out early next week.

  • There will be some exciting new clubs including 'Nutritional Ninjas' - please see flyer for further information.


Diary Dates

  • Monday 6th September - Spring born Reception children start

  • Wednesday 8th September - Summer born Reception children start

  • Wednesday 29th September - Individual Class Photos

  • Monday 4th to Friday 8th October - Year 6 Bikeability

  • Friday 15th October - Halloween Disco

  • Thursday 21st October - Last day of Autumn 1

  • Friday 22nd October - Bank holiday in lieu of Queen's Platinum Jubilee

  • Monday 1st November - INSET 2

  • Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th November - Parents' Evening

  • Friday 12th November - YR-Y6 - Flu Vaccinations

  • Friday 17th December - End of Autumn term

  • Tuesday 4th January - INSET 3

  • Wednesday 5th January - Start of Spring term

  • July 2022 - Y6 Residential

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

  • You will be aware of the Government's announcement of an extra Bank Holiday in June 2022 for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which falls on Friday 3rd June - this is during half term. Consequently, schools have been allowed to reduce contact time by 1 school day to make up for this. Please note that we have chosen Friday 22nd October 2021. School will be closed on this day.

I trust that you have had a well-deserved break over the summer holidays and enjoyed spending time with your children. It is great to have the children back in school with us and we look forward to the many exciting learning opportunities we have planned for this academic year. I will continue to send out a fortnightly newsletter to communicate any updates to keep you informed and to ensure we can continue to work together in the best interest of our children and community.

We hope that the children's learning this year will be free of any Covid19 related disruptions so that we can focus on high-quality teaching and learning. Enjoy the warmer weather in the coming week and keep safe.

Kind regards,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher